The era of silence is over!

The era of silence is over!

I used to hold those who are reticent in high regard, thinking that they were more cautious and reserved, waiting for the appropriate moment to speak up and standing alone in their opinions with unshakable conviction. They are usually well-educated individuals with a wealth of life experience, clear-cut views on right and wrong, and a strong sense of morality. They have the courage to speak up at critical moments. In contrast, those who speak the loudest are just noise makers, like a half-filled barrel that makes a lot of noise but has little substance. They are like barking dogs that seldom bite and are not worth paying attention to.

However, in today's society, there are too many rumors and malicious talk, aimed at creating chaos and increasing hatred, and we cannot turn a blind eye to it. Especially in the conflicts between nations for their own interests, the use of all means to achieve their goals has become increasingly common. The attack on opposing views has become more and more intense, with various media outlets being utilized as propaganda tools to spread rumors, create momentum, and damage others for self-benefit. The media has lost its autonomy and has become complicit in such practices. The sacred mission of journalists no longer exists.

Apart from traditional print media, major broadcasters like CNN in the United States, BBC in the United Kingdom, DW in Germany, France24 in France, Euronews in Europe, and NHK in Japan wrap their biased views in the guise of news broadcasts and repeat them over and over again 24 hours a day, hoping to influence public opinion. Conversely, there are media outlets like Russia's RT, Al Jazeera News in the Arab world, and China's CGTN that take a different approach. If we listen carefully and analyze with a critical mind, we will find contradictions in their content. In such cases, the audience must use their own intelligence to distinguish truth from falsehood. After the war between Russia and Ukraine, RT was banned from broadcasting in many places, including Canada. Their freedom of speech has since been compromised. In this way, the Western notion of freedom of speech is only superficial, and in reality, it is survival of the fittest.

What is even more shocking is the recent incident in which a female journalist from Al Jazeera News was shot dead while reporting on the conflict between Israel and Palestine in the West Bank. The identity of the killer and their motives are apparent to anyone with common sense, but the case remains unsolved. In order to report news accurately, journalists may face grave danger.

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 讚好 17







除了傳統的紙媒之外,美國的CNN,英國的BBC,德國的DW,法國的France24,歐洲的Euronews ,?本的NHK,以電視新聞廣播的業務做包裝,發放不少危害世界但有利於??的?論,並且在??四?時內重複?重複,希望能夠深入?間;與它們針鋒相對?起的有,俄羅斯的RT,阿拉伯的Al Jazeera News 及中國之CGTN。如果細?聆聽,??分析,會發現新聞內容存在不少互相?盾之處。遇到這種情況,聽眾就必須運???的智慧去辨別真偽。俄羅斯與烏克蘭發?戰爭之後,俄羅斯的RT就在很多地?並包括加拿


更令?感到震驚的是,最近阿拉伯 Al Jazeera News ?名女記者在巴勒斯坦,報導以巴兩國衝突之際被槍



??宣傳的渠道非常廣闊,電影也是被利?的?具之?。好萊塢的製作,廣受歡迎,無遠弗屆。在???活的華?,很多都受到??道德及價值觀的洗腦,奉為??無上的??指標;接受過??教育的?,更加深受其意識形態的影響,排斥其他不同的思想與制度;接受過美國福利的華裔移?,或者在美國?運?發了跡的華?,更加奉美國為「救星」及「恩?」,恩重如?。他們對美國對內對外的政策,無論正確與 否,視?不?,聽?不聞。這樣才能表現他們對美國恩?的忠誠,懂得知恩圖報。雖然也有?些深明?義的美籍華?,但絕對不願做出頭?,恐怕惹禍上?。旅居美國及加拿的華裔知識分?,很少對政治議題發表意?,表達立場。他們認為安分守?,低調做?,才是明哲保?之道,保證萬無?失。他們了解世情,掌握政治的脈搏,成為標準的識時務者,但失去了不平則鳴的勇氣。


沉默是?的時代已經過去了。今天看到了?些不公不義之事,再不應三緘其?,否則會助?惡勢?的膨 脹,於?於?都沒有好處。當今可以?來發聲的渠道多了很多,擁有以億萬計??的社交媒體提供者,就是可以利?的渠道之?,並能發揮集體討伐的?量。




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