EP9 Eric Termuende On Why You Shouldn't Pursue Your Passion & Rethink Work
Hey Empowerment Family!
This is episode #9 of the Youth Empowerment Podcast with Eric Termuende!
Who is Eric?
- Eric is the Co-Founder of Gen Y Inc. An International Speaker, Top 100 Emerging Social Innovators under 35 Globally. Eric is also TEDxBCIT speaker, Repeat delegate for the Canadian G20 YEA Summit in Sydney, Australia and Beijing, China, Global Shaper for the World Economic Forum, Calgary’s youngest Game Changer by BRANDED magazine 2014, 2015, Youngest delegate at the Ditchey Conference in Oxford, He Represented Canada at the Milken Institute’s Global Conference in Las Angeles, He’s also a GLOBE sustainability conference panelist. Not to mention the countless other accomplishments.
What did we talk about (Value Topics)
- Why you shouldn't go find your passion!
- Youth, Life, Entreprenurship!
- Rethink work!
- Big lessons and tons of value for youth entrepreneurs!
Some Questions I ask
How can youth not judge their failures as their self-worth?
What should youth look for when going to get a job?
What is the biggest asset a youth entrepreneur can have?
Action Points:
- Check out Gen Y: https://www.genyinc.com/
Connect with Eric
- https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/erictermuende
- Twitter: @Termuende
?Make sure you head to www.danielbielak.com to check out everything that's happening! ?"Small minds discuss people; Average minds discuss events; Great minds discuss idea"