ERPs & BPMs Were Applications But VCA is Complete Business Solution

ERPs & BPMs Were Applications But VCA is Complete Business Solution

The rapid transformation in technology has always forced businesses, across the globe, to accept challenges of the new age. The dawn of digital age and the continuously changing technology has impacted the end user’s or the customer’s preferences largely. And due to this, the business firms are forced to keep its business system up to date.

From performing much of the business tasks manually to adopting mechanization of some of the processes - businesses functioning kept on changing with different ages.

And, when the Internet came, it brought a complete revolution. Businesses started to get digitized. Post-nineties were the years of development of business applications, which further made the functioning of businesses robust and efficient.

Applications such as ERPs, CRMs, BPMs and many others raised the excitement of the business leaders worldwide. They adopted these various technologies for the different business processes. CRMs helped businesses in managing the customer database, BPMs optimized the business processes, ERPs helped in integrating the data and similarly other applications had their own role to play.

But after all, ERPs, CRMs, and BPMs are applications and they can not be applied to entire business activities. They can perform tasks only in the domain they are designed for and that too with limitations. And as a result, business leaders find the applications such as ERPs, BPMs, and CRMs incompatible.

According to a report published by BPTrends, the business applications like ERPs and BPMs all lived a golden age but now their importance is receding.

Not Just an Application, VCA is a Complete Business Solution

With the technological advances happening at an incredible speed, it is time for companies to put aside all such applications and resort to one-stop business automation solutions like Value Creation Automation or VCA.

Unlike business applications like ERPs, VCA is not limited to application in any one of the processes involved in the functioning of businesses. Value Creation Automation or VCA is one-of-a-kind business automation solution, which helps in automating end-to-end business processes.

VCA combine the features of many of the business applications and makes use of the powerful sensors and advanced computing capabilities to perform multiple business functions efficiently and with an incredibly fast speed.

The automated platform guides machines and works with the company workforce as their digital co-worker. With VCA all such business tasks can be automated, which has long been done by humans. Companies can also automate tasks which involve high risks and which are repetitive in nature. Even more, business automation solutions like VCA reduces dependency on humans, which significant cuts on the company’s failure or error rate.

Value Creation Automation (VCA) helps in controlling the entire production activities involved in a business. Besides, it generates, collect and analyze data and make the reports readily available to the business leaders. It empowers owners and managers to predict and analyze a situation, which can result in the mitigation of risks.

In simple words, VCA not only streamlines processes and makes the business workflow smooth but it also aids business leaders in effective decision making; it guides the company workforce in putting their best effort in order to achieve the common organizational goal.

What Makes VCA Capable of Transforming a Dying Business?

Businesses, which wants to do away with the application such as ERPs and BPMs must explore the immense potentials of Value Creation Automation (VCA). It uses the power of automation technology to transform a dying business and lead companies towards consistent performance and a sustained growth.

Right from developing a business idea to successfully catering to the new age customer’s preferences - VCA is designed to guide through the complete business functioning system. It helps business in evolving, using a holistic approach based on six-sigma and lean management.

VCA enabled businesses triggers an automated response, records transactions and takes automated decisions in any urgent situation, in the same way as a trained professional or employee would do.

Designed using advanced technological solutions, VCA makes business organizations self-efficient as far as troubleshooting many of the business problems are concerned.

Facilitating the visual monitoring of all the business management aspects and complete business operations, VCA certainly has an edge over ERPs, CRMs, and BPMs etc. Business applications like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Process Management (BPM has not been developed to help in controlling business operations. But with its Visual Dashboard, VCA makes every business process, action and movement visible, which in turn helps the directors and managers in controlling the complete business functioning.

Management automation; risk mitigation; ability to act as a time, cost, finance, and quality controller; ability to integrate departments and all the business communication channels; management of Human Resources - are some of the many features that make VCA superior to many of the business automation solution available in the market.

VCA leads companies in making optimum utilization of the resources. Time, effort, money etc. everything is best optimized through VCA. It leads to the creation of standardization of work and also ensures complete elimination of the non-value adding activities.

Unlike humans, an automated business system can work 24 x 7 and that too at a low cost and reduced human errors. With this VCA can surely free the business leaders with the worries of continuously rising operational cost.

Implementing applications like ERPs and BPMs have always remained a costly affair but with VCA, companies do not have to invest again and again in order to catch up with the changing pace of technology. VCA integrates an inbuilt development mechanism, that continuously check for any business system development prospects and therefore, helps business in harnessing the competitive gains.

VCA Help Business in Delivering Complete Customer Satisfaction

Automation has certainly added to the ease of running a business but on the other hand, it has also led to innumerable challenges.

With a digitized business platform, the companies can now connect to customers all over the globe. But those customers are tech-savvy and well informed and enabled by the technology they have their own preferences, which makes it tough for the business firms to stand tall to their expectations.

Businesses must now deliver more than just product and services. Various factors like transparency, information, satisfaction and many more impacts the customer’s while taking a decision to become a loyal customer of any particular business.

And in such a market scenario, the advanced business automation solutions like VCA can play an essential role in catering to these global customers with utmost satisfaction, besides delivering quality products and services right on time.  


