Epro Discharge Summaries

Epro Discharge Summaries

The Epro Discharge Summary module allows the capture and production of discharge summaries across the Trust, including a discharge tracking module for management and reporting on the discharge workflow. It includes a Drugs prescribing module which allows the recording of drug / medication histories. This is backed by SNOMED codes from the NHS England drug dictionary (D, M + D), and a formulary module to add local customizations. Optimizing the time to enter drugs, whilst respecting the safety considerations of doing so, is a key benefit of the module. A degree of drug decision support is built in, coupled with a fully customizable local formulary and system of quick access to commonly used drugs.

Epro Discharge Summaries may be used either as a standalone element fully integrated with the patient administration system or in conjunction with other Epro modules, such as Clinical Correspondence and Bed Management or linked to external systems. The module is fully integrated with other Epro modules, so that handover list information may be used to pre-populate discharge summaries, and output is suitable for the Epro electronic distribution module.


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