Equinox Vision Quest – Week #4 Prep
10th March 2025
Air Element – North – Mental Self
7 days working with Air element.? Days 22-28?
This week is dedicated to clearing the Mental Self. Deep within each of us are different aspects of our personality. The Mental component is the part that discerns, analyses, evaluates and judges. These last seven days are devoted to clearing as many as possible of the cobwebs and unresolved issues that block the mental aspect of self so that you are mentally prepared for your Quest. Air traditionally represents the mental body, so this is also a time to be aware of the air around you and within you. Mental challenges may come your way this week as an opportunity to clear old mental blockages.
For the last seven days, spend 24 minutes meditating when you first awake on the air around you. Take a deep breath and be aware of the physical air around you. Concentrate on the air as it enters your lungs when you inhale and leaves when you exhale. Continue to do this periodically throughout each day of the entire week. By doing this you are activating the Spirit of Air that dwells within you and around you.
During the Air Week:
In peace and love always.
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