No escape velocity
Weather issues around the Black Sea are widening – but are not yet enough to lift prices much.?
Most Australian winter crops will likely have sufficient soil moisture a week or so from now.?
The exceptions have whittled down to WA’s Esperance and SA’s West Coast.?
Australia’s new-crop pricing still likely stays in a normal-season regime.
Northern summer crop worries around the Black Seas will widen in the next week.?
We've added dry summer crops regions in Romania and Bulgaria to The Watchlist.
And the dry regions in Russia and Ukraine will expand.?
The issue is large enough to garner the market’s attention.
But it is not, yet anyway, enough to boost global prices by much.?
Some localised worries about US cotton and US White Winter Wheat remain.
#agriculture #agribusiness #Commodity #commodities #corn #soybeans #wheat #cotton
AUSTRALIA:? Normality for now
Most Australia’s crop regions will likely continue to have enough soil moisture.
Australia’s winter crop forecasts are now likely stable.?
Australia’s winter crop season is looking okay after a slow start.? Some areas still have serious moisture shortages. ?The scale of those issues though is modest. ?New-crop pricing likely continues settling into a broadly normal seasonal pattern for now.?
WORLD: No escape velocity
Dry weather concerns around the Black Sea are material.? But are likely not yet enough to put a dent in forecasts for comfortable supply.? So, the worries are unlikely to boost prices from the doldrums.?
Northern winter crops
More of the US white winter wheat region will close on yield losses in the week ahead.?
Russia’s south and Ukraine’s east face another warm and dry week.?
US white winter crop losses are likely providing a little support for wheat prices.? The losses though are unlikely to be large enough to lift prices much.?
?Northern summer crops
Summer crop concerns around the Black Sea are widening.?
Europe’s south-east has dried down dramatically in the past week.
This same weather pattern is affecting southern Ukraine.
Southern Russia is suffering similarly.
Together the three watch regions account for a material share of corn and oilseed production.?
That fact means the region’s fortunes will be on the market’s radar.?
Some US cotton regions remain on ‘watch’.?
Northern summer crops weather worries will expand this week.? The amounts at risk are likely enough to at least support regional basis.? But perhaps not yet enough to cause more than a ripple for global prices.? So, these weather worries are unlikely enough to lift feed and ‘seed prices from their 2024 doldrums.?
Southern winter crops
Argentina’s winter crop regions could do with some rain.?
Brazil’s emerging winter wheat crops have enough soil moisture.?
Southern summer crops
Southern summer crops harvesting is proceeding apace.? The chances of any market-scale weather event are now very low.? The Watchlist will resume tracking southern summer crops later this year.?