The *E's of Learning*
Ron Morrain
Learning for the Discerning // Teacher Guides for Self-directed CPD // Teacher Trainer // Public Speaker // Instructional Designer // University Lecturer
What are the *E's of Learning*?
I created a mind map about the *E's of Learning* for a talk that I gave to a group of teachers at a conference. I had my ideas before I walked into the room - but I wanted to use the talk to go deeper into the topic with a group of colleagues.
To be honest - I wanted to learn from the teachers in the room. Their personal classroom experience and research were very valuable to me and I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to learn from them.
As soon as I started the workshop, I asked the teachers in attendance to come up with a list of 10 words that begin with the letter *E* and are connected to education and learning.
I did not show them my mind map yet. My mind map was only a guide for myself. I would share my mind map with them later. I drew a blank mind map on a flip chart with 10 bubbles on it and started to model the task with them so we (as a group) were aware of what the task was about. I had already created several mind maps on MIRO for them and sent them a link via WhatsApp. This would allow them to do their group brainstorming on MIRO and to later share it with the group on a Smart TV screen.
They worked in groups and had 20 minutes to come up with a list. We came back together as a group and went over their results group by group. This led to a great interactive discussion about the *E's of Learning*.
Below is a list of the many words that the teachers came up with during their collaborative group discussions.
It is not possible to go into detail about what the teachers said, and why they chose these words. But, I can promise you that the interactive discussion (aka Dialogic Knowledge Co-Construction) that took place was very interesting and led to some eye-opening perspectives about education, teaching, and learning.
I only acted as a moderator and visualized their responses as they shared their insights. I saved 15 minutes to share my ideas. But, it was their feedback, in the end, that was fascinating and worth waiting for.
Use this list as inspiration to create your interactive discussion with teachers about the *E's of Learning* or maybe the *ABCs of Learning* - and experience what is known as KNOWLEDGE CO-CONSTRUCTION.
NOTE: When using AI platforms to create lesson plans or learning cycles, these are great keywords to consider for prompts.
Use this list to create your interactive discussion with teachers about the *E's of Learning* - or maybe even the ABCs of Learning - and experience what is known as KNOWLEDGE CO-CONSTRUCTION.
Go to the link here:
The *E's of Learning* List - in alphabetical order:
1. Eagerness
2. Economic Aspects
3. Education
4. Effectiveness
5. Efficacy - Learner
6. Efficacy - Teacher
7. E-Learning
8. Elective
9. E-Literacy
10. Embarrassment
11. Emergence
12. Emergent Language
13. EMI – English as a Medium of Instruction
14. Emotions
15. Empathy
16. Empowerment
17. Enable
18. Enabler
19. Encompassing
20. Encouragement
21. Energetic
22. Energy
23. Engagement
24. Enjoyable
25. Enlightenment
26. Enquiry-based
27. Entirety
28. Environment
29. Equality
30. Equipment
31. Equipped
32. Equivocal
33. Escape into the learning process
34. Essential - topics and themes for learning
35. Evaluation of learning
36. Evasiveness
37. Event – Learning as an event.
38. Examination
39. Example
40. Exampling
41. Exchange
42. Exclusion
43. Excuses
44. Exemplary behavior
45. Existentialism
46. Expanding
47. Expansive
48. Expectations - Learners
49. Expectations - Teacher
50. Experience
51. Experimentation
52. Experts (Subject Matter Experts)
53. Explanation
54. Exploitation
55. Exploration
56. Exposure
57. Expression
58. External-Internal aspects
59. Extracurricular
60. Extraordinary work
61. Easy / Ease
62. Eclectic