#MILF, a Mom I Love to Flirt with, a Mom I Love to Fantasize about, if you're an #escort MILF the F stands for... FUN!
Just kidding, we all know what the F stands for; we aren't stupid. But we are shy, or we must be- because there is a distinct LACK of MILFs on the escort scene... and I don't know why.
Escorting is a great #job for MILFS!
And here are my top ten reasons why that claim is true. In no particular order...
- We will feel beautiful. MILFS love to dress up and go out. Dressing up and going out is a big part of escorting! We get to play glamour girl out on the town, break out that lingerie we never wear at home because it's full of wires and scratchy, put on those stilettos that are made to look better when we are laying down. Get gussied up, look in the mirror, and say "DAMN GIRL! YOU"RE FINE! I'D DO YOU IN A HEARTBEAT!". It's like that old SNL sketch with Stuart Smalley..."I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!"? Except much sexier, not cringey, and with more mascara.
- We will feel appreciated.? MILFS get taken for granted at home. We are always there, packing lunch, driving people around, cleaning up, yelling and screaming in an insomniac hormone induced love/hate rage. No one appreciates us at home unless we beg for a little crumb of gratitude. Not when we are escorts.? Clients appreciate the hell out of us. And if they don't say it in words they say it in cash; which is better than words anyway.?
- Daddy issues- cash in!? Okay ladies, who here doesn't have Daddy issues.... anybody? Anybody?? Okay, now who here DOES have Daddy issues... ALL OF US! No Way! Women who trade access to their body for money have daddy issues, what a surprise.? Shocking! Truly.? Instead of whining about it and throwing money away on therapy LET'S CASH IN LADIES. Let's MONETIZE those Daddy issues. Bask in the nourishing satisfaction of being petted and loved on by men old enough to be our dad or grandpa. Soak up all the compliments; because they are sincere. The mature gentlemen really mean it when they say we are pretty and perfect goddesses of love.? They really do want to donate to us just to rub our backs. Yesssss....Fuck it, therapy can wait til we are old and no one wants to pay to see us naked anymore.? We don't have time for that now.
- Passive-Aggressive retaliation on everybody! Remember that bitch in middle school who said your tits were too small? Remember that college boyfriend who banged your roommate while you were in the library studying? Remember that Uncle who said girls shouldn't be doctors? Remember that cousin who told you that your lips are perfect for blowjobs?? FUCK THEM. Not literally, of course, (unless they got the $$) but seriously... They're cashiers at the grocery outlet now. They have to commute to a miserable bullshit tech job in the Bay area to support a family that hates them. YOU get to look pretty and be nice in exchange for the BENS. You get to be worshiped like the Goddess you are; with gifts and cash and backrubs.? They get to be yelled at by their fat-ass spouse for forgetting the doggy poopy bag, again.? You win. They Lose.
- Become a different person! One of the BEST parts of escorting is designing your personal escort brand.? Mild mannered PTA mom during the day. Breathtaking Femme Fatale at night.? You get to do that which you were never allowed to do before. Pick a name. Pick a persona, design the sweltering sultry sex bomb of your dreams from the ground up.? AND... AND...then you get to BE THAT PERSON!! It's freaking amazing!!! We get to flick a switch and transform from MILF to GODDESS.? We get to have a little bag packed with all our whore-stuffs; and at a moment’s notice fuck off from our daily lives and become someone else. A someone that we designed. So much power....delicious, seductive, power....
- Make cold hard cash! GOD I LOVE MONEY! Don't you? Hell yea.? I love making a bunch of money doing what I used to give away for free.? And it's my money now, bitches.? I can share it, or I can hoard it, or I can buy frivolous stuff with it. MINE! Usually I use it to pay bills, or spend it on my kids... but I don't HAVE to. I could save it all up and spoil myself with fancy expensive geegaws. Or a one way ticket to Monaco. Or just be able to get my botox before my forehead looks like a motocross course.
- Take beautiful pictures of yourself. Remember glamour shots, ladies? Those fancy photo studios from the 80's and 90's, when we really loved hair-bows and perms. Well, I never was allowed to get glamour shots, because those were for hussies. Besides, the closest thing to glamour shots in my hillbilly town was old man Sammy's basement "studio." That used to be my sad story, but not anymore.? When we design our new personality we get to photo document how mind-blowingly hot we are- all in the name of advertising. "I hate looking at pictures of myself" is something I hear a lot of from MILFs that I consult in this business.? My response is, "Get over it. Clients love looking at our pictures, stop being so self-conscious. It's annoying. You're hot." Like Zero Mostell in "The Producers" says. "That's it Baby, flaunt it. FLAUNT IT!"
- Write off your gym membership, botox, and hair appointments. Look, I'm not a tax accountant. But I do know that I don't feel pretty unless my body is toned and I look good. And if I don't feel pretty I can't do this work.? So that means that the stuff that makes me feel pretty is a work expense, and I can deduct it from my income.? Not to mention all the shopping, shoes, panties. Yea- we can make this a net zero business-I'm getting my refund this year.
- Intrigue everywhere you go.? "Why is that guy staring at me like that? Does he recognize me from my ad?"? You will think to yourself while standing in line at Costco. "Oh, if you only knew what I was doing an hour ago." You will bemuse with a sly smile at football practice.? "Should I tell that hot dad at church that I'll give him a discount if he wears that v-neck sweater?" These are just examples of the internal dialogue that will provide you with endless entertainment between your ears as you make your way through your mundane day-to-day MILF-life. As and intrigue addict myself it is fun, irresistible and very satisfying
- Work through your sexual trauma. Who here has sexual trauma? Ladies? Yes! Oh Daddy issues and Trauma! We have a double winner!? Surprising yet logical- sex work is a great way to work through sex trauma and heal ourselves.? I'm not a psychologist, so I can't explain why.? But I do know firsthand that this statement is true.? Escorts that I mentor have echoed this sentiment.? I believe that sex work is a valid way to process the pain and traumatic experiences that MILFs keep behind closed doors, deep in their soul.? Unfortunately, sex work is also a great way get new trauma.? That's why it's important to have an agent or a mentor.? When I started as an escort I was alone.? No one gave me a guiding hand, I figured it out by myself. That's great for my ego, but not so great for my psyche.? I found new sex trauma. Now they are hilarious and ribald stories to shock acquaintances on airplanes; but in the moment those experiences were scary and dangerous.? IT'S IMPORTANT TO HAVE SOMEONE WATCH YOUR BACK. That's what I am here for ladies.? If this blog has convinced you to take the next step towards your financial freedom HIT ME UP! My rates are reasonable, and the coaching pays for itself.? You can learn this shit the hard way, but you don't have to. TEXT ME 775.773.6393 and learn how we can OWN this town together.? Be the mysterious queen of seduction that you know you are...deep, deep, down inside.
o levels b,a,c,a at arbroath academy
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