EPASSA ETAP Lecture 1- Everything about the AC Bus ID field- How do you correctly input the ID field for the bus element?

EPASSA ETAP Lecture 1- Everything about the AC Bus ID field- How do you correctly input the ID field for the bus element?

EPASSA ETAP Lecture 1- Everything about the AC Bus ID field- How do you correctly input the ID field for the bus element?

What is the ID field on the element AC bus in ETAP 24.0.0? ??How do you correctly input the ID field for the bus element?

Figure 1 shows the layout of ETAP. The main central white area is the one-line area.

Figure 1: ETAP Layout showing one line

All the elements are located on the right side. That area is called equipment or element toolbox. The first element under AC is called a Bus.

ETAP is a drag-and-drop software. So, you must drag and drop the Bus element in the one-line area.

When you drag and drop it, you will notice the Bus is automatically called Bus1. Bus1 is the default ID of this bus.

When you double-click on the bus, you open the AC bus editor. See figure 2 below. The first entry field will be colored blue around Bus1. Bus1 is the ID. ID is a short term for Identification.

Figure 2: ETAP AC Bus Component Editor

You can type any 25 strings of characters for ID. It does not matter what characters you use; any characters on your keyboards are valid for use for a Bus ID.

Look at the examples of Bus ID below.

Bus ID #1: Epassa!!!___+++$$$%        

This bus is called Epassa!!!___+++$$$%. You should notice that all the funny characters next to EPASSA are valid.

Figure 3: Sample Bus ID 1

Bus ID #2: Motor^^^^^)))))(((**+<<        

This bus is called Motor^^^^^)))))(((**+<< . Do you like those funny characters? They are valid in a BUS ID field. You can use anything.

Figure 4: Sample Bus ID 2

Bus ID #3: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy        

This bus is called abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy. Notice that the last letter is Y; it is the 25th letter of the alphabet. I typed all the consecutive alphabet letters, and I could not input the 26th letter. This is to show you that the software won't accept 26 characters.

Figure 5: Sample Bus ID 3

Real Life Example:

There are six bus IDs shown in this ETAP one-line screenshot:

Xfrm HV F87, Xfrm HV F88, Xfrm LV F87, Xfrm LV F88, Bus F87 PDC, Bus F88 PDC.

I ran power flow studies and displayed the results. For example, on Bus Xfrm HV F87, you can see the following data:

3.5 MVA

59.2 A

-92% PF. Arrow Up

100.9 %

1.79 MVA

29.7 A

-91.73% PF. Arrow up

We will discuss more of those data during the power flow lecture. The lecture is coming soon.

La Fin- The End- El Fin        


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John Francis, P.E.

Senior Vice President - Business Development at ETAP

2 周

Fantastic explanation. One addition from my end - you can also adjust the ID from the one-line directly. You don't even need to open the editor which I feel is extremely helpful for quick corrections.

Allan Fine

LinkedIn Lead Generation Expert | Helping Businesses Achieve 5-15 Warm Leads Weekly | Content Marketing Specialist | We help business owners improve their lead gen and sales development | ??DM me today!??

1 个月
Nala Natuplag

Marketing Automation Expert | Email & SMS Marketing Specialist | Workflow & Funnel Strategy

1 个月

The layout explanation in Figure 1 really helped me visualize the one-line area. Thanks!

Scott Walker

I help busy professionals get out of pain and live the life they want, withOUT wasting their precious time with ineffective approaches

1 个月

Excellent presentation.



Thierry Julio Epassa- P.E. in Sixteen USA States的更多文章

