Equality is a hoax
Jean Marie Beyinda
Designer UI/UX et Développeur Front-End | Graphic Designer | Flutter Dev | NextJS Dev | Marketing Expert | YouTuber | Developer | Writer | Teacher
It is interesting to see women’s fight for equality and even though I commend their efforts, I don’t think they realize how complex of a problem this is. This article isn’t about women’s fight for equality, but rather a deeper dive into equality, what it is and the reality of it all. To put it as simply as possible, modern equality means a farmer can become president or, in other words, having the same rights and opportunities. You’d think such a prestigious position as president would be reserved for the high class of people with a long-standing family background, but in modern times the concept of equality has become just this, all epitomized by what is called “the American dream”.
Like in most situations, there is the ideal situation and there is reality, with the actuality found in the middle. Equality is such a broad topic that it is very difficult to make a conclusive statement as to what is really going on, you will first have to determine what you are talking about, where you are located, the time you are found and much more but its undeniable that as a specie we all strive for equality across the board even though it is a difficult feat to achieve. When you talk about equality, are you referring to; opportunities, justice, education, economics, democracy, gender, scientific and so many other areas of equality with each of them having their own sets of pitfalls, drawbacks and successes
Disparities in equality
You’d agree with me that no two countries are economically equal, there is a whole hierarchy of the richest countries which constantly changes, some based on their natural resources, others based on their military strength etc So will equality in this regard mean making every country be the same? Even nature has already set an inequality for us all.
Looking at the area of justice, two people commit the same crime and yet receive different punishments based on the circumstances, yet is this equality? Would you consider this as being equal? Maybe the area of justice is too complex, lets take then the case of gender equality which tends to be blamed on a system much more than the complexities of access education, economic crisis, cultural beliefs, poverty and nature itself.
Ideal equality
Equality in its simplest form is the state of being equal in status, rights, and opportunities, which in and by itself is already an impossibility. Do you expect everybody in a society to have the same status? Maybe the same rights, yes, but the same opportunities? I don’t think so merely on the basis of the differences that exist between us, rather than a deliberately designed system. For us to have equal opportunities will assume we all have the same strengths, knowledge, power, cultures, beliefs and many other factors.
The vision of equality is for a society where every individual, regardless of their race, gender, religion or socioeconomic status, have the same opportunities to succeed and be treated the same. In other words, you don’t want your race, gender, religion or socioeconomic status to play any role in the opportunities you get, so a man can become a kindergarten teacher and a woman a construction worker, so you can have a job which goes against your religion and cultural beliefs.
Don’t get me wrong
Most jobs are already all gender and the world is marching forward towards their understanding of what equality is irrespective of whether it makes any sense or not.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not insinuating that there isn’t a deliberate system which is designed to create these inequalities, but an assumption is being made that the default is equality, even without that system, the default still isn’t equality but a striking difference which sees us drift further into inequality.
If nothing else, then we are closer to equality than we have ever been before.
Reality of inequality
Despite the widespread acceptance of equality, the reality is often starkly different. Inequalities exist in every society, deeply ingrained into social, political, economic, judicial, cultural and many more structures. These inequalities materialize in various forms, such as income, wealth, discrimination, unequal access to resources, healthcare and more. Even though we would like to believe that this is by design, the problem is much more complex and made even more so by the negligence and evil intentions of a few.
One of the reasons why equality can feel elusive is because it's a complex, multifaceted concept. For example, while we might have political equality in the form of universal suffrage, economic inequality can still prevent certain groups from having a meaningful say in the political process. Similarly, legal equality doesn’t automatically translate into social equality, as societal attitudes and prejudices can still lead to discrimination. To break it down, it means inequality in one area can spill into other areas quite easily, even though we all have access to the same opportunities, our wealth still creates an inequality in the opportunities we can afford. So you’ll have to solve not only the inequality in opportunities but also the inequality in wealth.
is equality attainable
I fear the price of equality will be losing our individuality, by making us all a monolith and getting rid of everything which differentiates us from each other because you can’t expect to achieve balance with so many variables. This hasn’t stopped us from trying and digging towards equality. By design, we are already very different from each other, nature in its immense beauty already makes us unequal at so many levels, for good or for worse we fight against this design hoping to create something we’ve deemed “better”.
I think for me, the biggest question in my mind is knowing what an “equal” world looks like. Let me know what you think in the comment section
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