Erroneous Complaints
It was definitely a day filled with near non-stop appointments and errands, along with the bulk of my morning taken up with appointments out on the west-side of town which ended up taking longer than expected, but luckily I'd already blocked out three hours, just in case they'd run over, and that's exactly what they did.
With yesterday being a holiday and the third day of September, I found myself buried for several hours this afternoon with desk work, more research, and returning emails and text messages, but at least I managed to get everything accomplished without any oversights with the exception of one which was my having inserted the wrong numeric address on a form one of my clients needed to sign. I couldn't help mentioning that particular number having been burned into my brain, and only because it belonged to a home I sold some years ago to clients I truly didn't care working with, and only because the husband was died-in-the-wool know it all, or so he continues to think. I thank heaven above for likely migrating him to another like-minded real estate agent.
My closing this afternoon went exceptionally well, and before leaving, I made sure to thank both the buyers and sellers for allowing me to serve them. I dare not say how many months I worked to find those buyers a suitable home, but we did finally get one purchased. Oh, the stories I could tell about all the 'magical' happenings which took place whenever we'd have an offer submitted, and then out of the clear blue, there'd be more offers on the table. There were several situations which I have stored in my memory bank for future reference. Yes, there are some very dirty-birdies out there who'll do just about anything to line their pockets.
Looking ahead, I dare say it's appearing as if the last four months of this year are going to be a busy ones for me, and definitely thankful and grateful for it. I did mention to several clients today, that I'm working more towards being more of a boutique agent where I give101% of my time and efforts towards those who've been loyal and faithful over these many years.
While visiting with a well known today, I was told a story about a friend of hers whose husband is now deceased, having pushed his wife down their basement steps, and only because he'd gone into one of his rages over something very minor. Well, she recovered, but some years later she had to have a CT scan done, and found that she'd fractured her back from that fall. I couldn't help asking if that woman's husband had some mental problems, and from the sounds of it, he was coming down with either Parkinson's or dementia. As I've mentioned to others in the past, when a person comes down with one of those diseases and lets it go untreated, they can be happy one moment, and go into a rage the next. Oh yes, I've seen some very unfortunate cases over the years.
A close friend of mine called today saying he got a notice in the mail from the City saying they'd received a complaint about his grass being over 12” tall, which came a quite the shock to me because I know how particular he is about his lawn, and from the sounds of it, that letter must've been meant for a neighbor down the street. Of course I couldn't help telling him about all the un-mowed yards I'd noticed these recent days. I also went on to say he'll likely not be the first or last recipient of letters from the City regarding erroneous complaints. I'm now wondering if the City is actually doing in-person inspections of those yards, along with confirming the addresses and owners' names before those letters are sent out. I kiddingly said to him, “Once you've contacted them about the mix-up, don't even expect the slightest of apologies because they've set themselves far and above reproach.” Remember, when it come to our City's errors, it's always someone else's fault. Right?
Tonight's One-liner is: Through our willingness to help others, we can learn to be happy rather than depressed.
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