Why do complex questions matter in addressing our wicked problems in the 21st century?
Rick Botelho
Unite Equity Muses | Ask ethical questions about co-designing a fair-free-flourishing future
Take the time to reflect about, and make sense of complex questions in communion with kindred spirits and especially with people who have different perspectives. Enjoy exploring how our diverse mindsets and biases interpret complex questions differently. In turn, this affects our reactions and responses to these questions and our communication and interactions with others.
Embark on collaborative sense-making journeys of thinking anew about how to address our complex web of self-inflicted wicked problems in the 21st century. These insightful breakthroughs enable us to simplify how we can collaborate more effectively in managing our wicked problems. The paths from complexities to simple rules and strategic doing are not simple. Premature simplifications do disservices in solving wicked problems. Making iterative amends are corrective necessities of this evolving learning processes.
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Open ongoing peered-review blog updated based on feedback. Revisit for updates and enjoy slow thinking about how we can pose and respond to complex questions about cultivating equity governance and virtuous cultures.
Why do we need to ask complex questions?
Equity muses pose complex or big hairy audacious questions?(#BHAQs) about what fairness means and what we can do about it.
Our greatest external impediments in addressing this #EquityMoonshot question arise from unethical governance, inept stewardship, incompetent leadership, political corruption, kleptocracy and neoliberal extractive economies that perpetrate and perpetuate planetary demise, human rights abuses, isms and inequities.
Our greatest internal impediment is our "unwokeness": our unawareness about how to solve our complex web of wicked problems.
How might we, as equity muses, unite in asking our leaders, thought leaders, executive coaches, mentors and change agents #BHAQs that:
The #BHAQs above can be summarized into one question.
What's stopping us from doing it?
We live in a fast-thinking, attention-deficit, manipulative marketing world of dopamine addictions, click-bait hooks and the thrills of woo-wow distractions. Consequently, we superficially and ineffectively address the deep root causes of our wicked problems. This fatal flaw arises from our failure to develop the ethical, leadership, legal and educational institutions needed to redress our corrupt governance, inept leadership and political corruption.
How might we, as equity muses and educators, help us all to:
We need #BHAQs to make us stop, think slowly and discern much more deeply before we engage in generative dialogues about how to cultivate cultures of equity governance. The key words and phrases in these questions need explaining and discussing, before we can develop a shared understanding about their meaning and thereby respond more effectively to them.
Their overall purpose is to open our minds to new ways of thinking, sense-making and innovating about how we can work together in solving wicked problems. This collaborative process enables us to continuously learn how we can become agile, dynamically adaptive and emergent learners in communion with kindred spirits and and with people who have different perspectives to us.
How might we build an #UniteEquityMuses movement to:
How do we move beyond managing wicked problems to addressing wicked challenges?
Wicked problems have no end nor final solutions. These complex web of our interconnected macro-level problems include inept governance, immoral propaganda machines, corrupt political, financial and leadership systems, neoliberalism, amoral corporations, kleptocracy, climate change, and the injustices of isms, inequalities and inequities. Wicked problems challenge our resilience in overcoming to these adversities.
Unwokeness is the un-mindfulness of our shadow: our blind spots in addressing the deep root causes that nourish our self-inflicted wicked problems. Our dereliction of duty is our failures to prevent and preempt wicked problems, such as redressing inequities, reversing global warming and developing a systemic framework of global pandemic preparedness.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root (Henry David Thoreau).
Toxic politics disables our collaborative abilities to respond effectively to these wicked problems.
We are stewing in toxic brews of political cults.
Political cults are ineffective because their leaders masquerade:
These deceptive dynamics of manipulation determine the characteristics of cults and cult-ish groups. Toxic cults sabotage any exponential impacts of making large-scale, bottom-up transformational changes at the meso- and micro-levels.
The lotus-eating metaphor of un-mindfulness symbolizes our inabilities to understand wicked problems. The lotus-blossoming metaphor of mindfulness symbolizes our awareness of prevent and address wicked problems.
In effect, we are chasing our tails with self-inflicted wicked problems. History repeats itseIf. If we are to break this circular motion of these problems, we must take on the wicked challenges of rooting out the deep root causes of wicked problems, such as inept governance, political corruption and the paralyzing effects of toxic dysfunctional polarizations.
The wicked challenge approach is a solution-focused, continuous improvement process that pro-actively cultivates our anti-fragile capabilities and capacities needed to anticipate how we address our self-inflicted wicked problems and black swan events, such as pandemics and economic depressions. These learning community and cultures collaborate in communion with coordinated networks for the greater good and the health of the planet.
At the meta and macro-levels, wicked challenges involving co-evolving equity governance, stewardship and distributive leadership networks needed to accelerate human, societal and cultural development. This involves advancing human rights, fostering civility and activating citizenry to co-evolve a higher level of civilization based on cultivating virtues.
Why does reductionism cause our self-inflicted wicked problems in the 21st century?
Reductionist thinking cannot solve wicked problems for many reasons. Reductionism atomizes us. We become separated from nature and from our own nature. Furthermore, reductionism fragments our systems and disintegrates our inter-connectedness.
Reductionism is an inevitable part of living. We break things apart to understand complexity. We understand the parts, but not the dynamics of the interacting parts nor the dysfunctional complexities of overall system.
Reductionism is our original sin.
The sins of our inhumanity arise from failing to zoom out and to see the interconnectedness and interdependence of the whole. Reductionism divides the present, the past and the future.
You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this. (Henry David Thoreau)
The internal battles of our minds arise from disconnecting our reptilian, amygdala and neocortical brains. Our enemy is within us: our own internal divisiveness externally manifesting itself with "either-or" thinking of "I'm right, you're wrong" and scapegoating "us versus them" thinking of "I'm good, you're evil." We are in internal wars within ourselves and external wars with others. This combative fundamentalist power dynamic applys to gender issues.
Fundamentalism divides the gender spectrum into an unequal power dynamic between men and women.
Reductionism also separates religion-spirituality from politics, politics from business, and business from religion-spirituality.
The divisiveness of reductionism is deleterious to our health and well-being.
The uncivil divisiveness of reductionism amplifies dysfunctional polarizations. In turn, this decimates our capabilities to manage V2UCA (vulnerability, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) of wicked problems. These disruptions prevent leaders from integrating the political, private and public sectors to do good for the good of the commons and the common good.
How might #BHAQs help to heal our great divides?
#BHAQs help us move us beyond the limitations of dichotomous thinking and linear reductionism.
#BHAQs address the limitations of our leaders in redressing wicked problems.
Blind spots are part of human nature. The mass collusion of our blind spots contribute to our failures in addressing our wicked problems.
We do not do the inward work of discernment. Intra-being discernment is about developing the self-awareness of mindsets, interpretative lens and biases. This discernment enables us to cultivate virtues: such as the mindfulness of equanimity, open-mindedness, curiosity, creativity, humor and truth-seeking, to name a few.
Inward work is foundational for developing the equity governance and distributed leadership learning communities, organizations and networks needed to co-create a fair and flourishing future to benefit all. The inter-personal processes of empowering distributive leadership cultivates inter-being harmony to act for the greater good of all and the planet.
#BHAQs call on us to discern how the non-linear dynamics of our intra-being experiences affect the inter-being of our social relationships, and vice versa. It is much easier to look outwardly at our social relationships than to look inwardly to the emotions within our heart, the value systems within our minds and the virtues within our souls.
Outward lookers naively respond to the complex web of self-inflicted wicked problems in the 21st century. Outward-looking approaches cannot remedy our unaddressed intra-being issues related to our shadows and the dark sides of our human nature. Outward work without intra-being work does not initiate nor sustain long-term transformations needed to solve our wicked problems.
This premise also applies to the hubris of complexity, design and systemic thinkers without the inner work of discernment. Transactional leaders are unable to facilitate synergies between personal and systemic transformations needed to solve our self-inflicted wicked problems.
Intra-being work is much more challenging than outward work. We need to take the time to do this iterative ongoing learning process. This self-reflective lifelong learning journey of developing virtues involves slow thinking and the practice of discernment.
This virtuous journey sets up greater opportunities to co-create generative dialogues and collaborative learning in communion with kindred spirits. Inward work takes the greatest effort, because transformation calls for opening, inspiring and aligning our mindsets.
Inside #BHAQs
Our dis-connected and dis-engaged states of naivety are incapable of reversing our immoral decline in governance, systemic corruption and planetary demise. Without self-awareness, we are at risk of succumbing to the perilous path of short-sighted, reductionist and self-righteous fundamentalist thinking.
To what extent are we aware of about how:
Our interpretative lenses have varying degrees of rigidity and flexibility depending upon the circumstances. A complicity of biases shape our interpretive lenses pre-determining how we think, feel, react, respond and act. A diverse array of dispositional factors shape the flexibility-rigidity of our biases.
Inside work is essential for redressing the deep root causes for incompetent governance and leadership, systemic corruptions, isms and inequities.
Outside #BHAQs
The leadership task is to help people understand #BHAQs and engage them in generative dialogues about how to take effective action in solving wicked problems.
How can we:
We need to develop equity governance frameworks and meta-strategies that co-create top-down macro-level approaches to open, inspire and align our leadership mindsets. This calls for developing simple rules at all levels that put ethical guardrails on how we redress wicked problems and challenges.
We can use meta-strategies and simple rules to cultivate horizontal, meso-level collaboration across communities, organizations and networks. Together, the macro-level and meso-level strategies work together in creating favorable conditions to exponentiate bottom-up, micro-level movements of mass mobilizing citizens to co-design and build an equitable, regenerative and sustainable future.
Strategic doing with amoral beings and unethical systems amplify wicked problems. Our amoral beings allow unethical systems and wicked problems to flourish. Strategic doing with virtuous beings and ethical systems amplify our capabilities and capacities to take-on the wicked challenges needed to ameliorate our complex web of self-inflicted wicked problems in the 21st century.
The next newsletters will address these #BHAQ:
Subscribe to #EquityMoonshot Newsletter
We need to ask ourselves #BHAQ that engage us in deep dive dialogues about how to address the deep root causes for our complex webs of self-inflicted wicked problems in the 21st century.
This calls for co-creating generative dialogues about how to launch #EquityMoonshot to benefit all of us. We need a mass movement of equity muses asking #BHAQ that help people learn to think (not what to think) about how we can address our wicked problems.
These wicked problems arise from the shadows of power abuse and the dark sides of human nature. Together, the divisiveness of our shadows and dark side erodes our humanity, breaks down our civilizations and destroys our planet.
Failing to zoom out from reductionist frames of individual rights, entitlements and value systems disables us from integrating social virtues into the process of developing equity governance.
Zooming out is a metaphor for changing perspectives from dis-connected, de-contextualized linear reductionism of the complicated parts to the inter-connected, contextualized non-linear dynamics of interacting complex adaptive systems.
Transfixed on amoral reductionism, we enhance our risks of descending down the immoral paths toward self-destructive melt-downs of wicked problems. To heal the divisive mis-deeds of reductionism, we must embrace complexity, design and holistic thinking to solve our never-ending wicked problems.
Our complex web of self-inflicted wicked problems
Our systems are rigged not to address the deep root causes for wicked problems.
It's no wonder why we fail to rectify our rigged systems that escalate wealth for the elites, income shrinkages for middle classes and poverty for the poor.
Our political systems are designed to enable a particular archetype to rise to the top of our food chains. This archetype is asocial leadership personality disorders (#ALPD). The core character flaws that drive #ALPD?are pathological megalomania, narcissism, sociopathy and authoritarianism. This "strongman" archetype epitomizes toxic masculinity syndrome and is the symbol of systemic corruption.
Muse and learn about this idealistic cause. Reflect about this virtuous question.
This intergenerational lifelong learning journey with never-ending aspirations inspires people to take glocal (global-local) actions for the common good and the health of the planet. This long-term vision is a monumental learning endeavor for humanity that extends beyond seven generations.
How can we co-create the learning organizations, communities, networks and networks of networks needed to:
Ecological regenerative economics, conscious capitalism and ethical marketing live in the light of virtues and long-termism.
Equity governance is based on liberty for all and the responsible use of freedom with transparent accountability to truth-seeking and long-termism. This aspiration involves the development of virtues, critical thinking, discernment, verification and cross validation of claims to knowledge with triangulated use of reputable sources.
Never depend on one resource, guru, thought leader, marketing maverick, cult personality or propaganda media outlet.
This mission of truth-seeking depends on cultivating reliable advancements in trustful information and knowledge generation. This is essential for mitigating against the epidemics of mis-information, fake news and dis-information.
Equity governance is an inclusive, collaborative and egalitarian system of shared decision-making, sense-making, systemic stewardship, ecological (regenerative) economics and dynamic distributive leadership.
Equity governance provides a foundation to cross pollinate ideas for co-creativity, open innovation, and generative dialogues. This collaborative learning process is essential to foster humanitarian harmony and political cohesiveness needed to exponentiate social impact entrepreneurship.
Equity governance moves us beyond social safety nets, redistributive wealth and basic income. This calls for re-imagineering the future of work, life and co-creative living to unleash the vast swaths of untapped human potential.
The mission of equity governance is about engaging all people to become open-minded, truth-seeking, free-thinkers, working collaboratively within learning networks, communities and organizations to co-create an ever-evolving human civilization of higher consciousness. This lifelong evolving process of enhancing our brain functioning and developing our virtues is essential for exponentiating human flourishing needed to launch?#EquityMoonshot?for the greater good of all.
Working toward the?#EquityMoonshot?vision is stymied by the elephant in the room. Our dysfunctional systems and their political abuses of power sabotage our aspirations to co-create a fair and flourishing future for all.
We fail to call out the moral timidity and the ethical hypocrisies of redressing the discrepancies between our far-sighted, higher "We" aspirations of our co-operative neocortical brains versus our short-sighted, tribal ("we") responses of our amygdala brains and our short-sighted reactivity of our reptilian brains (the competitive survival of the fittest.)
We are blind to what we can see.
Why do we:
Let's?#UniteEquityMuses?in asking the right questions about how to cultivate open global mindsets needed to solve the complex web of self-inflicted wicked problems in the 21st century.
Social technologies, AI, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and tokens cannot make up for the inhumanities of our shadows and the dark sides of human nature.
With the ethical guidance of equity governance, we collaborate for the good of the commons and the common good.
These open peer-reviewed newsletters are episodically updated, based on feedback and dialogue at?#UniteEquityMuses?Clubhouse sessions.
Organizational Development Facilitator ... GPS Business Group | MBA | USMC Officer ... Helping business leaders optimize their team's productivity and revenue growth
2 年Well placed Rick Botelho, MD, Equity Muse . I teach the wicked questioning model in my business education seminars
Tailor-made Organizational Design & Development | Executive advisory | Complex problem-solving | Maximizer.
2 年Can we blame only one thing (i.e. reductionism) when (almost) everything is interdependent and intertwined? Can we even find one main root in infinite interconnectedness? Can we blame leaders or are they only a representation of us i.e., what we deserve? Maybe we should ask multiple whys, to know more about why we became what we are currently? Dig a much deeper, not only the first (leadership) layer but much much deeper - at least 5-why... Should leaders only look more inward? Or also more outward? Listen to the wisdom of the crowd? Give voice to rebels, neuroatypical persons, and artists? And can we even properly design a complex system? Isn't better to set some initial constraints, and continuously experiment - learning by doing? Keeping things that help us construct better conditions? Moreover, can we assure equity knowing that some hierarchical tendencies are deeply ingrained in our biology? Finally, can we reduce everything to the complexity and always blame lack of equity? Or maybe they are sometimes good and sometimes bad - depending on the context?
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School
2 年??
regionaldirector south west at healthy living communications
2 年Why are complex questions asked , Necessary? If leadership & governance are altruistic ,the bottom line is to breakdown issues & tackle them with proven philosophy & wisdom .