The Esoteric Meaning Of The Tree Of Life
Chukwuebuka Abazie
Entrepreneur & Research Expert | Author & Life Coach | Transformative Leadership Strategist | Product Designer
So because I’m a lover of science and techie too, I’d be elaborating with specific ideas so we can connect our minds to one consciousness.
A tree of life is a symbol of connection that clearly shows that we're all connected to source. We're all "one" no matter what area of spirituality you choose to practice, either Traditionally, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam etc. We are all one! Our ancestors were taught about spirituality centuries ago. Thier enlightenment was what guided them throughout thier years on earth. TREE OF LIFE shows the coding patterns of anchors for energy in a human body which is
1. Holy Trinity - God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
2. The Human Consciousness - Body, Mind & Spirt.
The key thing for any true believer is that everything that was created in the world comes from the mind of God, and to be able to use your discernment. Diffrent cultures have different meaning, I always talk about this a lot, if you’re a subsequent follower of my teachings you’d equally agree with me. So these 3 things are very important to God because they were created from the mind of God and also to function from the mind of God
Christian believers only know they’re Christian by going to church alone, they don’t often study the bible, only pick it up when necessary. They’re mainly religious beings that believe Jesus is the Son of God and he died for our sins but nothing about them speaks about Christ. They’re not willing to talk about Jesus to their friends and they’ll pray only when necessary. These Christians seeks validation from the nonbelievers, they are Christianly lovers of flesh. Whereas a True Believer is a spiritual being in a human body that acts, live and think like Christ, they exhibit the true beauty and wisdom of Jesus. They live with genuine love, happiness and authenticity. They pray without season, and they know that they’re not righteous and never claim to be. They are light beings that are in earth to spread the light and love of Christ to the world with wisdom & courage. They access wisdom from a higher level of consciousness, they have the fear of God and they’re ruggedly possessed with the Holy Spirit.
This is not to downplay any believer in anyway, rather to give you clarity on what it means to be a true believer of Jesus.
Many of us grew up in the church, but we never grow in Christ.
We know all the hymns, yet we don't know Him.
Make it right with God and spirituality is the only way to, hence the bible says in John 4:24 "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” ... God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Peace, love and light
Bazzy Francis.