The Era of Python
Python programming language is not young at all. It was first released in 1991 by a Dutch programmer, Guido van Rossum.
One of the most interesting things about python is that it is actually a single person’s work. Most of the other popular programming languages are developed and published by large companies employing lots of professionals. Python is an exception!
Of course, he did not develop and evolve all the components of python by himself. It is an Open source project and thousands of people have contributed to the development of the Python. Although python has evolved a lot over the years, it is still widely used for the same purposes it was back then.
The Birth of Python
The main intention of developing python was to help programmers write clear, logical codes for small and large scale projects. This is the reason it became so popular among developers. Python is so versatile, it is used in Web development, Gaming, building scripts and GUI for desktop applications, configuring servers, performing scientific calculations and data analysis.
Python can be used for literally everything!
Among all the major programming languages, Python is rapidly growing in the past recent years. Stack Overflow survey on the growth of programming languages shows how python growth is climbing to the top among its competitors.
Python — The Best Choice for AI
The advancement in Artificial intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning(ML) technology has gone beyond science fiction.
As Chris Duffey has spoken in his book, Superhuman Innovation,
“The only limit to AI is human imagination.”
Today, with the expansion in volume and intensity of data, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning is helping in handling tasks that seemed impossible to do back in the time. All the Tech Giants (Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Amazon) are working extensively and contributing to promoting these fields.
According to studies, AI and ML practitioners prefer using python because of the ease of coding and readability python provides so that we don’t get caught up in the constructs of the language.
Python is the Backbone of Data Science
The world is overwhelming in data. There’s a virtual tsunami of data around the globe, and every day it’s getting just bigger and bigger. Everything that we do is now being generated as data. From taking pictures to posting comments on social media, from searching for things on the internet to doing online purchases, from stock market prices to weather reports, everything is being recorded.
By 2020, it is expected to create 44 zettabytes of data daily. This number means 40 times more stars in the observable universe. But data is of no use if we couldn’t collect, collate, analyze and apply it to the benefits of society. That is what data science is used for.
Python is heavily used in the data science life cycle. The python community has developed excellent libraries like Numpy, Pandas, sci-kit-learn, etc for working with data. Collecting data, cleaning the dataset, extracting important features, building a machine learning model and visualizing results with graph, python provides a rich set of features to perform all these tasks.
“The job of a data scientist has only grown sexier,” said Andrew Flowers, an economist at Indeed, and author of the Indeed report. “More employers than ever are looking to hire data scientists.”
Big companies like Spotify, Netflix, Quora, Facebook, and Google have Python deep into the development. Google has supported Python from the very beginning. It is now an official server-side language at google. They re-coded many scripts written in Bash or Perl into Python.
Peter Norvig, the director of research at google said “Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning and remains so as the system grows and evolves. Today dozens of Google engineers use Python, and we’re looking for more people with skills in this language.”
Spotify and Netflix are heavily dependent on python for analyzing the huge data they possess on the server-side. Analyzing the information from millions of subscribers allows them to suggest better recommendations to each user and this is how they are making billions.
Python isn’t a young language, it has evolved over the years and will maintain its position in trend in the upcoming years. This is the world of Python and the IT industry is just living in it.
Time spent learning Python programming language is the best investment you can do.
So, what are you waiting for?
Spent some Quality Time with Python