Equity Opportunities at eXp Realty
Brian Quick
God First | Proud Father of Two | Elite #realestate Producer at @exprealty & Leader of the 3,000+ Agent Wolfpack.
I am going to talk about the additional revenue streams here at eXp Realty. There are 2 really important concepts I would love to go over in today's article. The reason why real estate agents choose a brokerage is because they want good support, a team environment, and to build a lasting business but here is a question I always ask, "What got you into real estate?" We all love being around people and helping people but when you start to dive deeper, people get into real estate because of two reasons, to build wealth and to create a lifestyle.
Let's break this down, in order to create wealth you need four things; duplication, equity, residual income, and multiple-streams of income. Very similar to why people invest in real estate, you buy a property, get the equity, use the equity to duplicate and buy another door, and more properties, to get residual income and then passive income. At eXp Realty we have all 4 of the patterns to create wealth. See, at mostly every other brokerage you have 0 because it takes time, value, and investing to create it. At eXp Realty, you can create wealth just by selling real estate.
The second part is lifestyle, it requires two things, time freedom and money freedom. You can create money freedom at any brokerage, but the problem is you cannot create time freedom. The reason is because you have only one income stream which requires your time and effort. If you don't invest your time in selling houses, you then lose your income. So when you are gone away for a vacation, a trip, or you're really sick you are not making money.
Click this link right here ???? https://calendly.com/brianquickrealestate/45 to book a one on one call with me to ask me any questions about eXp Realty and the Wolfpack. I would be honored to meet you and answer any questions you have.
Thank you so much,
Brian Quick, eXp Realtor and leader on the Wolfpack