Escaping the 'Egregious Eleven’
A belated thanks to anyone who read my last blog Living the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Cybersecurity published back in August. The State of Security editor was pleased to inform me that even by September it had received over 2000 visits, which is all rather encouraging for a very part time, hobbyist blogger such as myself. My thanks also to everyone who took the extra time to share it or who passed on positive feedback, much appreciated.
I have a brand new blog published on Tripwire's always worth visiting State of Security today. It takes a look at the ‘Egregious Eleven’ of threats to cloud computing, as defined by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). There's still an awful lot worth discussing and considering about the CSA list and so this blog will be published in two parts for busy readers. Do please visit the State of Security and read Escaping the Egregious Eleven – Part One here.