The thing you glorify will eat you alive if you're not careful. And sometimes even the most cautious one is ill-fated.
For five days and five nights Chief Architect Snowflake savagely attacked the whiteboard, seagull was way behind schedule and worked without a rest. A few times victory seemed within reach, but always slipped away at the last moment. The battle was finally won at dawn on the sixth day. Snowflake invited code monkeys to present them with the fruits of his labor.
'Amazing,' said master Soo, taking a bite of his avocado sandwich.
Master Bingo was speechless. Only novice Bubbles scratched his head and asked, 'wtf?is this?'
There were only three letters on the whiteboard: ROR.
'It's the name for my new game-changing framework,' explained seagull.
'Can you show us the framework?' inquired Soo.
'I will work on it after I have rested,' replied the Chief Architect.
In the end Snowflake had to change the name to EROR because ROR was already taken.
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