EQUILIBRIUM, Global Platform for Sustainable and Peace - History and Activities
Jasnica Klara Mati? (FRSA)
Artist, writer, international consultant and mediator
EQUILIBRIUM acts as a global virtual platform for sustainable peace and development that brings together experts in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development, climate change management, environmental innovation, causes and dynamics of conflicts (beliefs, emotions, behavior), conflict prevention, peaceful conflict resolution and post-conflict rehabilitation.
From its founding in 2001 until 2021, EQUILIBRIUM operated as a non-governmental organization based in Zagreb. From 2021, it acts as a global virtual platform which establishes A LEGAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL FORM FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL PROJECT, within which the project will be implemented.
In addition to EQUILIBRIUM (I am the president and leader of an international expert team from its early beginning), I am also a member of the FAITH FOR EARTH at the UNEP (Nairobi, Kenya) NETWORK and a member of the British Royal Society for Arts, Industry and Trade (London, UK) whose activities are completely in harmony with EQUILIBRIUM's activities.
These are some of the projects I have worked on as an independent expert or as the president of EQUILIBRIUM:
Year after its establishment, we started to (completed in 2007) participate in the UN Environmental Law Program at the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Headquaters Szentendre, Hungary. We worked on the projects of the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Program for South Eastern Europe (REReP) which was part of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe related to the environment.
In 2002. the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe engaged the EQUILIBRIUM, with the approvals of the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Physical Planning of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry for Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Croatia, to prepare the Report on Acceptance and Ratification of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Croatia. I worked on this project as an expert and a team leader.
In 2003. the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Physical Planning of the Republic of Croatia engaged the EQUILIBRIUM to prepare the Study on Legal and Institutional Framework for Waste Management, the Law on Waste Draft and to educate ministry officials in the field of implementation and evaluation of this law. I worked on this project as an expert and a team leader.
In 2003. I completed, as the representative of the non-governmental sector of Croatia, on the proposal of the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, the Academy of European Environmental Law at the European Madariaga Foundation in Brussels.
In 2004. the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe engaged the EQUILIBRIUM to prepare the Commentary on Applicability of the UNECE and UNEP Guidelines on the Implementation of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Croatia. I worked on this project as an expert and a team leader.
In 2005. I was selected, on the proposal of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry for Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Croatia and the proposal of the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, to be a member of the international team for the preparation of the Framework Agreement of the Sava River Basin.
In 2006. I completed successfuly, on the proposal of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia, the Water Diplomacy Pilot Course in Tessaloniki which was organized by the UNESCO – IHP Paris which engaged the lecturers of the Istraeli Mediation and Negotiation Centre from Tel Aviv.
In 2007. I participated, on the proposal of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop titled ?Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security“ in Budapest.
In 2008. (completed in 2009) the Ministry for Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management engaged the EQUILIBRIUM to prepare the Study on Legal and Institutional Framework for Water Management and the Law on Waters Draft (it was the precondition for closing the Chapter 28. Environment in the process of Croatian accession to the European Union). I worked on this project as an expert and a team leader.
In 2008 (completed in 2013) I attended in Zagreb and New Delhi, India a set of the workshops about causes and dynamic of human behavior including the belief system and emotions.
In 2009.(completed in 2010) I co-authored the book ?Environmental Security in South-Eastern Europe - International Agreements and Their Implementation“ which was published by the NATO Science for Security and Peace. I wrote it together with experts of the EQUILIBRIUM Association Serbia and the International Venice University.
My part of the book was related to the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin- https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-0228-8_15.
In 2011. (completed in 2012) I co-authored the book:†The Aarhus Convention in the Republic of Serbia Law and Practice“ which was published by the EQUILIBRIUM Association Serbia with the financial support of the OSCE – Mission in Serbia.
My part in the book was related to the Aarhus Convention in the Republic of Croatia Law and Practice - https://www.osce.org/serbia/98687.
In 2013. I participated as a lecturer, together with the lecturers from Austria and Slovenia, on the workshops about criminal environmental law topics which were organized in several towns in Serbia by the OSCE – Mission in Serbia and Serbian Bar Association.
In 2015. I completed successfully the 19th Summer Academy on OSCE under the patronage of the OSCE at the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution in Stadtschlaining (ASPR).
In 2015, I participated as an international legal expert on the environment in the implementation of the project "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Capacity Building in the Water Sector" implemented by the agency EPTISA from Madrid, Sarajevo branch office.
In 2018, I participated in the preparation of the project "Application of green technology systems called OMEGA in the Republic of Croatia". The UpCycle Systems (UCS, Watsonville, U.S.A.), the EQUILIBRIUM, the Ru?er Bo?kovi? Scientific Institute in Zagreb and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia participated in the preparation.
Started with 2019, I participated as a member of the FAITH FOR EARTH expert network at the events they organized including the FAITH FOR EARTH DIALOGUE at the UNEA 5.2.
Zagreb, July 3, 2023.??????????????????????????Prepared by Jasnica Klara Mati?