Escaping Reality Finding my Voice
The Authors' Porch
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Tell us a little about yourself
I spent her childhood in and out of foster homes, and spent my young adult life searching for a love to fill a void within myself. Poetry and art were my forms of escaping reality finding my true voice. Nestled away in my small cozy apartment in downtown Morgantown, WV, I spend my free time sipping on a cup of coffee, being artsy with my two children, and getting lost in the night sky.
Why Do you write?
I started writing when I discovered I was better at expressing myself through written word. I started writing because I could be myself without judgment - I can be wild, imaginitaive and care-free. Most importanly, I am able to be brutally honest with myself and with my readers. I have a strict policy to always be honest when writing. I honestly couldn't have picked a better way to fully express what I hold deep within.
What genre do you write and Why did you pick this genre?
I write from a personal point of veiw, realistically. My genre, if any, would be labled as melencholy. I didn't choose this way of writing rather it chose me. I have tried my hand at many other forms but I always seem to fall back in line. Now, if we are speaking of genres as in novel, short story, plays, poetry ect... I started out writing plays at a young age. Not long after, poetry found it's way to me. I fell madly in love with the freedom that came with poetry, and the inspiration that rooted from sadness. The connection with emotion formed into words. It is magical!
Tell us about your book
I am in the works of a trilogy. This trilogy is about my life, my struggles, ghosts, heartbreaks, etc... Showing the ways I come to terms with these trials, and trying my best to move forward with my life. (The third book to this trilogy is in the works.) The third book that I posted here is a poetry prompt book I wrote with my best friend. We wanted to help people find their voices and find a love for writing through poetry.
How much time do you dedicate to your author career?
I try my best to dedicate my time when I am free from school, caring for my children and work. It is a hard career to juggle but it is one I do hope to eventually make my only career. Even if it doesn't become anything I will never stop finding the time and peace to write.
How long on average does it take you to write your books?
I take roughly a year for each book. This gives me time and new experiences to write about. This also helps give me time to dedicate promotion equally to each book release.
What is the best money you have ever spent on your author career?
$10 tops! I know that is a low price and sounds pretty cheap. However, by spending only $10 to join my local artwalk... I sold out of books and made more money in one day than I could have ever imagined making. Which was greatly needed, and went right back into funding my newest book release.
What is the most difficult part of being an author?
Quiet! Finding peace and quiet is one of the most difficult quests. I cannot write with distractions. Also, being too much in my head. Overthinking and reliving certain moments from the past. It can be both good and bad for my mental well-being
What is the best piece of advice you have for other authors??
TAKE YOUR TIME! Do not rush the words. Do not force yourself to meet certain deadlines. Live and be within your writing. Look up words in the dictionary and play around. Join in on poetry prompts. I promise they are fun and a good learning experience. TAKE BREAKS! If you find yourself stressed and anxious know that it is okay to step away. Only you can allow yourself to be pushed so far. You do not want your poetry to be anything further from your truth. Meaning, do not let others force your hand to write about things or in ways that do not sit well with you. Try not to force certain emotions and ways of being to get a few lines/words out. Your mental health and safety matter more than a poem that may only be popular for a day. REMEMBER why you started writing. Find a way to Escaping Reality Finding my Voice but in your own way. NEVER let your ego get the best of you. You may be a good writer but, we all have our styles and ways. Maybe, some are better at getting their emotions out grammatically. Maybe, some write shorter while others are lengthier. All in all, we are all writers with much to say. Poetry is exactly that. Emotion in all its uncensored and incredibly messy glory.
What is your favorite book?
Of mine? I would have to say, 'Ghostly Blues'. Of another author? I truly enjoyed reading, 'The Lovely Bones. Also, I cannot forget about, 'The Alchemist'. I fell in love with 'The Alchemist' within the first few chapters. An absolute MUST read!
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