ESFA: Making our apprenticeship system simpler for employers, training providers and apprentices, Summary of Changes
LINDSAY (Apprenticeships)
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A number of improvements and simplifications to apprenticeships will come into force from August 2022
The rules are issued in draft to give providers and employers an opportunity to provide feedback on how we can make them clearer or better understood. Please email any suggestions to?[email protected]?by 24 June 2022. Following a review of feedback, we will then issue a final version of the rules in July.
Over the past 5 years apprenticeships have been transformed into a high-quality skills programme for learners and employers. Employers have created more than 640 standards to meet their skills needs, training is delivered by registered providers which are regularly inspected, and apprentices complete rigorous end-point assessment, so employers know that they are fully competent in their role.
Having reformed the apprenticeships programme, we now want to make it simpler to use for employers, training providers and apprentices themselves. To this end, apprenticeships will be further improved from August 2022.
Minister for Skills Alex Burghart said:
We have transformed apprenticeships so they offer a high-quality route into professions as diverse as engineering, healthcare, and digital for young people starting their careers, or adults hoping to retrain and upskill.
We now want to focus on making the system as simple and user-friendly as possible, reducing bureaucratic burdens on employers and providers and giving apprentices the best possible experience.
These improvements include:
More details on forthcoming changes
The changes to recognition of prior learning, off-the-job training and English and maths are due to come into effect in August 2022 and are outlined in the draft apprenticeship funding rules for main providers (August 2022 to July 2023), the draft Apprenticeship funding rules for employer-providers (August 2022 to July 2023) and the draft Apprenticeship funding rules and guidance for employers (August 2022 to July 2023).?All three documents are available on GOV.UK.
The 2022 to 2023 funding rules will apply to apprenticeships starting between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023.
View the draft funding rules in PDF format for:
Other documents
You can also view:
The rules are issued in draft to give providers and employers an opportunity to provide feedback on how we can make them clearer or better understood. Please email any suggestions to?[email protected]?by 24 June 2022. Following a review of feedback, we will then issue a final version of the rules in July.