The era and evolution of 5G FDD mMIMO support

The era and evolution of 5G FDD mMIMO support

As existing #4g #lte network infrastructure and newly introduced #5gnr on non-Stand alone #nsa or Stand-Alone #sa are becoming the global dominant cellular solutions, operators tend to move towards #tdd?bands in order to exploit more #bandwidth and capacity #throughput, due to its major benefit of #5g beamforming?technologies so far. Indeed, following Omdia (Omdia Service Provider Transformation) and specifically the published 5G Tracker – 1Q21 (i.e. it is explicitly indicated that the majority of Mobile Network Operators #mnos globally are using the tdd spectrum at C-band .

Nevertheless #fdd?spectrum is still considered to be crucial for operators due to several advantages against #tdd, like better coverage, better outdoor to indoor penetration and planning availability for #rural as well as #urban scenarios. Moreover fdd is lately part of an extensive spectrum refarming from older #3g WCDMA and #gsm with abundant spectrum resources (more than 600MHz in total).

Hence there is a latest trend for mnos?to move towards combined fdd, 5g, 5gnr and #4g / #4glte network deployment as well as #mobile operators to build 5g technology over fdd to achieve rapid #5gnetwork commercialization.

The key application will be fdd?beamforming. Indeed 5g and lte fdd?beamforming has been supported in #3gpp standards so far with #mimo 4T4R, however narrower beams are mandatory to support better #coverage?and higher #capacity. Hence the latest research is focused on #vendors (i.e. Ericsson Software , 诺基亚 Altiostar, A Rakuten Symphony Company , Huawei 中兴 NEC Europe )?fdd #antenna equipment support for mimo 8T8R, and #massive Mimo 16T16R and 32T32R.

Follow 华为 on FDD 8T8R Antenna Performance Huawei white paper (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ and 华为 on AIR3246 massive mimo antenna support (

Photo source :Huawei video:



