Episode 441: Amateur radio topics with Mark Smith, aka SmittyHalibut

Episode 441: Amateur radio topics with Mark Smith, aka SmittyHalibut

Chris and Elecia talk with Mark Smith?(aka SmittyHalibut and N6MTS) about amateur radio, interconnect standards, and podcasting.

Mark is a host of the?Ham Radio Workbench?podcast. His company is Halibut Electronics (electronics.halibut.com). He’s been working on Open Headset Interconnect Standard and?Satellite Optimized Amateur Radio (SOAR).

Find Mark as SmittyHalibut on?YouTube,?github, and?Mastodon.

Chris talked about getting into WSPR in?197: Smell the Transistor?but we first talked about it in?76: Entropy is For Wimps

Chris has spec’d out his intended project at?QRP Labs, the?QCX+ 5W CW Mini.

The?transcript?from the show is now available, feel free to read, search and repost at your leisure.

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Items of Interest

Here's some things we've run across this week that caught our eye:

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