The Escalator To Your Goals
The Escalator to your goals is...

The Escalator To Your Goals

On a journey to St. Patrick's Church, I was exiting the MG Road metro station. I began to observe that without any effort I am able to descend a floor.

This is laziness to its peak!

I am talking about the escalator. But who might be this lazy person who built such a lazy mechanism?

In 1859, a Massachusetts man was granted the first patent related to an escalator-like machine for a steam-driven unit.

On March 15, 1892, Jesse Reno patented his moving stairs, or inclined elevator, as he called it. Reno created a novelty ride at Coney Island in New York in 1895 from his patented design: a moving stairway that elevated passengers on a conveyor belt at a 25-degree angle.

In 1897, Charles Seeberger redesigned the escalator as you now know it. He coined the name "escalator" from "scala" the Latin word for steps, and "elevator" a term for something already in existence to move you upwards.

Seeberger then partnered with the Otis Elevator Co. to manufacture the first commercial escalator in 1899 at the Otis factory in Yonkers, New York.

What might have happened if this Massachusetts man didn’t come up with the idea of an escalator like machine? Would you be fit and healthy?

That answer for that is up to your imagination!!

During your ride on the escalator, you have seen some people who are afraid to climb it. How do you feel when they obstruct your way for the lazy journey to the next floor?

I feel the same as you, a bit annoyed and in my mind being like “Why are people so confused in their life even for such a simple task of climbing the lazy stairs?

It is because they have their own past beliefs regarding the escalator, or they are using it for the first time.


Similarly, when you set your new goal where you are not sure how to reach it but will guarantee to transform your life. In that situation you act like the same person who is about to use the escalator.

This is because of your past beliefs which influence you to not give your best to achieve your goal and also the lack of preparation.

Lack of preparation towards your goal is one of the main reasons that you will not achieve it.

For example, you have a goal to become a software engineer, get into the best software company and obtain an amazing package.

In order to become a software engineer, you need to prepare for 4 years and excel in other soft skills which can then help you land in that category.

Hence, only manifesting your goal won't escalate you to reach it. How much preparation you have done towards your goal enables you to achieve it.

It's like that short story were the woodcutter who sharpened his axe for 2 hours cuts more trees in a day than the woodcutter who didn't sharpen his axe.

Which woodcutter do you want to be?

The escalator to your goals is your preparedness.


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