Ephesians 2:6
When Joseph was thrown into prison, his life was thought to be over. How could anyone escape an Egyptian prison? But then, in one day, according to God's perfect timing, he was instantly promoted to reign over all of Egypt with only the Pharoah?("god on earth")?as his Lord. Could there be a transformation more sudden, astounding, and dramatic! So it was for Jesus as He fulfilled the identity of Messiah, suffering to death for our sins, but then, on one day, supernaturally resurrected and now seated at the right hand of the Father?(God in Heaven). Such an amazing parallel!
Now we need to come fully to this realization: that the moment we came to faith in Jesus, the Father instantly and supernaturally delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son He loves. In one moment, we were regenerated as sons and daughters of the Most High and spiritually seated with Him in heavenly places.
Even as we remain in our flesh awaiting our incorruptible bodies, our Spirit has been born into a Holy Family and a Royal Priesthood. So, we are called to be overcomers, to war and to win, and to exercise authority in Jesus's name...
Brothers & Sisters, ...but are you still?"in the pit"??Then please take this realization to heart: the resurrection life of Jesus remains within you, enabling you to endure. And that, too is a kind of victory. As you submit to His discipline in faith, your day will come to exercise greater authority in His Name, just as it did for Joseph. He patiently endured his trial of faith and was raised up, so you also can, through Jesus's indwelling Presence, arrive at a new day of release and victory...maybe tomorrow, maybe even today! Amen.?FROM THE PIT TO RULE!