Ernie Pyle: War Correspondent
American Pulitzer-winning journalist and war correspondent Ernie Pyle was killed on?April 18, 1945 by enemy fire during the Battle of Okinawa. His column was published in nearly 200 newspapers and he received a Pulitzer Prize for his World War II coverage.
?At the time of his death in 1945, Pyle was the most famous American war correspondent. He is known as "America's storyteller,” and remains one of the most accomplished and beloved journalists in American history—who told stories about ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things.
?Here is his extraordinary story...
Ernest "Ernie" Taylor Pyle was born on August 3, 1900, grew up working on the 80-acre grain farm his parents rented in rural Vermillion County, Indiana. His parents were Maria and William Clyde Pyle. Neither of Pyle's parents attended school beyond the eighth grade.
Childhood acquaintances remembered him as a shy and intelligent boy who yearned for adventure and to travel the world.
Pyle disliked farming and pursued a more adventurous life. After graduating from a local high school in Bono, Indiana, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve during World War I. Pyle began his training at the University of Illinois at Champaign–Urbana, but the war ended before he could be transferred to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station for additional training.After graduating high school, Ernie enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve in October 1918, but did not get a chance to see service overseas before World War I ended. His hopes of military glory dashed, Ernie instead started college at Indiana University in the fall of 1919.
?While still in college, Ernie took every opportunity to travel. He labored in a Kentucky oil field during the summer of 1920.
Pyle aspired to become a journalist. However, IU did not offer a degree in journalism at that time, so he majored in economics and took as many journalism courses as he could. Pyle began studying journalism in his sophomore year, the same year he joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and began working on the Indiana Daily Student, the student-written newspaper.
During his junior year Pyle became the newspaper's city editor and its news editor; he also worked on the Arbutus, the campus yearbook. Pyle's simple, storytelling writing style, which he developed while a student at IU, later became his trademark style as a professional journalist and earned him millions of readers as a columnist for Scripps-Howard newspaper syndicate
In March 1922, during his junior year at IU, Pyle and three of his fraternity brothers dropped out of school for a semester to follow the IU baseball team on a trip to Japan. Pyle and his fraternity brothers found work aboard the S.S. Keystone State. He was delighted that his paperwork prevented him from staying in Japan so that he had to remain with the ship as it continued on to China and the Philippines.
Pyle's interest in traveling and exploring the world would continue in his later years as a reporter.
After his trip across the Pacific, Pyle returned to IU Bloomington, where he was named editor-in-chief of the Indiana Summer Student, the summer edition of the campus newspaper.
During his senior year at IU, Pyle continued his work at the Daily Student and the Arbutus. He also joined Sigma Delta Chi, the journalism fraternity, and was active in other campus clubs. In addition, Pyle was selected as a senior manager of IU's football team, making him a letterman along with the other members of the team in 1922.
In January 1923, just one semester before he was to graduate, he left school to become a reporter for LaPorte Herald-Argus, earning $25 a week.
But the ever-restless reporter worked for the paper barely four months before moving to Washington, DC to take another job as a reporter for The Washington Daily News, a newly created tabloid in the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain.
Pyle left school with only a semester remaining and without graduating from IU. Pyle’s self-deprecating and earnest manner enabled him to make friends easily, and his work ethic quickly won him the respect of his superiors.
Pyle worked at the Daily Herald for three months— and then moved to Washington, D.C., to join the staff as a reporter for the Washington Daily News, a new Scripps-Howard tabloid newspaper, and soon became a copy editor as well.
Pyle was paid $30 a week for his services, beginning a career with Scripps-Howard that would continue for the remainder of his life. When Pyle joined the Daily News all the editors were young, including editor-in-chief John M. Gleissner, Lee G. Miller—who became a lifelong friend of Pyle’s.
In October 1923, Ernie met a rebellious young woman named Geraldine “Jerry” Siebolds, a native of Minnesota, at a Halloween party in Washington, D.C., in 1923. They began dating a few months laterLess than a year into Ernie’s stint in Washington, he again became restless and took a job working on a Caribbean freighter.
?When he finally returned to Washington two years later, in July 1925, he married Jerry in a civil ceremony in Virginia.
?By 1926, Pyle and Jerry, had quit their jobs. In ten weeks the couple traveled more than 9,000 miles across the United States in a Ford Model T roadster together for three months.
After ending up in New York City, where the pair sold the car to pay for food, Ernie found work with the The Evening World and later at the The Evening Post. His meager paycheck enabled the couple to survive, but not to enjoy the Jazz Age metropolis.
After briefly working in New York City for the Evening World and the New York Post, and once back on the East Coast, Pyle returned to the Daily News in December 1927, and by the end of the month Pyle was back at the same desk in Washington, DC at the Washington Daily News that he had left a few years earlier.
Ernie was initially put in charge of all the wire copy for the paper, but he soon approached the managing editor with the idea of writing an aviation column. The editor consented, and Ernie began a daily column covering all aspects of aviation. After Pyle finished his eight hour shift each day, he rode the streetcar out to airfields around Washington to chat with pilots and trade stories. His column, “D.C. Airports Day by Day,” captured the excitement and romanticism of an era that is primarily remembered today for Charles Lindbergh’s solo transatlantic flight.
Pyle’s was one of the country's first and best-known aviation columns, and for four years, from 1928 to 1932, it appeared in syndication for the Scripps-Howard newspapers. Although he never became an aircraft pilot, Pyle flew about 100,000 miles as a passenger.
Ernie befriended dozens of pilots by hanging around the hangars and chatting over late night cigarettes. His quiet manner often gave him inside tips before other reporters who aggressively interrogated pilots.
Pyle had a special fondness for the anonymous working men of the burgeoning field of aviation. His favorite subjects to write about were the mail pilots who braved harrowing conditions and intense fatigue to deliver the mail on schedule.
His column about mail pilot Bill McConnell was typical of his writing at the time. Ernie explained that Bill “has never been to the North Pole, or the South Pole, or flown across the ocean at midnight with a pig in his lap, or stayed in the air a week without changing his socks…. No, all he ever did was fly the night air mail between Cleveland and Cincinnati every night for 34 consecutive nights last winter. Two hundred and thirty-eight hours in the air in a month.”
?His writings on aviation led Amelia Earhart to say “Not to know Ernie Pyle is to admit that you yourself are unknown in aviation.”
In 1932, at the age of thirty-one, Pyle was named managing editor at the Daily News, serving in the position for three years before taking on a new writing assignment.
After four years of writing about aviation, Ernie was asked to become the managing editor of the Washington Daily News in 1932. Ernie accepted the post because he did not want to let his employer down, though he knew it meant a return to the humdrum daily routine he despised, and an end to the travel and writing he loved. For the next three years, Ernie threw himself into the work, but he did not enjoy managing the paper’s daily operations.
?In December 1934, Pyle took an extended vacation in the western United States to recuperate from a severe bout of influenza. Upon his return to Washington, D.C., and while he filled in for the paper's vacationing syndicated columnist Heywood Broun, Pyle wrote a series of eleven articles about his trip and the people he had met. The series proved popular with both readers and colleagues. G.B. Parker, editor-in-chief of the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, said he had found in Pyle's vacation articles "a sort of Mark Twain quality and they knocked my eyes right out."
?Fellow journalists praised Pyle's writing. Walter Morrow, editor of the Rocky Mountain News, claimed that Pyle's columns from his travels across the United States in the 1930s were "the most widely read thing in the paper."
In 1935, Pyle left his position as managing editor at the Daily News to write his own national column as a roving reporter of human-interest stories for the Scripps-Howard newspaper syndicate.
?Over the next six years, from 1935 until early 1942, Pyle and Jerry, whom he identified in his columns as "That Girl who rides with me," traveled the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as Central and South America, writing about the interesting places he saw and people he met. Pyle's column, published under the title of the "Hoosier Vagabond," appeared six days a week in Scripps-Howard newspapers. The articles became popular with readers, earning Pyle national notoriety in the years preceding his even bigger fame as a war correspondent during World War II.
?For the next six years, Pyle and Jerry traveled the world with only short intermissions.?Pyle?submitted columns on a wide variety of diverse topics such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Dionne quintuplets, and the first session of the Supreme Court in their new building, as well as “personal musing, sometimes farfetched whimsy, sometimes side-splitting comedy…”. By 1940, he figured he had “covered 200,000 miles and been on five of the six continents and crossed both oceans and delved into every country in the Western Hemisphere and written upward of 1,500,000 words.”
He talked to rich and poor people alike. Everyone from movie producers and millionaires to steelworkers and sheepherders made their way into his column. His pieces captured snapshots of the nation he was in, both its people and landscape. Pyle especially sought out individuals with unusual stories. Moreover, his pieces enjoyed a wide readership at a time when money was scarce and working class families often could not travel. In addition to his interesting subjects, Ernie conveyed the “aw shucks” personality of a simple man writing for other average folks.
As Pyle journeyed through the American West, he captured the despair of the Dust Bowl. He witnessed the devastation that years of drought and plagues of locusts had wrought on the landscape. After driving through a dust storm, he described how “the sand-laden wind cut across the highway like a horizontal waterfall. Sand was not drifting, or floating, or hanging in the air—it was shooting south, in thick veins, like air full of thrown baseballs.”
In the old South, Ernie Pyle explored the intense poverty of sharecroppers and the struggles of polio victims at Warm Springs, Georgia.
Pyle made no pretense at objectivity in his pieces, and when he met the ailing Dr. George Washington Carver, Pyle stated unequivocally that the famed African American scientist surpassed every other man in nobility and intelligence.
Despite his growing popularity, Pyle lacked confidence and was perpetually dissatisfied with his writing; however, he was pleased when others recognized the quality of his work. Pyle's aviation and travel reports laid the groundwork for his life as a war correspondent.
?Pyle’s pieces were so compelling that they frequently stirred readers to action with their honest forthright language.
?After a tour of Central America, his editor ordered him to rest for several weeks. Pyle took the opportunity to visit old friends in Florida. He was still on sabbatical there when Nazi Germany invaded France in May of 1940.
After years of enjoying the freedom of the open road, in June of 1940, the Pyles decided to build a home in New Mexico, a state they had visited and liked, as “a sort of home plate”
?In June 1940, Pyle purchased property about 3 miles from downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, and had a modest home built on the site. The residence served as the couple's home base in the United States for the remainder of their lives.
Jerry arrived to start moving into the house in November, the same month Ernie left for England to begin reporting on World War II. Although already famous, it would be his personal, soldier-oriented dispatches from military theaters overseas, read avidly by millions, that brought him the highest acclaim.
?Pyle began to plan another trip, this time to Asia where he would visit China, the Philippines, and the Dutch East Indies. He was slated to leave in November 1941, but the State Department delayed the trip at the last minute.
A few weeks later Japanese forces bombed Pearl Harbor, and the United States entered World War II.
Pyle drove at once to California where the war anxiety was at a fever pitch. Rumors of a Japanese invasion fleet off the Pacific coast ran rampant. After a month of waiting in California, however, Ernie grew bored. To make matters worse, Ernie and Jerry Pyle had an increasingly tempestuous relationship.
?His marriage was suffering from the stress of long separations. He and Jerry ultimately divorced in April.
He often complained of being ill, was a "heavy abuser of alcohol at times," and suffered from bouts of depression, later made worse from the stress of his work as a war correspondent during World War II. His wife suffered from alcoholism and periods depression and bipolar disorder.
?The American people’s apparent lack of reaction to the new war shocked Pyle. In contrast, the conflict fascinated him, and he wanted to see the front lines for himself.
Unsure what to do next, Pyle tried to join the Navy but was rejected for being too small.
Pyle continued his daily travel column until 1942, but in December 1940, despite the initial objections of his editor, Pyle finally wrangled permission to sail for England. He expected a spirit-cleansing experience in beleaguered London, and although the trip did not change his soul in the way he hoped, it did transform him into the most prominent newspaper correspondent in America. Pyle landed in England in December 1940 and immediately fell in love with the country. He thought the people and sights were straight “from a Dickens novel.”
?Pyle had expected a bomb-battered London, but instead he found a bustling city. All the Thames bridges still stood, as did Big Ben, although he?noted the old clock was not keeping time. He confidently asserted “London is no more knocked out than the man who smashes a finger is dead.” Several days after Pyle’s arrival, he experienced his first big air raid.
?Pyle left his readers with the image of “London stabbed with great fires, shaken by explosions, its dark regions along the Thames sparkling with the pin points of white-hot bombs, all of it roofed over with a ceiling of pink that held bursting shells, balloons, flares and the grind of vicious engines.” Pyle did not pretend to give his readers a definitive account of the battle. Rather he gave his own impressions and feelings that London was resilient, and would survive at a time when many Americans had doubts.
From a darkened balcony he watched as incendiary bombs rained down on the great city. He described the feeling of awe he felt at seeing “the whole horizon of a city lined with great fires—scores of them, perhaps hundreds.”
?Pyle called the bombings savage, and praised the anonymous heroes who raced across rooftops to douse the incendiaries with sand before they could set buildings alight. He felt the shudder of the bombs and the thump of anti-aircraft guns. In writing about the experience, Pyle did in print what Edward Murrow did on the radio—making Americans feel the Britons’ determination and the horrors that the Germans were inflicting on unarmed citizens.
Pyle’s columns from London were received with universal acclaim. When he returned home, he was a household name. A publisher approached him about printing his columns from Great Britain into a book, Ernie Pyle in England, which was released in late 1941. He dedicated it to “That Girl Who Waited.”
After returning to the United States in March 1941, he took a three-month leave of absence from work, and retired to his home in Albuquerque for a three month leave of absence to care for Jerry, who was increasingly suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts.
Pyle was worried about Jerry’s mental and physical well-being and hoped “a fresh start would give [her] strength and interest.”
When the United States entered World War II, Americans everywhere mobilized to support the war effort. Journalists, novelists, and academics were no exception. Prominent authors such as John Steinbeck, John Hersey, Pearl Buck, and Martha Gellhorn all lent their considerable talents to the war effort. Pyle was most prominent among them.
Pyle made a second trip to Great Britain in June 1942, this time writing pieces about American soldiers’ lives and their relations with the British as a war correspondent for Scripps-Howard newspapers. He petitioned for a draft deferment to remain a war correspondent.
Pyle's wartime columns usually described the war from the common man's perspective as he rotated among the various branches of the U.S. military and reported from the front lines. Pyle joined American troops in North Africa in 1942.
By August 1942, Ernie was back in England, and subsequently followed American and British soldiers in the invasion of North Africa in November 1942.
At 42-years-old with graying hair and a thin build, Ernie stood out from the average GI, but his penchant for making friends made him welcome wherever he went. Officers appreciated his presence as a way to drum up support for their campaigns, and soldiers wanted to get their names in the papers to let friends back home know they were alright. Pyle happily obliged them. He turned out pieces about military policemen, quartermasters, and airmen, but he had the most sympathy for the plight of the infantryman "because they are the underdogs." Describing them as the "mud-rain-and-wind boys," he said that wars could not be won without them.
?Throughout World War II, Pyle wrote about his experiences from the perspective of what he called "the worm's-eye view."
?His column was a resounding success. People eagerly read his descriptions of North Africa, the battlefields, and US soldiers to see what their boys experienced. Soldiers liked the column too. Lieutenant Charles F. Marshall of the US Sixth Corps recorded in his diary that Ernie’s writing was “Quite good. He catches the spirit. Nothing phony in it anywhere.”
In his reports of the North African Campaign in late 1942 and early 1943, Pyle told stories of his early wartime experiences, which made interesting reading for Americans in the United States. His columns maintained a delicate balance by not succumbing to despair, but also not glossing over the reality of the war. For example, Ernie mentioned in one article that despite the battlefield heroics of medics, the shortage of stretcher bearers in the medical service meant that some wounded men went untreated for 24 hours.
Ernie Pyle did, of course, exclude some of the most unpleasant aspects of the conflict, including the horrible damage it wrought on men’s bodies and minds. Overall, Pyle’s pieces did not hide the fact that the war meant suffering for soldiers. Still, he paired this sentiment with the resolve he saw among the Americans and British troops, who regularly bested the Germans, albeit at a heavy cost.
?Ernie Pyle was usually just a few miles from the front lines, but he survived a number German artillery barrages and bombing raids. He also witnessed several distant engagements. In one column he mentioned a conversation with a tank crewman just before the latter took part in an advance. Less than two hours later, Pyle watched from a hilltop as the man’s tank was hit and he was killed.
?Through his work, Pyle became friends of the enlisted men and officers, as well as those in leadership roles such as Generals Omar Bradley and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Pyle lived among the U.S servicemen and was free to interview anyone he wanted. As a noncombatant Pyle could also leave the front when he wanted.
?Jerry went into a sanitarium in Colorado and Pyle went back to England, and then to Africa, including Morocco, Tunisia, and the Belgian Congo. He continued to correspond with Jerry, and while he was in Accra, North Africa in March 1943, Ernie learned that Jerry had remarried him by proxy, a “proposal” he had made the past November, as they both regretted the divorce. There was no time for the couple to rejoice, though, as Ernie joined the Sicilian invasion.
?He interrupted his reporting in September 1943 and in September 1944 to return home to recuperate from the stresses of combat and care for his wife when she was ill.
Reinforcing his status as the dogface G.I.'s best friend, Pyle wrote a column from Italy in 1944 proposing that soldiers in combat should get "fight pay," just as airmen received "flight pay." In May 1944 the U.S. Congress passed a law that became known as the Ernie Pyle bill. It authorized 50 percent extra pay for combat service.
?The U.S. army also adopted Pyle's suggestion of providing overseas service bars on uniforms to designate six months of overseas service.
?Pyle liked to mention specific units, which gave their soldiers an immense source of pride. Ernie explained how he felt “a loyalty to the First Division” which he accompanied “off and on for six months.” But he found it “sad because the men go, and new ones come and they go, and other ones come until at last only the number of the division is left.” Resigned to this eventuality, Pyle noted that “As long as we have an army, the First Division will exist, but my friends in it may not.”
By the time the campaign for Sicily ended a month later, Pyle was suffering from exhaustion and what he called “a state of mental dullness.” In mid-August, 1943, Pyle returned home to rest. Unexpectedly, he found himself a national celebrity upon his return. His North Africa dispatches were compiled and published under the title, Here Is Your War, and autograph seekers mobbed Ernie Pyle wherever he went. Scripps-Howard was besieged with requests for Pyle to give lectures and interviews.
Government officials wanted Ernie Pyle’s help selling war bonds, and his book sold so well that the publisher had to petition the government for more rationed paper.
Ernie Pyle put into words what many soldiers wanted to say, but could not. Yet the sudden fame and success made Ernie uncomfortable. He felt he had done his best writing years ago, and that now public attention was focused on him exclusively because of the war. Consequently, Pyle only consented to be portrayed in a film based on Here Is Your War on the condition that it focused on the soldiers and depicted other war correspondents as well.
?Pyle returned to Europe in December of 1943, no longer out of any longing for the front, but out of a sense of guilt. He felt a responsibility to do his part when millions of other men had no option to stay home. During the next three months, he wrote some of his most poignant pieces of the war.
?Pyle's most famous column, "The Death of Captain Waskow," written in Italy in December 1943, was published on January 10, 1944, when Allied forces were fighting at the Anzio beachhead in Italy.
He narrowly escaped a bombing raid at Anzio, and followed the slow advance up the Italian peninsula.
?In describing the soldiers he had met, Pyle remarked:
“Their life consisted wholly and solely of war, for they were and always had been front-line infantrymen. They survived because the fates were kind to them, certainly – but also because they had become hard and immensely wise in animal-like ways of self-preservation.”
The notable story also marked the peak of Pyle's writing career.
In another, Pyle described platoon leader Buck Eversole, a former ranch hand. “The years rolled over him and the war became his only world, and battle his only profession. He armored himself with a philosophy of accepting whatever might happen.”
In one of his articles, "Killing is All That Matters", Pyle compared the harsh conditions of the soldier on the front line to living in a comfortable home by stating "the last of the comforts are gone, From now on, you sleep in bedrolls under tents. You wash whenever and wherever you can. You carry your food on your back when you are fighting. You dig ditches for protection from bullets... There are no more hot water taps."
?Further in the article, he wrote, "when our troops made their first landings in North Africa, they went four days without even blankets, just catching a few hours of sleep on the ground". Troops welcomed Pyle to tell their stories because of his uncanny ability and compassion to tell first-hand accounts of their experiences.
?After the North African and Italian campaigns, Pyle left Italy in April 1944, relocating to England to cover preparations for the Allied landing at Normandy.
In May, Pyle was stunned to learn that his "everyman" approach to his wartime reporting earned him the the Pulitzer Prize “for distinguished war correspondence during the year 1943” for his coverage of the campaigns in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, and France.
The prize committee had specifically requested that Ernie’s editor submit his pieces for consideration. Pyle’s editor was delighted, even more so because he had never heard of the committee soliciting a submission.
?Pyle had intended to go ashore several weeks after the D-Day landings, but felt he could not refuse an invitation to watch the landings from the bridge of General Omar Bradley’s flagship, the cruiser Augusta.
?Pyle was among the twenty-eight war correspondents chosen to accompany U.S. troops during the initial invasion on June 6, 1944. He landed with American troops at Omaha Beach aboard a LST.
?On D-Day, he wrote,
“The best way I can describe this vast armada and the frantic urgency of the traffic is to suggest that you visualize New York city on its busiest day of the year and then just enlarge that scene until it takes in all the ocean the human eye can reach clear around the horizon and over the horizon. There are dozens of times that many.”
The next day, he observed the wreckage as he walked on Omaha Beach.
“Submerged tanks and overturned boats and burned trucks and shell-shattered jeeps and sad little personal belongings were strewn all over those bitter sands...After it was over it seemed to me a pure miracle that we ever took the beach at all.”
In addition to publication of his columns in newspapers in the United States, Pyle's writing was the only writing from a civilian correspondent to be regularly published in the U.S. armed forces newspaper, Stars and Stripes.
?Pyle was well known and popular among the American military. Unless the award was very prominent, most soldiers preferred appearing in a Pyle article to receiving a medal.
?In July 1944, Pyle was nearly caught in the accidental bombing by the U.S. Army Air Forces at the onset of Operation Cobra near Saint-L? in Normandy.
?A month after witnessing the liberation of Paris in August 1944, Pyle publicly apologized to his readers in a column on September 5, 1944, stating that "my spirit is wobbly and my mind is confused" and he said that if he "heard one more shot or saw one more dead man, I would go off my nut."
He later said he had "lost track of the point of the war" and that another two weeks of coverage would have seen him hospitalized with "war neurosis."
In the fall of 1944, Ernie returned home to a hero’s welcome. An exhausted Pyle wrote that he hoped that a rest at his home in New Mexico would restore his vigor to go "warhorsing around the Pacific."
He arrived home only to see Jerry attempt suicide again, this time by stabbing herself with scissors. Ernie stayed with her for a couple of months.
After just a few short months, Pyle again felt compelled to go back to the fighting front. He stated publicly that he needed to rectify his one-sided focus on the forces in Europe and cover the Pacific theater.
?After accompanying his wife to a sanitarium in California, Pyle departed in January 1945. His voyage took him to Hawaii, Guam, and Saipan, where he wrote about B-29 crews who bombed Japan.
?He never returned home to New Mexico.
?A close friend marveled at Ernie Pyle’s methods. He seemed to loaf around just chatting with the men for days before secluding himself and producing large stacks of copy. Pyle did not take notes, yet could recall conversations virtually verbatim.
Pyle headed for the Pacific theater in January 1945 for what became his final writing assignment. While covering the U.S. Navy and Marine forces in the Pacific, Pyle challenged the Navy's policy forbidding the use of the names of sailors in reporting the war. He won a partial but unsatisfying victory when the ban was lifted exclusively for him.
?Pyle travelled on board the aircraft carrier USS Cabot. He thought the naval crew had an easier life compared to the infantry in Europe, and wrote several unflattering portraits of the Navy.
?In response, fellow correspondents, newspaper editorialists and G.I.s criticized Pyle for his negative coverage of the Navy in his columns and for underestimating the difficulties of naval warfare in the Pacific. Pyle conceded that his heart was with the servicemen in Europe, but he persevered. After traveling to Guam and resuming his writing, Pyle went on to report on naval action during the Battle of Okinawa, the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific theater during World War II.
?On more than one occasion, Pyle was noted for having premonitions of his own death. Before landing, he wrote letters to his friend Paige Cavanaugh, as well as playwright Robert E. Sherwood, predicting that he might not survive the war.
In March, Ernie sailed with the Allied invasion fleet bound for Okinawa. A few weeks later, he reported that “We are firmly on Okinawa, which is like having your foot in the kitchen door.” On April 17, 1945, Pyle went ashore on the little island of Ie Shima, a small island northwest of Okinawa that Allied forces had captured, but had not yet cleared of enemy soldiers.
?The US Army’s 77th Infantry Division was in the final stages of securing the small airfield on the ten-square-mile island.
?The following day, after local enemy opposition had supposedly been neutralized, Pyle was traveling by jeep with Lieutenant Colonel Joseph B. Coolidge, the commanding officer of the 305th and three additional officers toward Coolidge's new command post when the vehicle came under fire from a Japanese machine gun. The men immediately took cover in a nearby ditch. "A little later Pyle and I raised up to look around," Coolidge reported. "Another burst hit the road over our heads ... I looked at Ernie and saw he had been hit." A machine-gun bullet had entered Pyle's left temple just under his helmet, killing him instantly. He was 44 years old.
?In his pocket was a half-finished column describing what he’d seen in the war: “Cold dead men scattered over the hillsides and in the ditches. . . . Dead men in such familiar promiscuity that they became monotonous. . . . Dead men in such monstrous infinity that you came almost to hate them.”
He didn’t mention democracy or fascism or attempt to explain the meaning of the carnage. He didn’t think that was his job.
Pyle was buried wearing his helmet, among other battle casualties on Ie Shima, between an infantry private and a combat engineer.
Although Ernie Pyle constantly worried that he was unable to give Americans the full picture of how horrible the war truly was, soldiers themselves thought he came closer than anyone else.
?Their affection for Pyle was evident on the monument erected on the site of his death:
18 April 1945
Ernie Pyle’s death dealt a blow to Americans still reeling from the loss of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12.
?Echoing the sentiment of the men serving in the Pacific theater, General Eisenhower said: "The GIs in Europe––and that means all of us––have lost one of our best and most understanding friends."
?Jerry Pyle was back in Albuquerque by this time. Newspapers reported that Jerry "took the news of her husband's death bravely.”
?She was well enough to attend a memorial service for her husband at UNM in May and went to Washington, D.C. to collect his posthumous Medal for Merit in July.
?The 30th American war correspondent to die during World War II, Pyle is described as "the pre-eminent war correspondent of his era.” At the time of Pyle's death his columns appeared in 400 daily and 300 weekly newspapers.
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who frequently quoted Pyle's war dispatches in her newspaper column, "My Day," paid tribute to him in her column the day after his death: "I shall never forget how much I enjoyed meeting him here in the White House last year," she wrote, "and how much I admired this frail and modest man who could endure hardships because he loved his job and our men."
?President Harry S. Truman, who had been in office for less than a week following the death of Franklin Roosevelt on April 12, also paid tribute to Pyle: "No man in this war has so well told the story of the American fighting man as American fighting men wanted it told. He deserves the gratitude of all his countrymen."
After the war, Pyle's remains were moved to a U.S. military cemetery on Okinawa. In 1949, his remains were some of the first to be interred at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
?Jerry Pyle’s health declined rapidly in the months following his death on April 18, 1945, while he was covering operations of American troops on Ie Shima. Jerry died from complications of influenza at Albuquerque, New Mexico, on November 23, 1945. They had no children.
?Pyle's signature storytelling style was developed at IU and during his early years as a human-interest reporter. As a war correspondent he generally wrote from the perspective of the common soldier, explaining how the war affected the men instead of recounting troop movements or the activities of generals. His descriptions of or reactions to an event in simple, informal stories are what set his Pyle's writing apart and made him famous.
As Life magazine once described Pyle and his work: "He now occupies a place in American journalistic letters which no other correspondent of this war has achieved. His smooth, friendly prose succeeded in bridging a gap between soldier and civilian where written words usually fail.?
Present-day war correspondents, World War II veterans, and historians still recognize Pyle's World War II dispatches as "the standard to which every other war correspondent should strive to emulate."
2 年Great piece. Thank you b