Escape the Matrix with Sheena Cantar
Sheena Cantar Gold
Leading you to a Paradigm Shift in Your Generational Health and Wealth for Body, Mind and Soul
What is the Matrix anyway??And why would you want to escape it?
Good question.....Perhaps you dont. Perhaps you like being controlled. You feel you have control. But do you find that you are even more stressed?
Escaping the Matrix is about freedom, and peace, and expansion.
?Here is my way of explaining it – now you don’t have to believe me, but don’t neglect it or reject it – you are reading this in response to some internal question you may or may not perhaps even know you asked !!???One of the things I do say is, when you read it – ask yourself, “which means what to me?”.???This is so important, because after reading this, if you do nothing different, nothing different will happen in your life.??Knowledge is not the power, it is the application.?
?Think of the Matrix like a spiders web.??And you are the fly.??The spiders web is a collection of thoughts – a thought system, designed to hold the fly in place.??
?So what happens to the fly when he lands on the web??He starts to try to fly away, and then seemingly starts to panic.??And the more he tries, the more he is caught in even more of the web, eventually nearly wrapping himself in the web.?Escape is futile.?All the while, the spider just looks on, waiting for his moment.
?I see the Matrix like this.?A web of thoughts.??Thoughts that hold you in place, and the more you struggle and fight, the more you get caught up in the whole system, and you end up exhausted.??You think there is no way out .?So you give up trying.
?And then you take on coaching and webinars and try to figure it out yourself, while being coached by people who are trying to figure it out themselves.?Some have.?Most haven’t.?So trying to figure it out yourself is like being the fly and relying on what you have always done.?Using your knowledge and experience and figuring it out in your left brain.?And what happens is , you end up even more stuck than you were before, except now you feel even worse because you know it and yet you do not have the results.???Am I right??Of course – I did it and still can get caught up in the web too !!?Even Bob Proctor would admit that he was only scratching the surface, and didn’t know.
?All that knowledge is actually helping to keep you stuck.?You are too top heavy!?You know too much.??If you know it all, that means you are in the Left Brain – logic – where experience and knowledge is just your past experience!!??This is just 2% of what you are conscious of.??2%!!!
?In Think and Grow Rich, the chapter on the Mastermind, Napolean Hill says that there are 3 forms of information – one is experience, another knowledge, and the third is infinite intelligence.??By the end of the chapter he says do not rely on your knowledge – do not rely on experience.??Change is in the unknown.?Not in the known.??
?So here we go with the unknown.??The 98% of which we are not conscious about.?That is where the answers lie.?That is change.?Relying on the 2% and logic, is just rearranging what has already been.?Which is what the fly does.?He just keeps flapping his wings and gets caught up in even more of the web.
?The right brain on the other hand is the possibility. ??And if you can imagine it then it can be yours.?Seems far fetched to the logic mind!?And this is the problem.
?We are so tied up controlling everything, we actually like the matrix, we like the web.??It keeps us safe and secure.??We like the mechanical, everything already worked out.?However, some of us, are awakening that there is more.?There is more outside the matrix of that repetitive thought – day in day out.????Now if that’s not you, then you can stop here.?No need to read any more – although I would be surprised if you got this far anyway.?And its okay.?We are all here to experience what we chose to experience.?And so we are all right in our own worlds.??
?If you on the other hand, know, just know that there is something more and you want to know what to do about it.?Then listen on…….
?In my experience, what needed to happen was an unpicking of the old thought system, one by one.?Sounds painful??Well, it had such a hold on me, and I tried to fly so many times, knowing I could but the weight of the body was so great, I couldn’t get off the ground.?Oh yes, 6 figures a year – nice one – but that’s not what I am talking about here.??I am talking about living a life of inspiration.?Of living your best life.?Of living a life that inspires others to live theirs.?Of living a life that is the grandest version of what you could imagine and then some!!
?For me it was finally listening to what Bob Proctor was telling me over 3 years.?Do exactly as he says!!?One thought at a time.?Creating a new habit of thinking and being and doing.??There was no way out.??I had to do the work. ?It was not good just standing beside him, or being coached by him.?I had to do it myself!!??It felt so painful at times that I was in such chaos inside, but with the help and support, I was able to move my way forward.??And one thought after one thought was eroded and replaced by a new program.??One that I coded myself.??Not Bob’s, not another coaches, not another mentors, but mine – all mine.??My new matrix – one that I had built for myself and continue to build upon.?
?I noticed at times, that just that one thought would have a kaliedescope effect – it would change and shift my life.?And then I would think I had it sorted !!?Yippee – only to realise, it was just one strand of the matrix that had set a piece of me free, but that I was still trapped.??And so I started again.??
?Now I realise, this is a constant life long awareness.?To keep awake and to unattach myself from any strand of the web, that causes me to think in a way that will hold me in place.
?One strand at a time, unpicking me to free me from the matrix.?Bob gave me the formula.?And now I pay attention every day.??The formula that disrupts the Matrix code.?I remember him saying that he thought it was that people hadn’t set a goal was the problem, but then he realized that, people didn’t know where they were.?They were not being honest with themselves, and that they didn’t now how – this was the problem.?That’s why people could see their goals and know they were there, but not ever reach them.?Causing even more frustration.
?If you want to know the formula that Bob shared with me.?If you have already invested time and thousands of money, and you know what to do, but are still not seeing results.??Watch this FREE webinar.??It will show you first of all how to disrupt your programming and become aware of it – it will ask you to think big, and then you will see yourself, the ceiling you have put on top of you, the thought system that is holding you down.?Just by becoming aware, means you know what to change and upgrade.?Otherwise you are working in the dark, putting new knowledge on top of old programming, just gets you more of the same.
?Then when you have watched it – ask yourself – which means what to me??What will change – remember – one strand of the web at a time – one thought at a time.?
?Find the FREE webinar here…..
?Sheena Cantar