ERAS Quick Tips: Self-Identification Section
EU Applicant Alert:
If you reside in the European Union, skip this section entirely
Optional Disclosure:
Self-identification is completely voluntary You can ignore this section if you prefer not to self-identify
Select a major category first Sub-categories become available after major category selection
Multiple Selections:
You can check multiple categories and sub-categories Reflects complex identities and backgrounds
"Other" Option:
When selecting "Other" as a sub-category, you have 120 characters to specify This text field is optional, even if "Other" is selected
Major Categories:
Familiarize yourself with the 7 major categories:
Detailed Sub-categories:
Each major category has specific sub-categories Review all options before making your selections
Ensure your self-identification aligns with other application materials
Remember: This section is about YOUR identity. There's no pressure to disclose.
Need help? ERAS support: 202-862-6264
Disclaimer: Always check the official ERAS website for the most up-to-date self-identification categories and guidelines.