The Epic Engage Thing
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
The Epic Engage and TUGtv; my LIFE/work. Period. I am a Leadership Educator, Speaker, Coach, Author and Creator helping Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders nobly lead for a better world at school, work, business and community; advancing Character, Purpose and Unity.
Ultimately, I am The Unity Guy.... a Strength Coach, Speaker and Educator. I teach, coach, mentor, train, facilitate, entertain, sing, dance, cartoon, write, blog, vlog, box and create to advance Character, Purpose and Unity driven leadership. That is my best sense of Service.
And, most recently, I have written on:
... and I am now reading these great books for The Summer of '23. This is what I do and who I am ... at life, play and work.
My Studentry
LP Jacks, long ago, described my own notion of "Studentry" as...
Personally, I choose Studentry over mastery. But they are one in the same to me. I have had a lifelong and robust fascination with Character and Purpose and Unity as cool forces for Strength and constructive change; ever since I can remember. It is my practice of KNOWledge. It is my focus of Studentry, indeed and in deed.
I hold conversation through TUGtalks and Digital Coffees. I am the showrunner and producer of #hUmaNITY and Talk Reel... with so much more to come. Insh'allah. My Just Cause is Humans Together Strong... building a better world and future... and I walk that purpose STRONG... with The Epic Engage and TUGtv.
If you are interested in working along side... feel free to reach out.
Do?Aim High.?
Justice, Peace and Unity...
And maybe check out...
... some additional blog and video content...