The ESG Show & The SWCSC present Secure South West 17 - ESG thru a Cyber Lens

The ESG Show & The SWCSC present Secure South West 17 - ESG thru a Cyber Lens

Do you ever wonder about how ESG and Cybersecurity intersect? How Cybersecurity can be at all related to ESG...? We've got the answer for you.

Dive into the world of cybersecurity governance and explore it's positive business impacts on your supply chain, the environment and society at the Secure South West 17 annual conference, ran by South West Cyber Security Cluster this year focusing on ESG thru a Cyber Lens.

With three sessions over the day it is set to be an extremely insightful and valuable day with the ability to connect with professionals dedicated to integrating ESG and cybersecurity for a sustainable future.

Here's what is coming up, oh and did I mention? It is completely free to join!

  • Session 1: The Fundamental Connection Points between Cyber and ESG

Guest speakers: Tim Parker , Marti Burgess and Durgan Cooper ? , Geoff Revill (and myself!)

This session will set the context for ESG thru a Cyber Lens. We will connect cyber governance with the societal impact of cyber (including individual privacy rights) and the environment. The aim of the session is to explore how cyber meets the real world in building management and the impacts on a businesses ESG objectives.

Join us here. This session is available to watch on replay.

  • Session 2: Let's Dive into Cyber Governance

Guest speakers: Jack Harrigan , Thomas Chartres-Moore and Thomas Harrison

This session features the keynote speech which concerns the new Cyber Governance framework (explained by the government lead on this code of practice). This changes the game when it comes to the management of risk within cyber. Plus we'll be addressing how the law, cyber and society connect with ESG objectives. This will be clarified by the BSI explaining how and where standards and certifications fit into this jigsaw of compliance.

Join us here. This session requires sign-up and is going to be broadcast via a private session on Zoom. All are welcome as long as sign-up requirements are met.

  • Finally, Session 3 will explore practical steps we can take to achieve ESG thru a Cyber Lens - this one will make it all real.

Guest speakers: Rupert I. , Kelvin Robson [LION] ?????? and Penny Jackson

The final session of the day will provide guidance on how to meet cyber governance requirements, understanding where cyber meets the environment and ultimately how the person and cyber meet in every organisation and how to manage that towards positive ESG goals.

Join us here. This session is available to watch on replay.

We invite all business owners, leaders and executivess who are interested in ESG and who need/want to understand more about the intersection with ESG, especially the new Cyber Governance code of practice. This includes all Cybersec leaders and protagonists for ESG across all sectors, now seeking to understand how cyber properly connects into their ESG support goals.

Overall, the conference is going to be full of valuable insights and is not one to miss. Will you be joining us too? I hope you will!

Michael - Techopian

