Episode #7: Your fancy stats aren't enough.

Episode #7: Your fancy stats aren't enough.

This month's hot take topic is brought to you by Liz Richardson.

CMA Awards season is here. Let’s be real. Not only do award applications require time investment, but not getting that “W” kind of sucks. Especially if you’ve made the effort multiple times and haven’t gotten the results you wanted. (*insert group hug*)

As someone who has looked at a lot (and I mean a LOT) of award applications, I am here to say that winning an award takes more than just sharing some killer stats. Many folks have solid numbers and really subpar applications. Submitting a successful awards application is about more than filling out a form — there’s some art. It’s about more than what you’ve accomplished - it’s about the story you tell. (You know, marketing ??)

“But Liz, that’s not fair. If I have the best results, I should win.” First of all, the “best” is subjective in a field like ours. Secondly, you can have a lot of great results to share but no clear direction, leaving your application feeling like a buffet of possible stories with no clear story line.

Here are my own Cliff Notes on how to not be that application that doesn’t make the cut this year.

  • Do Your Homework. Be sure to read the category descriptions fully. Misaligned entries are a surprisingly big factor in good applications being passed over. And if you’re unclear about what a category means, ask. Here are words I’ve heard often: “I really wish they’d applied for X. They have a much better story for that category.”
  • Repeat After Me. “I will not simply fill out the form.” Unfortunately, the competition is just too high these days - in the jobs arena and industry awards - to rely on just filling out the application. If there is the option to include visuals and supplemental elements, it is not really optional. Do it. You may be a fantastic writer but is your writing so good that it stands out more than a helpful visual? I doubt it. Do you get tired of reading page after page? So do judges. Give them a break and take on some of the effort of bringing your application to life.
  • More Is Not Necessarily More. Some of y’all love to stuff every little stat you can get into an application. I get you, overachiever. But honestly, sometimes all those fancy pants stats actually hurt you more than they help. Why? Because they muddy your storyline. It’s like shouting “squirrel!” at the poor judge at every turn, leaving them so confused about which storyline to follow that they don’t follow any and walk away hungry.
  • Ask for Feedback. Please. Do everyone a favor and have someone review your application. Have people who know your program and those who don’t scrutinize your application and make sure they story you are painting is clear. Also, grammar, spelling, and presentation do in fact matter. And when it’s all said and done, whether you win or not, find out why. Most people don’t bother to ask for feedback, but how will you improve if you don’t know where you went wrong?
  • Stop Contemplating and Just Do It. Do applications take a solid chunk of time? Yes. Do they require thoughtfulness? Yes. Does it stink when you don’t win? It can. But so many folks talk themselves out of applying before they’ve even begun. Half the battle is just getting it done. If you’ve applied, you’re already in the lead - ditch the excuses and get it done.

Am I writing this because you need to apply for a CAP Award? Duh. But I have so many tips from reading applications that I’ve been bottling up, so this is the perfect excuse. Check out the best practice resources below (including great input from previous CAP Awards winner, Kati Viscaino from Trimble) and then start your application. Deadline is August 16th!

As the CMA practice continues to expand, we're starting to see new vendor options popping up and we ?? are ?? here ?? for ?? it! Here's a couple new ones that have popped up that we're having a fun time exploring.

Peerbound [Customer Story Generation]: an all-in-one AI platform that helps marketers find, create, and deliver beautiful customer stories, slides, and more. Their sentiment analysis model listens to your customer calls 24/7 and plucks the best advocacy moments, allowing you to generate customer stories in under six minutes. ??

Zealot [Customer Advocacy Platform]: Many companies overlook opportunities with existing customers. Enter Zealot. They charge your CRM by motivating customer actions through gamification, driving increased retention, advocacy, and revenue. And with their modular design, you can invest in only the functionalities you need and expand as you grow. Have you seen these yet? Let us know what you think.

Time is running out to apply for the CAP Awards! Showcase the excellent work you're doing in customer advocacy and get the recognition you deserve. The application period closes on August 16th. Don't miss your chance to highlight your success and inspire others in the CMA community.?

?? Start Your Application

Talk Advocacy to Me | Cristina Melluzzi

August 20 | 11am CT [Captivate Collective | TATM Live]

If you find yourself struggling to get your c-suite to see the value of customer advocacy, tune in as Former Director of Global Customer Marketing and Advocacy at Cisco, Cristina Melluzzi , talks with us about building a strong case for investing in advocacy practice. It's sure to be jam-packed with helpful and actionable advice.

Obsession CLG Tour - Join Bianca in San Fran!

August 21-22 | San Francisco, CA / September 16-17 | Boston, MA [Base]

Catch Bianca Del Vecchio ? at Obsession hosted by Base - Customer Led Growth in San Francisco this month! In her session, she'll be sharing her framework for helping customer marketers elevate their storytelling programs, including how to:

?? audit the current state of customer evidence in your organization

?? identify and prioritize strategic areas for storytelling

?? fully realize your investment in content creation across the organization

Get your ticket now and we'll see you in San Francisco!

Q: How can I make sure my award applications stand out this year?

A: Here's some resources that will help put you on the path to a "W" this awards season.

Listen to our special TATM episode with Kati Viscaino , Associate Manager of Customer Advocacy at Trimble, and hear from an actual winner on how her and her team snagged a coveted CAP Award last year. Hint: they had a stellar application. ??

Then check out our latest blog from Liz FULL of hot tips for making sure you set yourself apart this season.

Podcast | Blog | Captivate Collective

Q: What makes up a solid customer storytelling strategy?

A: Build a framework that supports your priorities.

Not sure how to build one? We've got you covered. In anticipation of her session at Obsession this month, Bianca is sharing her framework for all who want to learn how to level up their own customer storytelling strategy! Read her latest blog to learn about five steps to crafting your own strategy.

Blog | Captivate Collective

Q: How do I define and categorize incentives for my rewards program?

A: Use Antavo's planning worksheet!?

Discover the major categories and characteristics of incentives and design a system that excites and engages your customers with the help of Antavo's rewards planning worksheet.

Template | Antavo

Q: What types of milestone emails can I send to improve customer engagement?

A: Userlist has a list (shocker, we know) of them for you.

Userlist offers a compilation of examples in this blog that will help you celebrate the right milestones at the right times. A winning formula for creating moments that matter. ??

Blog | Userlist

Caption This - Olympics Edition

We're big fans of the Olympics here at Captivate. Ok, mostly gymnastics, but we won't discount other sports. Like sharpshooting.?

In honor of the Olympics, and our belief that you can do anything no matter the tools you have (or don't have), come up with a creative CMA-focused meme or caption for the viral image of Yusuf Dike?, the Turkish sharpshooter who has become an internet sensation due to his "chillaxed" approach. If it makes us laugh, we may just share it on social. And we'll probably send you a fun t-shirt too. Just comment with your best captions!

Know some CMA badasses who would love the newsletter? Share it with them. Subscribe on LinkedIn or get the email newsletter delivered to your inbox a few days early.


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