eShuri Learning App
eShuri Services
- We offer complete online STEM and robotics programming language classes on eShuri, allowing users to take the most recent courses and progress through them at their own pace.
- Depending on the degree one subscribes to, we also offer digitalized content for studies in primary schools, secondary schools, and universities.
- Students can immediately interact with their teachers and mentors through our digitalized online classes.
- eShuri provides insights to teachers on how students are performing using data obtained from their learning journey in the system.
- eShuri is a learning tool that digitizes classroom tasks, offers learning insights, and collaborates with teachers to mentor students after school hours.
- Coderz which is a Robotic coding platform that can turn any kid into a coder and a genius in Math and Physics guru and also train them to have critical thinking.
eShuri Benefits
- Sense of belonging to a community: At eShuri we have instructional strategies like collaborative groups, sharing resources and allowing students to share resources, online discussions and teacher's videos etc.
- Virtual interactions: students will be able to see their teachers and be able to make personal connections with them.
- Well organized courses and clear expectations: At eShuri we have a clear guideline on what is required from the students, the commitments they are getting into, and how they can get support.