About the ESCRS Moving Simulator Initiative
Cataract training on the Eyesi Surgical simulator. Credits: Haag-Streit GmbH

About the ESCRS Moving Simulator Initiative

In May 2023, the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) acquired an Eyesi Surgical system to provide training opportunities to residents with limited access to simulators. The ESCRS Moving Simulator will be hosted by the national ophthalmic society in different European countries. The training project started in Romania in June/July, followed by Ukraine in August, and is currently based in Austria, where ESCRS recently offered training courses at its Annual Congress in Vienna. It will remain in the country until 24 October.

Empowering Ophthalmic Excellence

While Haag-Streit Simulation has always been at the forefront of pioneering ophthalmic innovations that advance eye care globally, the ESCRS Moving Simulator initiative underscores the shared vision of elevating ophthalmic education to new standards. For over 15 years, the Eyesi Surgical simulator has redefined how ophthalmologists learn and hone their skills. The cutting-edge training system has become an integral part of the journey for aspiring eye surgeons, providing a safe and realistic environment to practice surgical techniques and refine their skills.

A Visionary Partner for Bridging the Educational Divide

The ESCRS sees the potential of simulator-based training to bridge educational gaps across Europe. One of the most compelling aspects of this initiative is the commitment to bring Eyesi Surgical to European countries with limited access to this efficient training tool. In larger European nations like the United Kingdom and France, access to simulators is relatively widespread, enabling aspiring ophthalmologists to gain hands-on experience in a controlled environment, often at little to no cost.

However, this privilege has not been equally accessible to all. Smaller countries and some regions in Eastern Europe face significant challenges in procuring simulators due to the substantial initial investment required. This glaring gap in access to advanced ophthalmic training has prompted the effort of the ESCRS to provide a solution.

Featuring a close-to-life interface and a very realistic simulation of tissue behaviour in real time, the Eyesi Surgical simulator offers a higly immersive training environment. Credit: Haag-Streit GmbH/Lachnith.

Travelling Across the Continent

The journey began with the first simulator making its way to Romania in June, followed by a four-week training program in Ukraine in August. This marks the beginning of a transformative training initiative that aims to support residents across the continent. Each simulator will remain stationed in one location for at least four weeks, with the possibility of extending to eight weeks, depending on each country’s specific needs and demand. Currently, the simulator is in Austria at the Association of Austrian Ophthalmologists headquarters in Vienna. Next stops will be Serbia and Greece. The aim is that the ESCRS Moving Simulator will travel to six or more countries per year, visiting each country every other year, based on need.

Customized Training Curriculum

In close collaboration with the ESCRS, Haag-Streit Simulation has developed a customized curriculum for the Moving Simulator initiative, featuring cataract training tailored down to an eight-hour training program, delivered in two four-hour sessions. An instructor is available for 15–20 minutes of the first session to help the trainee get oriented and answer any questions. The emphasis is on basic cataract skills like anti-tremor tasks, bimanual coordination, and basic phacoemulsification steps, while some modules for more experienced surgeons are also incorporated.

The Eyesi Surgical training system offers trainees a detailed evaluation of their performance. Credits: Haag-Streit GmbH/Lachnith

Measuring Progress, Encouraging Growth

One of the exciting aspects of the Eyesi Surgical simulator is the ability for trainees to track their performance scores, allowing them to assess their progress and compare results over time. The computer-based training system lets participants download their assessment and receive ESCRS-issued certificates, validating their accomplishments.

At Haag-Streit, we look forward to witnessing the transformative impact of this initiative as it unfolds across Europe.

More information on the ESCRS Moving Simulator initiative at: ESCRS - ESCRS Update: Moving Simulator Project and Masterclass



