Epidemiology and Bio-statistics Using Stata
Dear all,
RE: Epidemiology and Bio-statistics Using Stata
FineResults Research Services would like to invite you to high impact training on Epidemiology And Bio-statistics Using Stata to be held in Nairobi from 3rd-14th February 2020
Event information
Course Name: Epidemiology And Bio-statistics Using Stata
Venue: FineResults Research, Nairobi, Kenya
Event Date: 3rd-14th February 2020
Course Fee: KES 130,000 or USD 1600
Online Registration: REGISTER HERE
Participants will learn the principles of epidemiology and biostatistics and gain skills in using epidemiological and biostatistical tools to describe, monitor and investigate the determinants of population health. The statistical background required to conduct research, describe, summarize, develop hypothesis, assess associations, analyze data, interpret and communicate results will be studied comprehensively. The course targets health care professionals who wish to consolidate their knowledge and skills and increase their understanding of the importance of epidemiology and statistics in public health today.
10 Days
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Use epidemiological and biostatistical tools to describe, monitor and investigate the determinants of population health.
- Gain key statistical background necessary for conducting valid research
- Describe and summarize data
- Develop hypothesis and analyze data
- Interpret and communicate results
Module 1:
1. Data management & graphics in Stata
Introduction to Stata
? Starting Stata
? Setting layout
? Directory management commands
? Data types in Stata
? Using Stata as a calculator
? Stata command and options
? Stata do-files
? Creating data sets directly in Stata
? Rename of variables
? Managing variables and/or variable properties
? Importing data from other software
? Exporting data to other software
? Loading data into the memory
? The in and if qualifiers
? The by prefix
? Create subsets (keep and drop)
? Create random variables (from distributions)
? Random sampling
? Sort variables
? Change order of variables
? Count number of observations
? Generate sequential numbers
? Working with dates
? Viewing data sets
? Interrupting computations
? Help
Module 2:
Creating and changing variables
? Create new variables
? Extended generate command
? Duplicate an existing variable
? Replace contents of a variable
? Convert numeric to string
? Convert string numbers to numeric
? Convert numeric values to missing and vice versa
? Recode string variables
? Decode numerically coded variables
? Transforming a continuous variable to categorical
? Reduce number of categories of a categorical variable
? Managing duplicates
Transforming variables and data sets
? Split variables
? Extract parts of variables
? Standardize variables
? Create dummy variables
? Create separate variables
? Transpose variables
? Stack variables
? Unstack variables
? Appending data sets
? Combining data sets by a common variable
? Convert datasets from wide to long
? Convert datasets from long to wide
? Some application to data cleaning
Introduction to Stata graphics
? The graphics dialog windows
? Graph elements (x and y labels, titles, legends)
? Graph appearance (marker symbol, color, size, line
? width, pattern, e.t.c)
? Multiple graphs (by option)
? Graphics syntax
? Adding text and annotations to graphs
? Saving and printing graphs
? Combining active graphs into one figure
? Graphics window (interactive plotting)
? Common graphs and chart
Module 3:
2. Biostatistics
Introduction to statistical concepts
? Review of research process
? Research designs
? Sampling techniques
? Types of data
? Descriptive statistics
? Graphs for descriptive statistics
Hypothesis testing
? Definitions
? Statistical inference
? Generalizability
? Confidence intervals in clinical research
? P-values in clinical research
? Hypothesis testing
? Interpreting hypothesis test results
Tests of differences in population means
? One sample t tests
? Two sample independent t tests
? Two sample paired t test
? One way analysis of variance
? Two way analysis of variance
Module 4:
Analysis of contingency tables
? Introduction
? Two by two tables: Proportion test
? Two by two tables: Fisher’s exact test
? McNemar matched pairs for binary response
? Other measures of association
Non-parametric methods
? Sign test
? Wilcoxon signed-rank test
? Median test
? Wilcoxon signed-sum (Mann-Whitney) test
? Kolmogorov-Sminorv goodness-of-fit test
? Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance
? Friedman two-way analysis of variance
? Spearman rank correlation
? Nonparametric regression analysis
Linear regression and correlation
? Overview
? Pearson correlation analysis
? Simple linear regression
? Multiple linear regression
? Interpret results from linear regression
? Regression diagnostics
Module 5:
3. Epidemiology
Measures of disease frequency
? Importance of measures of disease frequency
? Measures of risk and association
? Risk verses prevention
? Prevalence
? Incidence, cumulative incidence & incidence density
? Relationship between prevalence and incidence
? Stratification of disease frequency
Module 6:
Measures of effect for categorical data
? Risk difference
? Risk ratio
? Attribute fraction
? Attribute risk
? Relative risk
? Odds ratio
Measures of effect for stratified categorical data
? Mantel-Haenzsel test
? Odds ratio for stratified data
? Odds ratio for matched pairs studies
? Testing for trends
Vital statistics
? Introduction
? Death rates and ratios
? Measures of fertility
? Measures of morbidity
Clinical research designs
? Study population
? Exposure and outcome
? Study designs
? Causation
Module 7:
Case report and series
Cross-sectional studies
Cohort studies
? Cohort study design
? Ascertainment
? Advantages
? Disadvantages
? Poisson regression for cohort studies
Case-control studies
? Case-control study design
? Advantages
? Disadvantages
? Unconditional logistic regression
? Conditional logistic regression
? Definition
? Non-differential misclassification
? Differential misclassification
? Assessing misclassification
Module 8:
? Confounding overview
? Evaluation of confounding factors
? Confounding by indication
Remedies for confounding
? Restriction
? Stratification
? Matching
? Regression
? Randomization
? Interpretation after adjusting for confounding
? Unadjusted verse adjusted association: confounding
Effect modification
? Overview
? Synergy between exposure variables
? Effect modification verses confounding
? Evaluation of effect modification
? Effect modification in clinical research articles
? Effect modification on the relative and absolute scale
Module 9:
Introduction to survival analysis
? Overview
? Organizing survival data for computer use
? Censoring (right and left)
? Truncation (right and left)
? Plotting survival data (the Kaplan-Meier curve)
? Log-rank tests
? Hazard rates
? Cox proportional hazard models
Module 10:
Research ethics and statistics
? Introduction
? Protection of human research subjects
? Informed consent
? Equipoise
? Research integrity
? Authorship policies
? Data and safety monitoring boards
NB: We are offering you a half day, fun and interactive team building event!
Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700 / +254 759 285 295 or Email: [email protected]
Payment should be transferred to FineResults Research Services Limited bank before commencement of training. Send proof of payment through the email: [email protected]
Visit our website for more details
How to participate
Contact information
Email:[email protected]
TEL: +254 732 776 700 / +254 759 285 295
Website: fineresultsresearch.org/training/
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