Eradicate limiting beliefs
For better or for worse, everyone invents personal rules and beliefs throughout life, often unconsciously. These rules and beliefs are at the genesis of irrational behaviors which may be limiting or restraining to your success, without any rational reason. Sooner or later, these rules and beliefs will prevent you from achieving your true potential. It is hence critical to understand how to eradicate them, the major difficulty being that they tend to be unknown to the conscious mind and we often remain unaware of their existence and impact.
I would like to offer an easy two-step protocol to find and eradicate such limiting beliefs with a high degree of efficiency. While quite simplistic in its form, this method works amazingly well on putting limiting beliefs in day-light.
The first step in the protocol consists in asking one or several of the following questions:
- At a minimum, am I enjoying this situation/work/person?
- What is my true goal?
- Are my actions in compliance with my beliefs?
- Who created this belief or rule? Is it truly mine?
The second step in the protocol calls for a logic or fact-based review of the belief or rule. Such a review will often show the absurdity of the belief and prompt you to re-evaluate it. As an example, if your belief is that success is bad, a logic-based review could be as follows: “if success is bad, the failure is good. Losing as much money as possible is hence the best way to be happy”. See the absurdity in the logic? Often, such a logic-based review of your beliefs is enough to change them for the better.
Never let the limitations of others limit what is possible for you. If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you. Don't limit yourself.
Bertrand Petyt - Your story starts here !