"An Epiphany Related to Reflecting upon Clarity's Tone"
?...Kathleen Kasper-Kat Armstrong
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"An Epiphany Related to a Reflection on Clarity's Tone" ? 8 23 23, *Rev 9 5 23 Kathleen (Kasper-Kat) Armstrong, (w)Holy Ghostwriter
Just yesterday, I uploaded notes I've been working on, that came together to show a portion of a larger picture, that is yet to be seen, for the Birthday Newsletter series I began writing around Labor Day of 2022.
Due to the time it takes to gather the notes I've written over the last few months and piece them all together (to show how they all fit together to form a larger picture) I hadn't noted several areas I hoped to clarify in the days ahead.
Today's article clarifies information (I chose to include in the previous article ) about my personal notes regarding "The Weekly Self-Care Project " by Zondervan.
You may have noticed the emotional response I stated I had, with regards to seeing where the writer had placed information within one chapter of this book. Beforehand, I stated that there is a person I ought to have worked with long ago, knowing that this person thinks deeply regarding topics that I (too) take into consideration, and yet we often see different perspectives of a more complete picture. From this statement, I jump into information about the "The Weekly Self-Care Project" by Zondervan, without showing the connection between the two statements.
The person (whose name wasn't noted) often produces books by way of Zondervan. When seeing that once again, a book from the same publishing company created the same emotional response for me, I laughed, in seeing that my response to what I read, affirmed my belief that there are some people/organizations who are more apt to partner well together than with others.
Once again, I was perceiving points in Zondervan's chronical accounting of one's soul, that are related to regions of one's soul that were only touched upon in a vague sense.
Clarity, for those who didn't read yesterday's post, is another character in the story I wrote about "Perfectly Paired Partners ." Where Grace is seen in the article for the August Newsletter , clarity intervenes (now) to reveal clarity on the topic that was started in the initial August Newsletter.
Clarity's Favorite Tools: Powerthesaurus
Out of the blue, I told a young child I worked with (years ago) that "the dictionary is your friend," when she was hesitant to look up a word for a project at school. My hope was that by presenting the dictionary as a pleasant relationship one might have with tools that are offered, that she'd enjoy and embrace the idea of researching the meaning of words more often. Let it be known, I consider my online and offline thesaurus' trusted advisors also.
When I was thinking of a more suitable term for the way I see "Clarity."
I searched for the word "color ." In selecting this word, you will see a list of ways to think about the word "color." When reading the list (like me) you may decide upon using the word "tone, " knowing that "tone" sounds like one's "toe-in " something, and that the picture selected for this article contains a foot.
Although you may have heard the term "towin the line," when reviewing the material linked in with "toe-in " you will see the Amazon song by Toto about how to "Hold the Line."
There is another reason I selected the term "tone" for this article; I also know the importance of "notes" in the scriptures. *1 Cor 14 point to how the idea of musical notes are of no use if one can't understand the purpose.
If you aren't aware of this connection in the scriptures, I've linked *1 Cor 14 to the blueletter bible site, where you can read the entire passage related to understanding scriptures.
Inspiration takes many forms:
Tools are one approach to acquiring an epiphany, and yet, there is a prophetic form that is able to bring about a two-fold epiphany. An instance where this occurred, happened this year, when I was reading the notes put together by "The Weekly Self-Care Project" that Zondervan published.
At the time I was planning a self-care project I call "setting up an encouragement entryway." I hadn't decided to list the different parts of self separately (at this point in my own project), although this is how I often do approach a project of this type.
When I observed the chosen format of the book, I had an emotional and cognitive response, that led me to seek God for enlightenment regarding parts of self that operate in comparable (and incomparable) ways.
The same process often happens when people partner with others. In seeing one person's response to a subject, another person connects to that initial response with a comparable response. This connection could be positive or negative.
In suitable partnerships, even when a partner sees differently, the two partners are somehow enabled to work in an amicable manner together to produce more enlightenment. For clarity's sake, I'll provide a representation of this point.
I realized, when listening to the article I wrote (by way of the immersive reader functionality offered on Linkedin) that I had indicated a different way to follow the weekly reading plan, for the Zondervan "Weekly Self Care Project," yet wasn't sure (*you) the reader understood the choice of term I facilitated.
I noted that the "readings can be done in a quarterly format monthly."
I provided a list of readings one could do in August to show how this could be done; however, I am aware the phrase "quarterly format, monthly" doesn't make sense to those who understand the normal context of a quarterly format.
When searching for this phrase via the edge browser, I noticed a description of school quarters. Where school quarters were defined as 4 (10-week sessions ), BING! I hope you cherish this clarity that came about when I understood that my terminology was and is defining a "quarterly format" congruently rather than synonymously.
Note: Another form of a Quarterly (1/4) Format is obtained by reading 4 segments each month for 12 months.
Using this type of system for this book, you may choose to read, 4 session chapters in one sitting. I've read four portions in one sitting and know that this only takes a short amount of time to read.
Why choose a (*quarterly format) for a monthly reading plan?
Choosing a quarterly format, for a monthly reading plan encourages a reader to not rush the process of understanding reading materials to gain more insight.
Though (*this format) is comparable to reading one chapter per week, when reading one passage from four different areas (together), during the course of an entire month, uniformity (oneness) in a collection of readings, increase perceptibility
I naturally began doing this when reading scriptures over the course of my lifetime. When done in this format, you will not only begin to see how you might implement?ideas from each area, and re-read materials, to remember what you are processing, by reading 4 passages together you may gain insights as to how the different areas are related to an Entreprenurial mental state of mind.
In "The Weekly Self Care Project" by Zondervan, the first exercise in "physical self-care" prompts readers to take a type of inventory that promotes insight. This exercise is not noted in the first set of questions for mental self-care, by reading both together, you begin to see an insightful approach to self-care in both areas.
On the other hand:
In the first reading regarding mental self-care,?a scriptural passage from (the Voice) version of the Holy Bible is noted. This passage reveals encounters that affects the way one thinks.?When an encounter is perceived as destructive, readers are encouraged to consider alternative possibilities to make.
Remember (in the previous article on this topic ) I characterize the mind's duty akin to considering a choice; whereas, the heart's physical role is to "make a choice" by following through on a thought.
When following this reading format, this also helps with understanding the connection between external and internal factors (such as those noted in the scripture passage) for the first 'mental' assignment.
Understanding forces that affect our well-being
Though not worded this way in the first mental assignment (noted above), one can deduce, how external factors affect internal wellbeing, and how internal factors affect other forms of well-being.
One consideration (might be) to ask oneself, "What could I do to change current external (or internal) factors, in order to benefit my physical well-being?
Though not noted as a "response," per se, in the book example above, the first "mental assignment" points to an external factor that produces an internal response. The questions in this section of the book help the reader to look for clues to external factors in one's own life that produce an internal reaction and the effects of that connection?(though the term "connection" isn't noted either).?
Because the book naturally connects mind and emotion in the questions, even though there are two separate sections related to the mind vs emotions; I'll show how I view these differently, knowing that this could help someone who is wanting to read this book and yet see the difference between emotion vs cognition when in the process of following the activities.?
Remember the example I noticed on internal connections verses external connections we make.?I'm not sure if it was entirely clear how I differentiate internal and external connections, so I'll give another example from my own work on this topic here:
External connection (factors) that create other connections:
An example of an external connection/factor is going outside in sunlight.?
The sunlight is the (external connection) our environment has on our being.
The connection the body makes with this (environmental factor) causes a chain reaction in the body that could be physical, mental and emotional.
Internal connection (factors) that create other connections:
On the other hand, say I realize I forgot a project I planned to complete. My heart may speed up, as a natural response to what the mind perceived as a threat.?An external factor was not present, rather an internal factor affected the other parts of self that responded to the connection that was made.?
I'll give an example of how each these "areas of self" are differentiated.
When going outside, vitamin "d"?is activated in the body; this external factor helps you to sleep.
Sleep affects your physical well-being by producing lower blood-pressure, this in turn helps the heart function better. (This is the physical effect)
Sleep affects your thinking; with more sleep, your thinking becomes clearer, and you remember more information (This is the mental effect)
Sleep affects your emotions. Sleep causes a response within your body that produces "happy" hormones, affecting how you "feel" (This is the emotional effect)?
The soul-hair-system (aka the soul) connects all of these together,?in such a way they respond in a split second, in many instances.?
2 Fun Facts:
#1 In today's article, I wanted to present a picture of clarity without sketching a complete drawing of this idea. Remembering another person who often publishes via Zondervan, I remembered a video this person produced where a conversation was recorded on the topic of clarity in correlation with water. Knowing there are specific colors of blue, that remind me of clarity, I looked for some recent portraits (I keep on my telephone) and found this one. This is only part of the complete picture, the missing piece of this portrait, shows the name of the other person (whom I was referring to in this article) who also publishes books via Zondervan.
#2 Where I noted 'sound alike' terms, towards the beginning of this article, this style is learned in higher level education courses, known as the study of linguistics. Some professionals you may know, who have taken linguistics courses are speech therapists, and/or english as a second language teachers. This "fun fact" may be complex to understand; however, one term that I remember regarding a different type of "sound-alike" term (than homophones) are related to one's mouth , such as the term labial . The link for labial is connected to a wiki page for those interested in reading about this term for themselves. The word "mouth" is connected to the Merriam Webster Dictionary site, showing the definition for "mouth."
On a basic level, words are categorized by how the mouth produces the sound. When lips are pursed together, this is one term, when one's tongue touches the roof of your mouth, this is categorized with another speech pathology term.
Knowing this, you will see, that a course of this nature, also helps one to understand how words are put together, to sound a certain way, so that one sees various perspectives.
Take the term Zondervan. How might you understand this differently, knowing about this new perspective? "s" and "z" are created in one's mouth, in much the same area. (Zon becomes Son) "o" and "u" are also created in one's mouth in much the same way. (Zon becomes Sun). Sun reflects upon water, right?
"Der," however, is created in a different area of the mouth. "Der" is created in the same way that "tour" and "door," and depending upon where you live, you may say "jar" in the same way you say "der." Pronunciation is a factor that changes words "sound alike" terms, and yet, a course of this nature teaches people how to notice areas in the mouth that produces similar words, such as "van" and "vein" or "bay-in." Noticing when one's mouth opens and closes helps to understand these "like-sounded terms."
Now, when you look at "The Weekly Self Care Project" cover, and consider the fact that (Sun) also sounds like (Sown) and (Sewn). Can you see different items on the cover of the book, that correlate to these sound-alike terms? If you found this "fun fact" interesting, you may enjoy reading the recent article I wrote about a Ghostwriter's Biblical Knowledge Base . Here one is able to see other samples of company "brands."