Equality of work and care in Australia

Equality of work and care in Australia

I recently found myself looking into substantive policy debate in Australia as part of my political studies at Deakin University.

I was reviewing the published article ‘Fathers and Work Overview’ by PWC as well as various literature around this subject leading up to the Abbott-Policy around paid-parental leave, some years ago now.

My initial observations is that there seems to have been a gradual shift in thinking from those men surveyed on their role in supporting a greater balance in work or care decades ago. The PWC report points out that the pure economics is still an issue however - citing cost of child care and gender neutral leave policies as two examples why. 

So really, in order for a shift to occur to achieve greater equality in work and care arrangements in Australia for men and women it would seem to require greater government intervention and investment. Especially when so many SMEs are unable to fit the bill.

I recall a paid parental leave scheme announced by the Abbott Govt back in 2013/14. Shot down by so many. What a shame!

Interested in your thoughts here ? 

I haven’t yet gone into too many other examples from overseas yet, other than to point out this one from Europe back in January of this year which seems like another missed opportunity to get the settings right?


When will Australia take this one on seriously? 

We have so much to gain! 


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