The Equalizer 3 - aka E3 *****

The Equalizer 3 - aka E3 *****

Starring: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Sonia Ben Ammar, Remo Girone, Andrea Scarduzio, Andrea Dodero, Giovanni Scotti, Gaia Scodellaro, David Denman, Bruno Bilotta, Eugenio Mastandrea, Salvatore Ruocco

Director : Antoine Fuqua

Duration Running Time : (approx) 1 Hour 49 Minutes (109 Mins)

Certification Rating Certificate : 15

Distribution : Sony Pictures Releasing, Columbia Pictures (A Sony Company), Escape Artists, Eagle Pictures, Zhiv Productions

'THE EQUALIZER' in question, is in fact - an American spy thriller multimedia franchise that was initially 'co-created' by Michael Sloan and Richard Lindheim, and also originated with a television series by CBS Broadcasting Inc - aka CBS - this is an American Commercial Broadcast TV and Radio network - between 1985-89 - lasting four years and consisting of 'FOUR SEASONS' that featured about 'twenty-two episodes' a season - that's about 'eighty-eight episodes' in total - and starring Edward Woodward - star of the TV series 'Callan' as Robert McCall, a retired Intelligence agent - with a 'mysterious past', and who also uses 'his unique skills' - from his previous career - just to exact justice on behalf of many innocent people from 'his past' alone in many covert operations and who also want to pull him back in - or even settle many old scores.

Interestingly, in February 7,2021, there was also a 'second rebooted version of the original 1985 TV series - 'aka' SEASON ONE - but this time featuring Queen Latifah, aka Dana Elaine Owens - 'her real name' - as Robyn McCall, an enigmatic woman living in New York City, and also a single mother to Delilah, her teenage daughter, with a mysterious past and who also uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn to, acting as a guardian angel - and also as a defender simply for those who cannot defend themselves whilst pursuing her own redemption.

Also Latifah herself - is also the co-creator of the TV show as an 'executive producer' along with Lindheim and Sloan - the 'original co-creators' of the original TV series - in question.

Ironically, back in 1999, both Washington and Latifah both appeared in 'THE BONE COLLECTOR' directed by Phillip Noyce, an Australian film & also a TV director, whose credits as a director include 'two movie adaptations of The Jack Ryan franchise' - notably 'PATRIOT GAMES' - 1992, and 'CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER' -1994, - both of these Ryan adaptations featured Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan, - these two adaptations featured Ryan classed as 'a fictional character' for the big screen were written by Tom Clancy, an American author - best known for his technically detailed espionage and also military-science story-lines that are set 'during and also after' - 'THE COLD WAR' - interestingly 'seventeen' of his novels in question have been 'BEST-SELLERS' and also more than 'one hundred million copies' alone of his books alone have been sold alone.

However, 'THE BONE COLLECTOR' - the film - in question - written by Jeffrey Deaver - is based on the original publication of the 1997 crime novel of the same name - ie : 'THE BONE COLLECTOR' and introduces LINCOLN RHYME - a quadriplegic forensic criminalist - Washington appeared in the 1999 film version as Rhyme in question alongside Latifah as Thelma - Rhyme's nurse and also featured Angelina Jolie as Amelia Sachs - an NYPD patrol officer who assists Rhyme in catching the killer in question.

In March, 2021, - 'THE EQUALIZER' - the series - in question - was - 'renewed' for SEASON TWO - which premiered on October 10, 2021, - that same year - then in May 2022, - the series in question - was renewed for SEASONS THREE AND FOUR -SEASON THREE - in question premiered on October 2, 2022, - as for SEASON FOUR - this will be shown in late 2023 - early 2024 in question we hope, however due to the writer's strike in Hollywood this may be longer than you think - also on January 18, 2021, Lindheim - in question - sadly 'passed away' from heart failure while working on SEASON TWO - of the TV series - and it was announced that 'THE SERIES PREMIERE - in question - is dedicated to his memory.

Now the concept of the franchise has been 'rebooted' - TWICE - first with a 'couple of action vigilante movies' from director Antoine Fuqua and also written by Richard Wenk - a screenwriter - with 'THE EQUALIZER' - 2014 - and also 'THE EQUALIZER 2'- 2018 - and featuring DOUBLE-OSCAR WINNING ACTOR Denzel Washington in the role of Robert McCall.

However in the film versions McCall in question - is now a retired US - United States - Marine - and also a former Defense Intelligence Agency - DIA officer - where he resides in Boston, Massachusetts, and works at a hardware store - just to pass on the time on his day alone.

Just for the record, 'CALLAN' - was in fact - a British 'action-drama' spy TV series created by James Mitchell - sadly no relation - just by surname only - and first screened on TV in 1967, as part of the 'ARMCHAIR THEATRE' play - this was classed as 'an anthology of single plays' shown on the ITV network, - this was also classed as a 'pilot' - there were 'FOUR SEASONS' - including the ‘pilot’ - from 1967 until 1972 during this time consisting of at least 'forty-four episodes' during its tenure.

The series itself was produced by ABC Weekend TV and also Thames Television - it was proved as extremely popular by many viewers - there was also a feature film version released in cinemas back in 1974, and was followed by a TV Movie in 1981.

Woodward portrayed David Callan, an agent of the 'STATE SECRET SERVICE', dealing with internal security threats to the United Kingdom - UK -, though portrayed as having many responsibilities to those of the real life MI5 - Military Intelligence Section 5 - Callan’s ‘fictional section’ in the TV series,- for this has shades of CARTE BLANCHE - the meaning of this is the complete freedom to act as one wishes and at the same time - also simply has to use the most ruthless of methods.

However in the storylines of interrogation is in fact by means of torture, while extrajudicial killings are so routine that they have in fact a 'COLOUR-CODING FILING SYSTEM' , and despite being an assassin who stays in the socially isolating job - because it is the only ever thing that he's good at, - then the character of Callan that Woodward portrayed on TV screens, he is regarded as a sympathetic character on the screen by comparison and also to his sadistic ''upper-class colleagues'' and also his implacable superiors.

Also when it comes to doing - 'a film series' - that's known to many as a 'TRILOGY' is that there are 'three key elements' - the beginning - the middle - and also the end.

The 'BEGINNING' known as 'THE EXPOSITION' - for this is the background on not only 'the main characters' of our story and also the setting that's explained at the beginning, - the exposition, in question, will often have information about the previous events that happened before the story began and also that the exposition - is often the very first scene-part of the plot line / synopsis - in question.

The 'MIDDLE' is known as 'THE MEAT' - this represents the main journey of our story - and known to many as 'the halfway point' through our journey and also to the fact where we see the growth that's beginning to take shape - and also starting to take place -but also the 'middle section' are where the main characters involved knows that the main source of the tension between the characters - and so there's that motivation to take action of what's about to happen to the main characters.

While The 'END' of a story refers to either a 'CLIMAX' - 'steady on Matron as you don't want to strain yourself - especially in your condition' or even an 'EPILOGUE' -but that this is separate from - 'THE FINAL CHAPTER' - that comes - 'RIGHT AT THE END - and that often serves to 'REVEAL THE FATES OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS' involved.

Also,'the history' - in question - of which goes back to ancient times - ie: in Athens, in Ancient Greece, around the year of our lord 458 BC: when in the Dionysia Festivals - there were many trilogies of plays - that were in fact performed - this was originally followed by a 'FOURTH' SATYR play.

Now, 'THE ORESTELA' - in question - and written by Aeschylus - on the '5TH CENTURY BCE' - concerning the murder of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra, the murder of Clytemnestra by Orestes, the trial of Orestes, the end of the curse on the House of Atreus and also the pacification of THE FURIES - in question - were in fact - is 'THE ONLY SURVIVING TRILOGY' - of these Ancient Greek plays.

Also a 'TRILOGY' is classed as - A COMPLETE SET OF DECENT WORKS - 'THREE OF THEM' - that are completely connected - and they can either be seen as a single work - or even as 'THREE INDIVIDUAL WORKS' - from the original creators/authors - in question.

These original works from the original creators/authors - in question -are commonly found in many categories/ genres such as - 'LITERATURE', 'FILM' and also 'VIDEO GAMES', but also these 'THREE-PART WORKS' - in question, that are considered components of a 'LARGER WORK' - by the ORIGINAL CREATORS/AUTHORS - in question - also exist - such as 'THE TRIPTYCH' - in question - now 'THE TRIPTYCH'- this is classed as - 'A WORK OF ART THAT IS DIVIDED INTO ''THREE SECTIONS'' - or even 'THREE CARVED PANELS' - that are 'HINGED TOGETHER' - and can also either be classed as 'FOLDED' - SHUT - or even 'DISPLAYED' - OPEN - and therefore is also a type of 'POLYPTYCH' - this is the term for all 'MULTI-PANEL WORKS' - after all, you don't have to be a 'DO-IT - YOURSELF - 'DIY' expert - to know this - just follow the instruction manual - and use your brain to engage the most important job in hand - because there's an old saying that 'AN ENGLISHMAN'S HOME IS HIS CASTLE' - and not just because that you own your dream establishment in your own unique way.

By the way, just for the record, that 'THE MIDDLE-PART' - in question - is simply 'THE LARGEST' and is flanked by two smaller related works, although in question - there are in fact 'TRIPTYCHS' - these are of equal-sized panels - and also this form can also be used for many pendants of different kinds of jewellery - aka 'a pendant necklace and even for the love of your life.

Just for the record the 'TRIPTYCH' scene in 'NAPOLEON' - this is the original 1927 version directed by Abel Gance and that 'POLYVISION' - was the original name that was given in question by Emile Quillermoz, a renowned French film critic, to a specialized 'WIDESCREEN FILM FORMAT' that was originally devised exclusively for the 'PROJECTION' of the 1927 original film in question.

Now 'POLYVISION' involved the simultaneous projection that consisted of at least 'THREE REELS OF ORIGINAL SILENT FILM' and also arrayed in a horizontal row, making for a total 'ASPECT RATIO' of at least 4:1 (1.33 x3). However, Polyvision's extremely 'WIDE ASPECT RATIO' - was in fact - 'THE WIDEST ASPECT RATIO' - yet seen - even though that it is technically just - 'THREE IMAGES - SIDE BY SIDE'.

Then in 1955, 'THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY' developed 'CIRCLE VISION 360' for the use that was situated in 'DISNEYLAND THEME PARKS' - which used at least 'NINE' 4:3 35mm projectors to show 'A UNIQUE IMAGE THAT COMPLETELY SURROUNDS THE VIEWER' - in question . Meanwhile, this configuration - in question - is in fact considered to be classed as to be a similar precursor to 'CINERAMA' - which in fact would debut in the 1950's - 'a quarter of a century later'.

However it is unlikely that Polyvision - in question - was in fact - a direct inspiration for future later 'WIDESCREEN TECHNIQUES' - such as the likes of 'CINERAMA' and also 'CINEMASCOPE' - as the 'ORIGINAL TRYPTYCH SEQUENCE' in 'NAPOLEON' - was 'SUBSEQUENTLY CUT FROM THE FILM' - in question - by the 'ORIGINAL DISTRIBUTORS' -notably 'UFA - FILM VERLEIH - after only just a 'FEW SCREENINGS' - and was 'NOT SEEN AGAIN' - until Kevin Brownlow, a British film historian, television documentary -maker, filmmaker, author and also a film editor - compiled his own 'RESTORATIONS' of the original 1927 epic from the 1970's onwards.

It was back in 2014, when Washington in question first took on the role in 'THE EQUALIZER' as Robert McCall, - the retired DIA agent - when our hero took on many Russian gangsters in the process - and by 2018 - 'four years later' - in 'THE EQUALIZER 2' our vigilante hero returned back to our movie theaters - however this time defeated many CIA agents - who simply turned into rogue - and decided to go to 'the darkest side' - by turning good into evil - and hoping that there's a brighter future on the horizon for all of us to experience in many ways of our lives.

And now in 2023, we have 'THE EQUALIZER 3' - the third and also the final part of the movie franchise again starring Washington as McCall in question, however this final part of the film franchise trilogy from director Fuqua and also star Washington are reunited again for only 'THE 5TH TIME' - after 'TRAINING DAY' - 2001 - in which Washington deservingly won the Oscar for Best Actor as Alonzo Harris, a crooked-cop, turned rogue detective who isn't what he appears to be when mentoring Jake Hoyt,(Ethan Hawke), who's spending his first day as an LA Narcotics Officer plus 'THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN' - the 2016 remake featuring Washington as Sam Chisholm of the 1960 original directed by John Sturges and which is based on the 1954 film original epic 'THE SEVEN SAMURAI' - directed by Akira Kurosawa and featuring Toshiro Mifune,as Kambei Shimada, a war-weary but also an honourable and strategic ronin, who happens to be the leader of 'THE SEVEN' in question - but also the relationship between the star and the director of the blockbuster movie - ie E-3 - is in fact a movie that might not attract new fans of the franchise in question - but also should play well to many fans who watched the TV series - CIRCA 1985 - that enjoy watching action flicks -whether on TV or in a movie theater.

Right from the beginning, director Fuqua, takes movie audiences on a cinematic journey directly into the heart of the action as the cinematographer in charge of the camera in question as he walks through an Italian vineyard that's strewn with bodies, knives and also bullet wounds jutting out of the victims in question.

However McCall in question must be close by that's pulsating by a powerful music-score courtesy by Marcelo Zavros, and though McCall manages to eliminate all his enemies once again - 'as you do' and in the case of McCall - that it's just another day out of his comfort zone and sorting out the bad guys, once again, and although McCall gets hurt - after all - its his job - and not because he enjoys it - which he does - that McCall in question -is saved by a kind policeman (Mastrandrea), that instead of going into the hospital takes him to see the local doctor in the small coastal town of Altomonte, this happens be also a small commune, that's situated in the Calabria region in Southern Italy and who also tends to his needs - ie: - injuries - before he convaleses and recovers from his relief of extreme of severe pain.

But just as McCall recuperates from his injuries, he soon makes many connections with the locals : these include of the following that involves a flirty cafe owner, a fish-seller who won't let him pay and even a priest.

But before long McCall in question begins to relax and also think of this place and also of the many people who live in this town as his community,McCall, with his trained 'spy-eyes' begins to notice what's about to happen within this community -and also what is lurking beneath the surface - that 'THE MAFIA' - in question - has a hold on this close-knit community and also rules this community with an iron-fist -namely controlling them with the threats and also the extortion, however, McCall, as the vigilante in question wakes up and also McCall soon realises that the community who live inside needs protection from bad people who run it.

However, there's more to this mafia backstory that needs more and also involves an international conspiracy of drug-money financing terrorists, and so in desperation McCall enlists the help of a young CIA operative, (Fanning - who's all grown up now and has also come a long way since she played the character part of 'Pita' in 'Man On Fire' - back in 2004 - nineteen years ago - directed by Tony Scott - brother of Sir Ridley Scott - and also ironically starring Washington as John W.Creasy - a former CIA/ SAD - 'Special Activity Division' - officer and also a US Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Captain - turned mercenary and also a bodyguard - incidentally 'Man On Fire' - is now streaming on NETFLIX ).

Incidentally, the character of John W. Creasy - is not real - but is rather classed as a 'fictional character' and created by Philip Nicholson, an English novelist, but writing as A.J.Quinnell, for his novel, entitled as 'MAN ON FIRE', now the main character in the novel, was 'an instant hit' - but it took Quinnell almost twelve years later to come up with 'a second novel' - that featured the character - in question.

But however despite these complications - the script - in question - courtesy by Wenk - a returning scriptwriter to the film franchise in question - just about keeps things simple enough and also repeats the plot revelations - just to make it easier on the movie audience, but that it's always clear who the real bad guys are: for these men who in question are just as violent as McCall in general, and also additionally, the screenplay in general, manages to convey how McCall manages to charm the townspeople without becoming cloying or maybe even overtly earnest.

Washington in question is not only the star of the movie in question - because he is a very valuable product of what he is - and also what he does best - acting and also portraying various characters in movies that the cinema audience go along to a movie theater and also see an action star performing on movie screens, he is after all - a valuable box -office product - worldwide and that every film that he appears - turns into 100% pure gold - its also to a fact that its hard not to root for every character, that he hunts down before the ultimate sacrifice, however at the movie screening that I personally attended - there were plenty of cheering from the movie audiences, when he taunted one of his enemies, and also when the bad guys got what they deserve.

However Washington, has always 'cited the legendary actor Sidney Poitier - as - his greatest mentor - and also - his role model - all his life, and it is not hard to see why Poitier's influence - in question - in both not only his unique choice of not only parts - but also his on-screen persona, yet, while Poitier in question played 'morally upstanding characters in movies such as 'IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT' - 1967 - featuring Rod Steiger and Warren Oates plus 'GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER' - also 1967 - featuring Spencer Tracy, - this was his final role - Spencer in question passed away on June 10, 1967, aged 67 - and he personally completed this film just 17 days before his death plus the film in question was released in December 1967, - 'six months later - after 'his passing' Katharine Hepburn and also featured Katharine Houghton -Hepburn's niece -Washington was always happy to take on more ambiguous roles, even in his self-proclaimed status as 'THE BIOGRAPHY MAN'.

But beyond the righteous action and also the visceral violence - in which there is plenty of - then its Washington himself - who excels in greatness - like his swagger and also charisma - also there's more to Washington's breathtaking performance as McCall in question - like his face and voice, his distinctive walk throughout, plus his trademark gestures, and also his smirk and his pursed lips - just before he takes drastic action - for they are so recognisable and familiar that this personal journey to Italy feels like a visit with a benelovent but ruthless friend.

However, in this third instalment of the film franchise in question, Washington himself, does get to speak Italian - and no its not Robert De Niro disguised as a language tutor/mysterious gangster hitman who's teaching various students worldwide attending courses - for Washington's persona as McCall shows a gentler side to the character in general, also true to form this third part of the franchise gives him the chance to simply mentor a younger person and this time its Fanning's character as 'the spy' - in question - for their scenes together in this - have a familial undertone -even though they're supposed to be strangers - but Fanning's character brings out Washington's humorous side, as their time together becomes a short respite from the fury elsewhere.

Like its two 'predecessors' - 'THE EQUALIZER 3' - in question - demands a 'very strong stomach' - and which this delivers that serves prestigiously on a silver platter- and delivered from the likes of James Martin - other famous chefs are also available - where as the first two movies were over two hours long - the third part of the film franchise trilogy is shorter - by eleven minutes - which is fine - but I really wanted it to be longer by thirty minutes - but that's just me - for there's plenty of ingredients in an action thriller - particularly shades of 'THE GODFATHER TRILOGY' that has violence aplenty, loud bullets, body impalement and also maiming, however some of it is cruel and also draped in a veil of good intentions so earnest that its intentions are never questioned - there's also a scene in the film where a 'well-staged' SPARTACUS moment in the town square - in question - where everyone 'comes together' in a community basically to support McCall, making it not only easy to accept, even applaud, and also when the bad guys - are in fact - sadistically despatched.

Fuqua, 'the film director' in question - orchestrates the action with propulsive style - and also some of the visual motifs in this -might be obvious - such as blood running into red wine - which by the way, - 'it works wonders when shown on the big screen', and the film in question is collaborated with Robert Richardson's DP - 'DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY'S DUTIES' - which are also quite breathtaking like a brand new canvas like Michelangelo painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel between 1508 -1512 'lasting four years - and the result of this produced a very stiff neck - by the artist - in question - just by looking up at the ceiling, and that Richardson, in question takes advantage of the Italian setting and to give the movie a spacious feel.

Also the creative team, in question, knows Washington in general , as 'their ace in the pack of playing cards' showing Washington as their 'wing-man' and also showing him off in a dark and shadowy compositions - for its as if Washington was an avenging angel ascending from the heavens in the golden sky, and the music score composed by Zarvos - in question - has in fact 'two modes in its craft'- notably threateningly ominous, or even loudly throbbing -either way this is all very effective, and like so much of this film it is delivering what is expected - no more and no less.

Now Mr Washington, in question, tends to alternate between action movies and also prestigious Oscar projects, but while this film in question and also other movies like it might not win him any awards -(because after all Washington is a DOUBLE ACADEMY AWARD OSCAR WINNER - 'GLORY' - 1989 - Best Supporting Actor as Private Silas Trip and also 'TRAINING DAY' - as Alonzo Harris, a crooked cop, of which you already know about because I've already mentioned it - just in case) - or even critical raves because Washington's movies are always worth a watch either in a movie theater or even on Home Entertainment situated in your establishments, these films by Washington in general remain as watchable and also entertaining, aided in no small part by the film directors in charge.

Both Fuqua, and also the late Tony Scott, in which Washington himself made 'six films' - 'CRIMSON TIDE' -1995, 'ENEMY OF THE STATE' - 1998, 'MAN ON FIRE' - 2004, 'DEJA VU' - 2006, 'THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123' - 2009, -( this is in fact a remake featuring Washington, with support from John Travolta, James Gandolfini, John Leguizamo and Luis Guzman of the original 1973 classic entitled 'THE TAKING OF PELHAM ONE,TWO,THREE' - directed by Joseph Sargent and featuring Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw, Martin Balsam and Hector Elizondo originally released in 1974, and will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2024, - also when Quentin Tarantino originally saw this - he personally had the idea of the original characters colours featured in the 1974 original - and in 1992, 'RESERVOIR DOGS' - the 'Neo-noir' crime thriller featuring Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Michael Masden, Tim Roth, Edward Bunker, Chris Penn, Lawrence Tierney and Tarantino himself all feature in this movie classic - all the characters in this are named after colours ie : Mr Blue - and also that's complete with a killer soundtrack) and 'UNSTOPPABLE' -2010 are able to deliver 'well-made adrenaline jolts', but that Washington, in question never 'phones it in' as he's immensely present and also knowing what his movie audience really wants and also giving it to them - in true immensely fashion.

So as the embers of Summer 2023, embers and fades into a vanishing cloud and the cold dark nights of Autumn 2023, arrives, then this is an action film of a franchise that's well worth seeing on the big screen.

Don't Miss It !

David M.G.Mitchell

John Hetherington

?? We Simplify, Automate & Streamline Process for Stressed-Out CEOs, CIOs, CFOs Who Want To Improve On-time Product Delivery by 32% | Business On Autopilot | Grow Revenue, Save Cost, Reduce Risk | AI | Speaking.

1 年

My favorite is part 2. It didn't rate as highly with critics but I really liked the hometown showdown. Love the deep analysis and insights David Mitchell!

derek winnert

Film Critic/ Vue Cinemas,

1 年

This is a really unpleasant series, violent and nasty.


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