Erhalten Sie einen überblick über unsere 6 Vortr?ge.
Tag 1: Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021
1. Systematisierung der Autonomiestufen in der Netzbetriebsführung
10:30 Uhr | Raum 4 | D.1 Digitalisierung: Netzbetriebsführung
Die voranschreitende Dekarbonisierung, Dezentralisierung und Digitalisierung der elektrischen Energieversorgung führt zu einem Netzbetrieb n?her an denKapazit?tsgrenzen und somit zu immer komplexeren Anforderungen an die Netzbetriebsführung, die nur mit einem erh?hten Grad an Automatisierung zu bew?ltigen sein werden. Für die systematische Betrachtung der Automatisierung des Netzbetriebs ist eine einheitliche und feststehende Begriffsdefinition vonn?ten. ierzu definiert der vorliegende Beitrag sechs Autonomiestufen in der Netzbetriebsführung in Anlehnung an die Autonomiestufen beim autonomen Fahren. Davon ausgehend wird der aktuelle Automatisierungsgrad der elektrischen Netze eingeordnet. Prozesse, für die eine h?here Automatisierung in einem Umsetzungshorizont bis 2030 realisierbar ist, werden identifiziert sowie die notwendigen Schritte zur Erreichung der h?heren Autonomiestufe in einer Roadmap pr?zisiert.
2. Development of a Preventive and Curative Congestion Management Module for Close to Real-Time Transmission System Operations
13:40 Uhr | Raum 3 | C.2 Expertenforum Projekte und Anwendungen: Systemsicherheit
To reduce costly preventive measures, existing system capacities should be more Efficiently utilized in normal system state. In consequence, quick and relieving measures are needed in times of disturbances because of the higher loading of the lines. This approach of so - called curative measures is more and more discussed. To manage the proper ratio of preventive and curative measures according to system security requirements, optimization tools are needed. Furthermore, a decision support has to be provided for system operators to handle system security in an increasingly complex system. In the joint research project “InnoSys 2030”, PSI Software AG in cooperation with TenneT TSO GmbH, develop a “Preventive and Curative Congestion Management” (PCCM) module, which combines preventive and curative measures for congestion management considering an improved utilization of existing system capacities. This paper describes the concept of PCCM’s calculation cycles, its visualization concepts and the planned operation in the control center environment of TenneT.
3. Security Assessment for higher loaded power system operation to 2030
14:20 Uhr | Raum 3 | C.2 Expertenforum Projekte und Anwendungen: Systemsicherheit
The objective of this paper was to introduce the concept of a novel assessment process for maintaining operational security in grids with high transmission loading. Curative measures are included in the process. The proposed approach combines Steady-State Security Assessment (SSSA) and Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) to address future challenges of a changing generation environment and innovative concepts in system operation. Operational security of power systems with DSA as state of the art is introduced. An expert evaluation for future system limits was carried out to reveal the demand for new processes in system operation. The final process represented a joint optimization of dynamic and static security assessment including a feedback loop from DSA to SSSA enabling curative system operation in future grids with the target year 2030
4. Integrating an autonomous agent-based power flow control system into control center software
15:00 Uhr | Raum 4 | D.2 Digitalisierung: Digitale Kommunikation
While some control actions within electrical (sub-)transmission grids have been automated, Power Flow Control (PFC) actions still remain mostly under manual control by a control center operator. In the recent past this has become trouble-some since power flows are not as predictable and unidirectional anymore as they used to be. At the same time the rising numbers of installed PFC devices complicate the task of finding optimal set points for them. A Multi-Agent Sys-tem (MAS) can potentially use these devices for automated curative PFC – but it has to be integrated into control center software so an operator can anticipate agent behavior and include it in system analyses. In this paper a PFC MAS implemented on commercial off-the-shelf control hardware is tested in a Hardware-in -the-Loop (HIL) simulation along with supervision and control software implemented within a control center demonstrator. The agents receive measurements from a Real-Time Simulation (RTS), communicate with each other, activate flexible power to alleviate overloads and forward all their data to the control center for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, an MAS behavior prognosis tool for the control center is developed to include MAS activity within their overall system analyses. The developed systems are tested within a network use case in which a contingency analysis shows that one power line would approach its thermal line rating in case of a specific contingency. The prediction made by the control center suggests that the MAS will be able to take care of this overload, so no preventive actions are necessary. The results show that the MAS can indeed alleviate the overload in due time while the control center is continuously informed about its actions.
5. Netzbetrieb der Zukunft am Beispiel von flexQgrid
18:00 Uhr | Raum 5 | Poster Session: Schlüsselkomponenten und Technologien für die Energiewende
The increase in renewable power generation as well as flexible consumption units in distribution grids requires new concepts for the coordination of flexibilities and their utilization for congestion management. As grid operation is becoming more complex due to the energy transition, congestion management concepts are required to support grid operators. This paper describes the congestion management that is developed in the project “flexQgrid” based on the grid traffic light concept with an automated system in the red phase and the visualization of the new information for the operators.
Tag 2: Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2021
6. Electrical Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Control with Smart Distribution Grid System Using Energy Meter Values: Field Test Experiences
14:30 Uhr | Raum 1 | A5 Anforderungen und L?sungen für die Elektromobilit?t (5)
This paper discusses the first results using energy value measurements in an SDGS (Smart Distribution Grid System) to control public charging infrastructure in a low voltage distribution grid. Following an extensive simulation test, parts of the local low voltage distribution grid were equipped with basic sensor infrastructure for smart grid system operation [1]. While conventional charging infrastructure is monitored by current and voltage measurements, the chargers were connected to the SDGS using the backend system normally used for billing services. The paper highlights obvious flaws using this technique and introduces possible workarounds. Finally, the first results of the conducted field experience, showing a successful operation cycle are discussed.
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