ESMA updates MiFID II - MiFIR investor protection Q&A
On 3 October 2017, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") has published an update version of its Questions and Answers document (the "Q&A") on the implementation of investor protection topics under the Market in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation (MiFID II - MiFIR).
The update Q&A provides clarifications on the following topics:
- best execution;
- suitability and appropriateness;
- recording of telephone conversations and electronic communications;
- post-sale reporting;
- record keeping;
- investment advice on an independent basis;
- inducements (research);
- information on charges and costs;
- underwriting and placement of a financial instrument; and
- client categorisation.
Remember: the MiFID II applies from 3 January 2018 and will strengthen the protection of investors by both introducing new requirements and reinforcing existing ones.
Please follow the link below to read the full ESMA updated Q&A on the implementation of investor protection topics under MiFID II and MiFIR:
Q&As on MiFID II and MiFIR investor protection and intermediaries topics