Essay: On The Being Of Chaos
Note: This text has been written a long time ago and I've divided it into a book about the understanding over the self and the self carried by chaos into the underworld while living.
"Yet a holier living creature, more able to think high thoughts, which could hold dominion over the rest, was still to be found. So Man came into the world. Maybe the great artificer made him of seed divine in a plan for a better universe." [1]
"Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of fish and sea, the bird of heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts and the reptiles that crawl upon the earth." [2]
Through stories and old myths, revelation and discovery, by the event always known as the creation, we try to define and find an explanation on how man came to be and, by consequence, what the self is. And what is the self? What are our own selves? Some define it as the soul, some define it as the will, or even that the self would be a relation of despair. To pursue for the answer of the question what the self is, I am going to try to map all of its aspects through the answers for direct questions which will help me to structure the definitions and concepts to understand and investigate the self and all that is related to it. Following this methodology, I will find the definitions and concepts through the answers given to five main questions: what, who, why, when and where. Once we have these definitions, the combination of these answers will help us to shape an objective understanding that will form the knowledge over the self and identify the external factors related to it.
The question what describes the existence of something, the concept of it is or to be in definition. It is the main concept as one self need to know what they are, and what they are, supposedly, is presented in physical matter and realized in abstraction, the soul. The questions who and the why are the most interesting of the questions because they are more related to the soul and associated externally with the self which stress on the self their conception of everything as well as their relations and a conscious understanding of the known and the unknown. Finally, the questions when and where are more concrete as it determines in time and space the surge of the self and the reality around it, which in our case means to track down the time a developed human being starts to develop, to realize and use the most perfect gift a human being receive from God.
The corelation between the answers of the questions what and why are the central purpose of the identification of the self defining what it actually is and why does it exists, what is its purpose or its meaning. The corelation between the answers of the questions what and who is not to address specifically who was responsible for their development and formation to one self in matter as it is evident. It is to stress the one who gave to the woman the privilege of creation. The responsible for the creation of the figure of feminine, an adult woman female being one of the two human categories defined in matter by the ultimate order of nature and God, in their body given that defines the mother. The answer of this question is to think on the creator of the very order that creates the impulse for everything else to be what they are. It is the infinite loop of questions addressing the root cause of its own answers, finding the things as they are and that leads us to the realization of an order of development of all things that always leads us to our own ignorance, to the unknown, forcing the lover of wisdom to see their own limits.
The question when comes to our discovery in order our own selves by the metric that determines the state of existence of beings and things, our abstract realization that reveals the path between life and death, past, present and future. It is the realization of a linear existential unjust corrosion of what the self was, to what the self is and to what the self will be in its own matter that reveals their own nature to decay.
The question where defines the reality realised by the self in the physical space that it makes itself present in this world that conditions its very initial existence and form but not limiting the self to it. A part from its location physically, the physical aspects of the existence of the self complements all the concepts that surge from its understanding. For example, heritage and lineage expresses the intimacy between selves, a close relation with other self that creates an inner bound above all other relations with exception of God. Or, an external bound, as the expression of a collective identity as their tribe or nation that is based on the identification of a corelation between individuals who share the same morals or way of life.
These four questions of why, who, when and where are linked to what to contribute to the entire definition of the self, as well as it contributes to intention, will and action of the self that will determine experiences, morals, values, passions, vices and prejudices. It determines the interpretation we will have of everything and everyone, thus, direct affecting the society and the self behaviour within it. In the first part of my analysis I am going through what, who and why, but when and where is being more explored in the book that surged from this essay.
The what is more objective because it is the foundation that allows the individual realization in what something is in itself in matter: the material mind as the brain, and its body needed for its life. And this dependency on the material is what creates for us the condition to enjoy the second element of the self as the capacity to think and to understand determining the purpose of the perfect gift from God, the free will. To think is the capacity of the self to create a representation in the abstract of their existence in the physical, awareness of the composition of the self, and everything that surrounds them enriched by the support of all physical senses the self have at their disposal through the self own body. The body then became a natural tool that allows the very existence of the possibility of the self. If that is not so, then the majority would not fear death nor all would be limited by it. The body is conditioned to allow the soul, as the soul is conditioned to allow the body, and this intrinsic relation, once described as a despair, is the third part of the self. These three pillars identified as the body, soul and the relation of both guarantees both existence and describes the foundations of what the self is.
The body as it is given and as it develops in the order that it is ordered to develop, reflects one self material existence by the man and woman who conceived them. Consequentially, the material body is going to carry on their conceivers physical appearance in familiarity on their own image or their own body composition, enhancements and limitations. So, the material part of the self is intrinsically linked to those who conceived them, and one may learn how to deal with these limitations that may improve their capacity of understanding themselves, or may be stuck in a swamp of conformism by absorbing the vices from those who conceived them limiting themselves by their physical or psychological limitations. Our body in the most fundamental sense is a natural tool of our mind which without it, at first, the mind cannot survive. At second, through advance of the knowledge over our bodies towards the goal to maintain life, we indeed can replace whatever is needed by artificial body parts or even by removal of its own parts. As well argued by Aquinas, there is nothing wrong or hateful in the removal of a limb for health' sake. The goal is always to preserve the human life in order to give continuity to the existence of free will.
Now, thought defines our soul. The individual capacity to realize, orderly think and create a conscience of everything that surrounds one self and their own existence. The self structures what beings and things are in its existence by identification to give the self the base of what is to understand. Through this identification and understanding the self is able to combine it with an order that is created between all that exists with the aim to categorize. Thus, to categorize is already to express an understanding over what has been identified and to create a new identity for the categorization itself resulting in an aggregate of understandings that sums to the self own knowledge and realization. Thinking and understanding then are the consequences of our capacity of free will and to reason, and all the characteristics to what can constitute our concepts and definitions, in what is to one self good and evil, in defining things and beings by what they are in matter. It is the example of the capacity of identification in our thoughts and expressing it externally in the act of one to communicate to another through language or forms made by the body.
We can define what things are in order to think, to express, and to register everything including the very words that you can understand in this text because you and I share this knowledge over this specific language. Agus sin é an fáth nach dtuigeann tú é seo. Ou, a incapacidade de alguns de entender essa simples frase. In the Bible, in the chapter of Genesis, Adam is compelled to define everything that surround him because without this identification and information structure, without this act to give the name, he cannot structure his conscience, understand his surroundings, and later survive. Identify the wild beasts that are there, or identify the trees including those present in the middle of the garden, that represents the forbidden knowledge. All these elements here defined by the body or by the thought are fundamental to the answer of what.
The definition of free will as the perfect gift is to determine something as given by someone, and in this case, by God. This is called as gift intentionally because free will is handed over to the individual self for self-determination, which makes the self, the individual, the one human being, the perfect creation in existence by God. Note that to be the perfect creation does not mean to be an eternal good, the eternal good is only God as it is the known and the unknown that explains existence in its very act of existing, and following Cicero reason it would be the unknown source of the known beginnings. Eternal here means continuously, to be pre-determined to be always and only good. Neither the self can be good by its own, thus, our perfect gift set us loose without direction where the standards set for and by one self may interfere and violate the existence of another. In our existential foundation we are the beings of chaos, of disorder. This is because free will means to determine one self to be against the order of things and beings as given and ordered by God. To be against the order does not mean to destroy it, it also means to divert it from its natural course that could lead or not to the basic principle of what is good and evil.
Moreover, the capacity that the self have to identify and understand accumulates and improves through time and it is saved in its memory. First, it is expressed in abstraction as the self have to represent within their own capacity to think about something that was already thought in the past. We consult in our own beings the memories of what has been lived or learned, what has been reasoned or proved in matter or experiences. Second, when the thought thought is written down in matter, in order to structure it and everything that surround the individual, it contributes to the expansion of epistemology that comes hand in hand with aesthetics. Two examples of this relation between these two branches can be seem, first, during the chants on middle ages where music echoed the knowledge that was passed through generations representing each one's lessons and experiences. An event that shows how accurate was the description of the beautiful nymph Echo showing the beautiful elements that led to the mythological explanation of its own existence. It shows the aspects of the figure of the timid feminine repeating the last word as punishment, that helps us to understand how the beauty and attraction present in the feminine helped knowledge to pass by the word of the mouth in form of music and memory. The second example can be seem in the discoveries that we found from the past when primal men drew in caves and walls, that not only represents the expression of a rustic individual precious gift and its action, but the capacity of that primal individual to add a meaning to the representations of symbols and events, or form of living during that time through a mixture of art and language. An external memory that transcends from thought to be registered physically in matter, and conditioned to it, for posteriori.
Now, when it comes to define the individual and the self, and despite having a conscious definition of the self as I have done so far, some individuals still struggle today because they struggle in the desire to understand it, not in the understanding of it. They struggle because they want to reject all the knowledge learned over time as an act to revolt, because they own this gift that makes possible the very act to revolt. If when we structure the information we are putting an order in our conscience about everything that surrounds us, then nothing will impede the simple act to disorder it, not because it is a dispute of a concept that will lead to improvement, but because it is the act to destroy conscience towards chaos. It is the consequential cause within our perfect gift that makes us what we are, the perfect creation with power to understand and divert the order of things. We have a blind passion to resist the conception of knowledge with the fear that it will reveal and make the self understand the self own prejudices and faults. Or, to rebel against what is set, against generations and faith that structured all the possibilities for the self to survive in the conditions that improves its existence today.
The hypocrite is an agent of chaos because they cannot proof in matter the concepts and definitions in their thoughts. One may ask, can you prove free will in matter? We are doing it right now, I wrote this text by a form of expression or I could be speaking to express my will. You are reading this text at your own will. Can you prove God existence? I will answer it in who. That is why we are conditioned to this infinite struggle that always lead one or another to the path of deconstruction, even of the self itself, and the critique of reason, even if unreasonable. The self perfect gift that allowed them the realization that two plus two equals four, the definition of an unit or the definition of the self, is the same will that can be driven to deny all of it. It is the will that intentionally wants to push everything to chaos. Not because they discovered a new knowledge over something or, may I say, beyond something, but because they will it. Beyond is to have the assumption of a mystical understanding of a thing, or the cause of a defined good in relation to it, that justifies the assertion of a concept not by the orderly reason, but by the benevolence that would justify it, even if this benevolence of theirs is malevolent to others.
The main confusion of the modern individual is to forget the fundamentals that enables him to think and to express himself. Today we watch individuals attacking their own self in matter represented by their bodies because of their disbelief in thought what they are in matter. It is the fool attempt to control what one cannot control, to define what they did not define and to direct what is not at their own will causing pain, delusion and regret. Through the self-attack, like an autoimmune disease that attacks the body defences believing it is an evil external organism, but now applied to the soul against the self, in doubting what the self body is, the thought ignores how this is the very basic foundations to sustain their doubt to doubt their own existence and what was given. The irrationalities provided by the relativization of reality corrupts and tries to drive in an unique direction the perfect gift given to man by the woman and made available by God, and send us backwards against the self own crusade to his own enlightenment to acquire more knowledge and discover more unknowns. Ideologies using a modern concept of "dialectic" became mere tools for promotion of chaos and are used to justify every single ordinary struggle faced by one self as a way to instigate any rebellion, including against the own self. There is nothing more clear in our time as the irrationality of a rebellion that aims to divide the main composition of one self in parts against each other, the body and soul. To put the mind against its own body given in matter by God in such an extreme way gives us the pure expression of what evil is and how it is promoted and spread to desecrate, not anymore the places of faith as an external place found in a specific location, but the very truthful source of faith, the self in its complete and healthy existence. The body connected to the soul in its benevolent humility to accept what is good, given, and beauty.
"…Therefore it is evident that inordinate love of self is the cause of every sin. Well ordered self-love, whereby man desires a fitting good for himself, is right and natural; but it is inordinate self-love, leading to the contempt of God, that Augustine (loc. cit.) reckons to be the cause of sin." [3]
When the self aims to deconstruct its own composition of whole, it wants to remove its given order that makes the existence of both parts, body and soul, matter and abstraction, possible. One may argue that the mind can survive without the body because it can exist with an artificial part that was created by technology. However, this argument is not denying the assistance that the soul requires to exist and express itself through the dependence on a body, natural or artificial, may it be naturally given by God or artificially created by man. Now, to ask one self if it is moral or not to hold an artificial matter in place of the body is going to be explored later in the chapter of what morality is.
Any thought that cannot sustain itself in its own premises should be condemned, not because it is forbidden to believe, but because it will forbid to believe. The self betrays itself when the self thinks against the basis of its own existence. As we have noticed by now, the perfect gift received by each individual can be canalized to goodness as well as to badness because it is by conceptualization let loose by our thoughts that gives us the very definition of the free will. Moreover, perhaps that is the warning given by G. K. Chesterton when he was describing the chapter suicide of thought in his book "What Is Wrong With The World" when he says the quote below, because here I may affirm that "what is wrong" is the understanding, maintenance and elevation of the self to understand what it is:
"There is a thought that stops thought. That is the only thought that ought to be stopped. That is the ultimate evil against which all religious authority was aimed." [4]
There is one way to stop thought, to remove its existence. It is to prevent the existence of the self itself and the perfect gift of free will by denying its own conditions to be alive and then to think. But nothing is forbid to the self de facto more than their physical boundaries, as the will is free as long as the mind and the body are healthy. Then, again, the definition of the self and the individual human being is the body, the soul and this corelation between both, the latter represented in the mind that processes and structures everything that surround one self in a way to guarantee its survival and enrich the self with few doses of sin that open their eyes to the act of realization to see that his body is naked and a naked body cannot survive between wild beasts and the environment. What have been given to one self is what defines one self, as the material of the self body and the perfect creation of God in the existence of the self soul that allows free will. The soul needs the body to stand as the body needs to soul to keep standing. When the body falls ill, the soul struggle with all the sensations and consequences of the illness that affects the body and it might be reflected in the soul. The individual can be deprived of his thought when passions, vices and pain occupies his mind according to the damage that is being caused to his body at that moment. And because of this, the body needs the soul in order to keep itself functional and in shared existence. Both pursue ways to acquire more longevity to fight against the most powerful abstraction realized by man that is beyond measure of movement for me and orders the existence of our beings: time.
At the same time I affirm here the self is based on a healthy body and soul, Kierkegaard argument of an eternal sickness of despair that defines the self as a relation would deny it. Although, a part from his insistence on despair, he defines the self as the one who is conscious and a complete self as self-conscious. I agree that self is freedom and the will drive the self towards it, but only if the self has conscience of his will, thus will can also be driven by vice or passion which consequentially will cause suffering, or, perhaps, despair. The will to let one self loose is freedom, the will to enslave your own self is chaos.
The self that wants to ignore time and the limited condition one have on its life is a delusional self. Delusional because the self lacks the humility to realize the most basic fundamental conception of life of a being, death. The ultimate limitation of the self that separate we living beings from God. The very reason that the self echoes his knowledge to others and look forward to register it through generations, so it can find more ways to innovate and expand its existence through time. And so, the sons and daughters of the self sons and daughters could one day see himself and who the self was by the mere visualization of a painting, a photo, or now, a video. Death does not forbid ones' will, it determines it's end. One can de facto pass its will to their descendants, demanding them to continue his will after his death, but the father and mother suffer the same consequence as God suffered by the perfect creation of Eve and Adam, or Jupiter over King Lycaon: the lack of control of the self owns' intention, will and action. Including to doubt and to ignore the source of its creation, or the who.
Because if there is a creation, then by who? is the question that some of the individuals do not allows them to think because they fear it or they do not accept it. Returning to the question, can you prove God in matter? Yes, and we prove it every day. First, what God is is beyond doctrines of belief or religion. Second, whenever we discover something new in science, it is something that we did not know and now we know. And even so, the order to what is now known is still unknown. It is the unknow source of known beginnings, the order of all things to be what it is in any level of granularity and which we always will be trying to understand why it behaves in the way it behaves or why it is structured in the way it is structured. Who gives the order of all things to be what they are is God.
I affirmed we are the perfect creation of God because we have this realization of what we are, of what God is, and our surroundings or all that exists. We have this most precious gift from God and which give us, and gave us, all the liberation to our survival in relation to other beings. The stronger being survives and rules because he understands and wills. Free will is the precious gift given by God because it is also the very expression that leads the self to disobey the creator, lose itself and become an agent of chaos. This representation can be seen in the serpent persuading the woman to be beyond her capacity to be by mentioning and you will be like gods. Most of the stories in the Metamorphoses we can see this element that whenever a mortal was elevated to the realm of the gods as to be a god, they were brutally punished by their mortal boundary of their mortal body, with exceptions like Heracles. And which I understand as the message that when one cross the boundary between being and gods, only disgrace and evil is going to be resulted from it. We can become being of chaos, thus we can divert the order of the things, of what God wills. It is the breaking of boundaries of what things are to its own demise, including, as I demonstrated previously, the self itself.
I understand that the concrete expression of the will to be classified as free was by the realization one self have in its own existence. It is described in the Catholic belief as the original sin which represents an act against God's will even if it was by the persuasion of the serpent, as well as it is described in Metamorphoses as the disrespect of the King Lycaon against Jupiter greatly represented when he doubts his and others belief in the presence of a god and act towards chaos, murder. We are wretched creatures as Achilles says in the Iliad, because without realizing, understanding and following the order of the things, we became agents of what is chaotic that will define what is evil, of what it should be and it is not anymore because of the human will and action intervened by whatever reason. The breaker of men.
If we use a doctrine of belief or religion, the sacrifice of Christ is the truth that we have a great probability, if not certainty, that even with a conscious self-control and moderation the self is destined to sin or to direct the self free will towards what is evil, against the order of all that exists and the redemption offered by Christ. It is to determine the standards of what is virtuous and try to drive it in a direction in accordance to God. And self-control here is not an easy task that everyone can simple accomplish, it is a forever strife of the self trying to put its soul in order. If you still think it is easy, then perhaps, you should think or remember in the challenge to meet the powerful force of Love and how it can divert you from your own path to chaos and even to the underworld or hell.
This is why the pursuit of knowledge is not an evil in itself, the evil lies in what the self is going to do with what one learns. The self may realize that he is naked and then express shame, or not. However, if we analyse the subsequent action from the creator, from God, it was the acknowledgment and punishment, but also to confirm the realization that they had, they were indeed naked, but instead of the poorly leaves, they now receive from God leather, which represents a better material than leaves, to cover their naked bodies and with more protection. The free will is let loose to go whatever direction the self wants to drive it. In the material world, of course, we are limited by what we can deal with our material body and all of our creations that allows us to do what we can do. However, in abstraction, the self will is categorized as free because it has no boundaries. It is composed by our realization of unrealistic things driven by imagination that can lead to whatever the self wills. There is no limitation to thought, as we can see in the most marvellous novels we have. And sane is the self who drives its soul to the most productive manners to structure its thought in order to keep its realities ordered and limitations clear.
The self that understands itself in the concepts that sustains the fundaments of its very existence, in the magnificent capacity to think, realization of his material body given, and is humble to the realization of space, time, algebra and that things are what they are, is a self determined to a greatness of its own. Note, greatness here does not means riches, fame, or any trivial desire to fulfil an useless need for exposition to others to show off accomplishments. It means to enlighten of one self, greatness in its own understanding, like Socrates. This then, is part of the relation of the definition of self because it is part of the mind, the understanding. And all of this is given by the who, by the creator, by the order of existence of all things created and which we have yet to discover. The very answer for the minimal fragmentation of all things including the unknown and why it moves, appears or behaves in that way, in that direction, in that behaviour that we do not yet understand or we still need to discover.
The self can deny or be delusional of the definition of who, of God. But, this does not make the negation of it true because God is the very order of all that exists, the known and the unknown, as the driving force that defines every single thing to be what they are, to behave how it behaves and which we struggle to understand. As agent of chaos and holders of the will to understand, we will discover the truth in the existence of matters, but we are not the source of its existence. It's not because something exists at our knowledge that we dominate its behaviour, we route its existence because we understand, and we hope it behaves at the best of our knowledge. Otherwise there would be no existence of what is exceptional, of what is error, or of what is probability. Everything that we created or invented would be perfect and behave perfectly, and we know this is far from reality. That everything would be as perfect as the free will is in its existence, but it cannot be because we are not the perfect creator, we are the perfect creature created by the creator. We have the illusion that things are under our control until we lose its control. Every atheist denies God until they face death or they are put in the unexpected seconds of desperation for their lives.
The weak self is the one who denies God, and at the same time, the self cannot fully explain the causation ordered and realized by the metric of time that removes the self life as its body decomposes through time to then lose its existence. The belief in an eternal life or life after death is our fear to open our eyes and see that we are naked, our fear to accept our miserable reality. It is the same fear that made the surge of the Greek gods, to the underworld, to hell. It is the consolation of a soul afraid to understand, to be humble and to have full conscience of the unfair limit put on one self. The same one who believes in an eternal soul floating as spirits through everywhere cannot find a concrete proof of its existence, because it does not exists. In fact, a floating free will without the means to materialize their will would be more a purgatory where you became an eternal watcher seeing everything that is evil and unfair powerless to change its course or to contribute to a better cause. To see loved ones to be caught by the unexpected evil, and be able to do nothing more than watch. Even the Greek gods are not capable to restrain themselves in watching mortals butchering each other and they intervene in the battles of Iliad by pity of their favourites, to favour their worshipers, to drive its will even knowing that what is to be and to happen cannot be changed, or, that an action of a god cannot be changed by another god.
Only when a self have full conscience of their existence and boundaries, even if this conscience is forced to the self by the experience of close death, the self will have a chance to realize the "who." A question that many want to ignore by vanity and arrogance, by behaving exactly as what was portraited in the Greek mythology and the Bible through the desire to be a god, and because they do not have a plausible answer. The big bang theory or the agglomerate of chaos involved by a membrane, like a woman womb, described in Metamorphoses is limited to explain and imagine how everything began while every single thing needs to have a physical order to be what exactly it is, to collide two things or to labour the chaos, and how it behaves. If it is then it needs to have a creator to be what it is, to be where it was. And here again we remember Cicero by asking what is the source of that beginning? And we, then, through a doctrine of belief categorize it in our metaphysical as LORD God, the creator of all things, the one who dictates the order and behaviour of all things and beings, the known and the unknown.
"I [Jupiter] gave a sign that a god had come, and the common people turned to their prayers. Lycaon began by mocking their piety; then he said, 'Is it a god or a mortal? I'll settle the matter by using a simple test. There will be no doubt where the truth lies.' His plan was to make a sudden attack in the night on my sleeping body and kill me. This was his chosen method of proving the truth." [5]
Now, even the self will classified as perfect creation of God is destined to have their own faults. Murder was not god will, but Lycaon free will has chosen this method to prove his will. This is because the definition of the individual self as the perfect creation of God is in relation to the capacity of the self to realize the world in its surroundings and self-determine its own will. It does not mean that the self will is, or will be, perfect. The perfection is in the creation of this realization given by free will, not by what the will wills. Therefore an individual self is limited to the restrains of the being, and all the faults that exists by the boundaries that limits them and defines the self existence. And because what the will wills is imperfect by our faults that leads us to vices and prejudices, every individual self will struggle with their own why.
When the self ask why, the self is looking for its meaning, for its purpose of existence. The justification of why a being exists at all or why everything exists in its own way. Those who understand the answer to who will realize their realities as is based on logic, while those who deny the answer to who will struggle with reality itself by denying it. It is convenient to someone to deny a reality imposed by truth based on will of God while causing suffering to others because it does not cause suffering to their own self. It is the disconnection from reality that comes hand in hand with distance from the responsibility of being the source of all suffering by being an agent of chaos. The self who want to show a displaced compassion for trying to help someone in need are the same who are supporting the ideas that are destroying and pushing these unfortunate selves to the need. As I already noted and in order to understand one self meaning, the self have to realize two major facts: its unequivocal existence is restricted and measured by time that defines the nature of being a being, and its humility to be a lover of wisdom.
The realization of the self own existence and its humility to accept their boundaries given by nature and by God is what will drive its will towards the struggle of a meaningful meaning. A meaning cannot be based on the simple act of existence without free will driven by vices and passion like a drug addict who does not determine its own will, but let its will enslaved by an uncontrolled desire to the feeling of satisfaction in the mere act of consumption that never satisfies their need. From free will to an enslaved will is the strife of every self. In this case, addiction of destructive behaviours removes our humanity when it enslave our will. And this is why I qualify meaning as struggle, and not as mere pursuit of happiness, thus, the addict is addicted because the addiction gives him the momentaneous happiness and satisfaction that needs to be stimulated over and over again at the point that it loses the control of self-determination to the determination of keeping themselves addicted. The very moment his source of happiness ends, he finds himself lost in the pursue of the source of his own happiness. Different from addiction that looks into looking for the same source again and again, meaning is a forever chase adapted to each individual and that changes with circumstances as we all are perfect creations with our own differences and individualities that will create unique scenarios of our own lives. This is also why the individual is unique and fair to itself, while the collective is coercive and unfair to its members.
"The idle man who lives on empty hope
And has no way to earn his living, turns
His mind to crime: hope is not good for him
Who sits and gossips when he has no job." [6]
The understanding that the self lifespan have an intrinsic end will make the self work harder in order to enlighten the self, to be and to act, in order to make what is necessary to collaborate with those who surround them. It is to understand that our simple, just and orderly actions sums up and contribute to an overall good, not that pursuing an unrealistic overall good justifies our unjust acts. The myth that God laboured hard for six days, resting in the seventh and making it holy by a reason was to give us a direction of what is to be virtuous. There is a need for major effort and major effort deserves rest because rest is the nature of beings and it enables the self to continue with his labour through the time that was given. And so, the activity that we should do ourselves to contribute with others, voluntarily and free, aggregates to part of our meaning as it adds and enables to the other parts. Work is the relationship that one self has with others in what we define as social beings, providing them and ourselves with whatever we do need. This activity then is added to the broad concept of work that will build in us whatever we need to do to be able to allow ourselves to be prepared to a major encounter that much aggregate in another part of our meaning, the encounter with Love.
A self without the chance to find Love, to be a lover and to be loved, is an incomplete self because it will simple disappear with given time. Thus, the product of Love is to be in heaven with someone who, as your own self, want to become one and express this sentiment in the continuity of your own beings. A continuity that will transcend in the result of an entire new living being carrying your own images as well as open to absorb all of your knowledge. It is the alignment of two free wills, now driven through their own sacrifices as one will for the good of the two selves. It is the continuity of life, our weapon to fight time through generations that can contribute to the survival of this perfect gift given to us. And to be clear, love is not the mere act of satisfying your own self like an animal given to pleasures of the flesh, like a hyena jumping in a dead body to eat it as much as it can. This desire of the flesh that much happen today is raw lust. Everywhere where we see today the word "love" in propaganda or parades, change it in your mind for "lust." The dirty desire of the flesh that will never satisfy a wicked self and that can easily drive one to chaos, or to underworld and hell, not in death used as punishment to try to order our own selves, but alive as a purgatory to destroy your own self and to scar your own soul. It is to let your own self body to be carried by the stream of corruption like the Styx without the free will to swim against it. Socrates greatly stated that a human being who is driven by physical attraction to satisfy itself without self-discipline and self-control is not different from a wild beast doing the same to satisfy its needs.
And even if you find your own self in this stream of corruption, in the void of darkness or in the underworld, letting your self being corrupted part by part, like a skin disease that starts in the feet and grow up to the legs, abdomen and so on, always remember that this one life of the self belongs to the self and to nobody else. It is not because the self have put its own self in a wicked environment challenging its morality of what is good, of what is valuable, that everything is lost. There is and always will be the moment that the self can stop doing everything wrong, to do everything right. As soon as the self realize this the better. Yes, time does not forgive, it defines the past that is written in our guilt and memory, however the self free will belongs to it and only the self can decide what it will become from now to the rest of its days in life. The self have this power to stop, mature, accept, and order itself back again, to stop being a dead body floating in a stream of corruption to start being a living being in despair realizing and exercising free will to move its arms and feet to swim against the corruption and leave the underworld.
That we are the being of chaos and everyone sin is not to be an excuse to the self to keep doing what is wrong, but to remember that the self have the chance to not be the one who has a dead body being carried by this stream of corruption. To be a force for good and to spread goodness even if the self find itself in a sea of wickedness again. Even if our beloved ones, the ones who we trusted or an unexpected Love are now dead bodies being carried by this stream of corruption trying to grab us with them down to the underworld or hell. By the same time they try to grab us along with them, we, as a force of goodness, also have the chance to carry them against the stream. Of course it will depend on the circumstances as our individualities can create our own unique challenges. The self is a living being composed by soul, body and its relation and not a dead body, so it can resist and act. This force for good is to fight for life and to guarantee that the self precious perfect gift will exist through time as another part of its meaning.
The answer of these three questions what, who and why describes the essential parts of the self and its relations with its own existence. It structures what we are, our perfect gift given, who is our creator, for what purpose we are here, and why we even live. To doubt the existence of God is already to use this perfect gift of ours to rebel against everything, including what is good and just. Not because we can be unjust and evil, but because we are. We are the source of chaos and the most easy thing for a self to do is to lay down as a dead body in the stream of corruption and let its soul be carried by vices and faults, desires and pleasures, by guilty and shame, by sorrow and misery, denying the capacity of free will to swim against it. Or, as Socrates says, to surrender the soul to the physical desires and pleasures of the body at the point of only wanting the physical. A self must bravely move its arms and feet, to bravely seek order in their lives to do what is natural and orderly according to the self doctrine of belief. To know when to get the apple of knowledge and assume the responsibility of it without the shame of hiding in the busts or the arrogance in the desire to be a god, but being careful and humble to deal with it. To repent and be able to realize that you have done wrong, you have sinned, you indeed are a being of chaos and have thrown yourself in the underworld, in hell, but your own self still have a chance because it is what makes you a living being and your time has not yet come.
[1] Metamorphoses, 2014. Ovid. Penguin Classics. Page 8. ISBN13: 9780141394619
[2] Catholic Bible, 2007. Anonymous. Catholic Truth Society. Page 7. ISBN13: 9781860824678
[3] Summa Theologica Volume II English, 1911. Thomas Aquinas. Benziger Bros. Page 937. ISBN13: 9780870610651
[4] Orthodoxy, 1908. G. K. Chesterton. Dover Publications. Page 27. ISBN: 9780486843360
[5] Metamorphoses, 2014. Ovid. Penguin Classics. Page 16. ISBN13: 9780141394619
[6] Theogony and Works and Days and Elegies, 2014. Hesiod and Theognis. Penguin Classics. Page 75. ISBN13: 9780140442830
ID 130363940 | ? Oleksandr Tkachenko |
Orpheus in the Underworld by Jan the Elder Brueghel
Edited by myself