Autonomy Institute
Mobilizing Private $Capital to Underwrite Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones - Building a Stronger Nation for All
The Era of Autonomy Demands a New Approach to Spectrum
Time to Free our Spectrum - SKYHATTAN, advancing reconfigurability and baseband processing within Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones.?
Solutions like Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation, and Autonomous Systems require an entirely new network of services to support any scaled adoption.?The system-of-systems that support the future of Intelligent and Autonomous Cities requires low-latency radio access networks (RAN), Edge Computing, assured position navigation and timing (APNT), and Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS). The spectrum supporting robust, secure, dedicated, and resilient connectivity is paramount. It will require a new approach.
Industry 4.0 will require Intelligent Infrastructure and 21st-Century Spectrum, distinct from traditional human-centric infrastructure. Starting with an integrated antenna supporting Ultra-wide Bandwidth, with Massive MIMO Beam Steering, supporting a compact Conformal Solution for the edge.
Texas SH130 Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zone, the first AI-RAN?(M2M)?to support, Artificial Intelligence, Spatial Computing, Intelligent Transportation, Autonomous Systems, and advanced city services, it secures data for people, cities, and governments.
The industry is investing tens of billions of dollars. This will create millions of jobs and allow us to revitalize our nation. The?Federal Infrastructure Bank and infrastructure investors?are mobilizing $billions in private capital to build the Roads of the 21st Century.? Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones?will revitalize the nation.
The explosive growth of the Internet required Ethernet and TCP/IP, Industry 4.0 will require recalibration at the Edge. Industry 4.0 will deliver the largest productivity gain in history to the nation that leads. We put aside Token ring, ARCNET, AppleTalk, TIPS, VINES, IPX, NBF. . . . and allowed Ethernet to accelerate the growth of the Internet. OpenRAN will be the most critical technology to usher in the 21st-Century and the productive impact of Industry 4.0.
DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge
DARPA has been working on some phenomenal research to address this major spectrum challenge and revolutionize wireless communications.
"Across the nation and around the world, the wireless revolution is fueling a voracious demand for access to the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. In the civilian sector, consumer devices from smartphones to wearable fitness recorders to smart kitchen appliances are competing for bandwidth. In the military, there is a growing reliance on unmanned platforms, from underwater sensors to satellites, and a push for broadband connectivity for every member of every Service. Managing this increasing demand, while combating what appears to be a looming scarcity of RF spectrum is a serious problem for our nation." Dr. Mark Rosker, DARPA
Intelligent and Autonomous Infrastructure
TCP/IP, Routers, and Network Access Points (NAP) drove the massive buildout of the Internet. OpenRAN, Edge Computing, and Public Infrastructure Network Nodes (PINN) will drive the deployment of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems.
The new INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE is as fundamental as rail, highways, aviation, and the underpinnings of cities. It is paramount that the United States leads this new intelligent infrastructure since it is at the core of connectivity, security, and data sovereignty. We are at the inflection point of multiple industries being fused together - NextG Wireless, Edge Computing, Autonomous Systems, Data Exchanges, and AI.?
Intelligent Cities will depend on many wireless frequencies and all need to support secure and resilient connectivity.
End the Era of Isolation and Accelerate Industry 4.0.
Time to move past the limitations we had in 1934.
Intelligent Infrastructure will drive Industry 4.0
Autonomy Institute
The Autonomy Institute (501c3)?is a government, industry, academia, and public alliance focused on accelerating the "Path to Commerce" for Intelligent Infrastructure and autonomous systems. Over 250 organizations are engaged and supporting the policies, markets, jobs, and community benefits of autonomy to foster social and economic transformation.
Intelligent and Autonomous Infrastructure is the equivalent of the Eisenhower Interstate Highways. The Autonomy Institute collaborates with large infrastructure investors on the creation of $100+ million Public-Private Partnership programs. The intelligent infrastructure enables?the rapid and expansive deployment of rural broadband, NextG, edge computing, intelligent transportation systems, APNT, and smart grid devices. This infrastructure has substantial benefits to cities by?eliminating the digital divide and preparing communities?for Industry 4.0 solutions. The national deployment of this infrastructure will create millions of new jobs and generate billions in economic growth.
The Autonomy Institute has developed an "Autonomy Commerce Act" and an "All-Up" Autonomy program within the United States.