EP 84: William Landsman - Actor. Director. Producer. Teacher. Engineer? Farmer? on You Booked It Podcast!

EP 84: William Landsman - Actor. Director. Producer. Teacher. Engineer? Farmer? on You Booked It Podcast!





EP 84: William Landsman

[00:00:00] Dane Reis: [00:00:00] you booked it, episode 84. 

[00:00:05] Okay, let’s get started. I am excited to introduce my guest today. William Landsman. Are you ready for this bill? 

[00:00:14] William Landsman: [00:00:14] Yes, absolutely. 

[00:00:16] Dane Reis: [00:00:16] Oh, right. right. Having grown up on a small farm in South Dakota Bill’s journey could not have been further from the acting stages of the world. After getting a master’s degree in plastics engineering, his first job landed him in orange County, California. One acting class leader. He was hooked and for the last 18 years has been acting all over the world. 

[00:00:39] Bill holds an MFA in classical acting from George Washington university. He started eclectic bison productions in Singapore and currently produces improv Annapolis. Singapore was most professional improv company and is founder of the impact actor’s studio when he’s not acting, which with the current state of the world is quite a bit, he’s enjoy spending time working on and driving his 1990 VW Westie bill. That is a quick intro of who you are and what you’ve done, but why don’t you tell us a little bit more about yourself? Fill in the gaps. 

[00:01:15]William Landsman: [00:01:15] Absolutely. Oh man. Well, thank you so much, Dan, for. Having me on this is, this is fun. You know, this is, I think this is one of those things right now, definitely feeling that need to connect with people because I’ve been thrown back on I’m back on the farm. I’m back in South Dakota, just because of the, you know, 

[00:01:33] The things that have been happened with, with COVID-19. It’s just, I found myself back home living right now. I’m kind of bouncing between family members. Staying in someone’s basement hears. In my van at other times. Um, so yeah, back back in it and it, but I think that is one of the things about the. 

[00:01:54] This industry. And I know we’ve talked about this in the past is. , you have to be a bit adaptable and ready for a little bit of anything. You don’t know what’s going to happen on set. You don’t know what’s going to happen. You might be acting , in a field somewhere. or one time I was acting in LA in a, in. 

[00:02:12] Allie. You never know when you’re going to be called upon to do. And where are you going to do these purple to perform? So I feel like right now it’s definitely the world is feeling that, , uh, which is tough, but at the same time, It’s kind of part of it, right. 

[00:02:26] Dane Reis: [00:02:26] Yeah, absolutely. And let’s move on to this next section here in bill. Look, I am a sucker for a good quote. What is your favorite quote? You’d like to share with everyone. 

[00:02:41] William Landsman: [00:02:41] Okay. So my favorite quote, and this is something I do in a lot of my, I teach improv. And one of the things I, I always tell my students is suck more. I one of my favorite it’s one of my favorite things. And they usually laugh. They snicker, , but I say to him, I say, I go, I want you to come in here. 

[00:03:00]And suck. Because if, if, if you suck in rehearsal, You’re not playing it safe. You’re not, you’re not just sitting. you’re touching what I always say to them as I go, you have boundaries, right? And I want you to touch your boundaries, which is going to be uncomfortable, but you push this boundary out. 

[00:03:19]And then in the next week, two weeks, whatever that boundary is out a little further. So you’ve by allowing yourself to suck your boundary gets to be more so that’s that’s my faith. 

[00:03:31]Dane Reis: [00:03:31] Yeah, I love that. And you’re so right. We all have these invisible boundaries that we essentially put on and impose on ourselves. Isn’t it. And we have to keep pushing those extremes because that’s also where all the really cool stuff happens. 

[00:03:46] William Landsman: [00:03:46] Oh, for sure. For sure. And I think one of the things that I see with my students. You know what I have to remind myself day in and day out as well. Uh, the nice thing is I try and create an environment that’s safe for them to fail in. , so we might not have that in our day to day. But it is a good thing to keep reminding yourself. It’s like, you know, 

[00:04:05] Realistically, if I look a fool right now, who’s going to remember in. A week, 10 days most people who care about you or, you know, want to see you succeed, aren’t going to care that you said something wrong, you know? In life or, you know, tripped or did something, you know? So, or, or, or most of the time, if you take a risk. 

[00:04:26]Most people are like in your mind, you’re saying, Oh, I’m taking the risk, this risk. And I failed, but they’ll say to you, they’re like, You took the risk. 

[00:04:34]Dane Reis: [00:04:34] Yeah, they’re more of it in all of that.

[00:04:36] William Landsman: [00:04:36] Exactly. Exactly for sure. Yeah. 

[00:04:39] Dane Reis: [00:04:39] love that. And let’s move on to this section here in bill. Of course you are an entertainer, I’m an entertainer. And I think that you would agree this industry can be one of the most subjective, brutally, honest, personally, emotional industries in existence. And, you know, you know, as well as I, that in order to create and have a successful career in this industry, like you’re having now takes a lot of dedication and hard work. And while yeah, there was an outrageous amount of fun and excitement being an entertainer, doing what we do. 

[00:05:15] There are also our fair share of obstacles, challenges, And failures. We are going to experience and we’re going to have to move forward through. So tell us, what is one key challenge, obstacle or failure you’ve experienced in your career and how did you come out the other side better because of it. 

[00:05:32]William Landsman: [00:05:32] Yeah, , that is a really good question. I mean, the, one that pops up from me. Is so back in 2000, I’d say 2008. 2007, 2008. I was, I was cast as a puppeteer, but like a very physical poverty or on walking with dinosaurs. So with that, I wore 105 pound. suit. And then would have to puppet tear this thing. 

[00:05:57]Like running around. We were running in, in venues, like. Like the United center where the Chicago bulls would play. Right. you’re your, your stage is an arena. And so one of the things would happen in that show is if you, if we ever put that we would come in with everything. So the entire, the show would come in flooring. 

[00:06:17]You know, barriers, everything lighting we’ve came in with everything, but sometimes they couldn’t plan for is we would put these, this staging on ice hockey arenas. And what could happen is it could get a little slippery. Um, so I got into, I got into the show quite quickly. There had been a few injuries in the show because you’re in this suit and you can’t see out in front of your face, you can only see out to the side and it’s a very small hole. 

[00:06:44]And the pro your proprioception proprioception is not developed. You get into this thing and. You don’t know where you are in space. So I got into this into the show, started doing it. They had an injury, somebody was sick. And I said, why? I think I can do it. I think I can jump in. So I did a week of shows and everything went well. 

[00:07:04]Then I’m up in, uh, Vancouver, British Columbia doing a show in front of 10,000 people. 

[00:07:10] And., you know, I done the show had done rehearsal. But I didn’t quite have the feel, just the nuanced feel for this thing. So I got into the show. And there’s this, there’s this dinosaur that’s laying in the ground and I’m playing a Raptor. So I run up as a Raptor and we’re supposed to pretend to eat on this. , this carcass and then we’re supposed to run around it to this point. That’s. You know, 20 yards ahead of us. As I was going around it, I caught my foot on the tail of the dinosaur that was on the ground. And at that point I didn’t have the wherewithal to know. Okay. Just push through it. 

[00:07:46]I felt it and kind of it tripped me up. So I literally ran myself into the ground. And my knee hit the ground. I pretty much just sprinted into the ground and my knees smack the ground. And then I’m laying on my side in this dinosaur suit. 

[00:08:01] So disoriented. Uh, and they called these guys wrapped a recovery who would come and get you. And they helped me up. And by the time I got up, the show is continuing to go on. And then they got me up and my, the other Raptors continued the scene I got up. And then I joined the scene and I had so much adrenaline in my body. 

[00:08:21]That I, you know, puppeteered the, head and was, and then I started running off and then that’s when I felt it, my knee was pretty banged up. I, I hit my knee pretty hard. And actually, if you go online and type on Google or YouTube, ? Vancouver, dinosaur blooper. You’ll see this, this accident. So it’s it’s online. So my accident was online. So this led to one of the toughest. I love that show absolutely loved it. So I stayed with the show for another eight months. But what started to happen is. I kept trying to work through the pain and my left leg got bigger. My right leg got smaller, but I think I was in a bit of denial. 

[00:09:04]Because I, I absolutely, it was a great show to be on. I love the team. I love the crew. We were, we were a family. I had always loved dinosaurs since I was a kid . But then one night I was in, we were in, uh, the, uh, where was it in New York city? We were Madison square garden. 

[00:09:19]And my whole body had kind of gotten out of whack. I’m running off stage and the leg on the dinosaur kind of. Kind of held up and then it just, it kind of threw me off. And I remember walking off set and I said, I go, I think I’m going to have to leave. I’m going to have to leave this, this gig. 

[00:09:35]And I ended up going to, I did six months of physical therapy. After I left. 

[00:09:42]And it never quite came back. It took me another four years. I would say after that. That whole process. So. 

[00:09:48] Until I got into. another suit like that, but. It taught me a lot about. You know, when you, you want to. I think as actors, we always want to help and we want to perform. And what it taught me was is like, sometimes you might be ready physically, but you might not be ready. You know, proprioceptively emotionally to do a show. 

[00:10:10]And so it,  it added a bit and I’d come from sports. I played. The High school football college football was very active, so I understood injuries, but I think we only have this body once. And I think what it really made me sit back and think. it can happen

[00:10:26] in an instant, and then it’s something you will deal with.

[00:10:29]For what I considered, I dealt with it probably.

[00:10:32]And I’m still dealing with today, today, not the knee, the knee, isn’t the problem. But I have things within my body, my hip.

[00:10:39]My left hip, you know, it’s like .

[00:10:41]It’s still there. And now that’s what, 2007.

[00:10:44] Eight 2008 to now that’s 12 years.

[00:10:48] These things will affect you. So it, it definitely when I go into something and there’s physicality, I approach it with caution. I’m always that, that old dude. When I say old dude, you know, I’m sure. There’s older people out there listening to this I’m 43, but whenever I’m talking to younger actors, I say, you know, just take care of yourselves. It’s your body. It’s your right. You know, .  But what I would say \ that, that I gained from it is an awareness of my body. , an appreciation of. Again, this is it. This is the one body we get and we need to take care of it. 

[00:11:22]Dane Reis: [00:11:22] Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no one gig, no one, anything. Is worth destroying your career over. And if you do have an unfortunate accident to do what you need to do, to make sure that you can heal is best. As possible. And to be very aware of that, I mean, I also remember in shows, throwing myself this way and that way and bruising myself and, you know, it got. You got a good reaction, but you know, if you got, if you got to be doing that night after night after night, it’s just impossible. You just, you never fully recovered from the night before and you can just keep breaking down over time. And you’re so right. You only get the spotty once, treat it with care. 

[00:12:01] William Landsman: [00:12:01] Yeah, for sure. For sure. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s a tough thing though. And again that didn’t. That I look back on, I look at pictures from that time and think. Man. I was in such denial. , I have a picture of my, my legs and I w and I, I kept thinking that. Oh, no, no, the pain’s going away. So it’s getting better, but I think what I was doing was I was compensating in other parts of my body.

[00:12:25]To take away the pain. But then in my mind is like, Oh, no pain means it’s good. But in actuality, it wasn’t good just because there was no pain. That’s and that’s a, that’s a tough one. That’s where I think, you know, in other places I’ve learned is finding a friend or, you know, you have a couple of trusted. I like to think of like three touchstones, like. Three people who you trust. Like really trust in, asking them, what do you think about this? Because it’s funny. You’ll, you’ll tell yourself stories. 

[00:12:57] Dane Reis: [00:12:57] Yeah,

[00:12:57] we can justify anything in our minds. Right.

[00:12:59] William Landsman: [00:12:59] Exactly. You will justify it and say, Oh no, no. You know, I’ve dealt with worse than you might have, but then it’s different time. Different thing. And, you know, wearing that suit, it just, it took a lot of physical effort. And then my body became so strong around it. . Then it was like, these things were ready to. Break, you know, because they had to take on so much of the load rather than taking it on evenly. 

[00:13:25]Dane Reis: [00:13:25] Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. . And you need to also beyond being aware of your own body and respecting that to also know that it’s okay to. 

[00:13:35]Bring that up to the powers that be whoever you need to communicate that to, from a logistical standpoint or a dance captain or the producer, anything, whoever that person is for you. It’s okay to talk about that and bring that up and to not be afraid of that because it’s your body. 

[00:13:52] And it’s not worth destroying over a job or a contract or a few bucks. 

[00:13:56]William Landsman: [00:13:56] Yup. And that, I think that’s sometimes as the thing is, you know, we get into this and we think, Oh, but this is such a good paying job. But I will say this in the, at the end of the day. no paycheck. Is worth. You’ll if you’re worth your salt, you’ll get other work. You’ll find you’ll you’ll, you’ll make it. But. Again, it’s harder to get that physicality back. 

[00:14:17]Post-injury so take care of yourself.

[00:14:20] Dane Reis: [00:14:20] For sure, brilliant advice. And let’s move on to a time that I like to call your. Spotlight moment. That one moment in time you realized, yes, I am going to be an entertainer for a living or maybe it was, yes. This is what I need to be doing as an entertainer. Tell us about that.

[00:14:42]William Landsman: [00:14:42] Oh man, that’s a good one. Okay, this kind of goes back. It’s. It was a. I remember. So I was an engineer. And I’m working as a full time engineer, plastics engineer for a medical company. But then I took, I took a class, I took a, uh, an acting class and then I took an improv class and then I. I thought, well, you know, I’ve done these two things. I should just go out and audition. And I remember my first audition. And I’ve never had an audition like it since. The, the guy kept bringing people up. It was kind of an open audition where everyone was would you don’t get very often, but everyone was there. So. There were 20 people all auditioning, any kept bringing people up. And I remember thinking it was fun. It was, I was nervous, but then I left the audition and he said, we’ll call you guys and let you know. And I remember how. How much I, how nervous I was waiting for that call. I was sitting at my desk at work as working on. You know, nasal cannula, but every few minutes I thought, ah, I wonder if I got this. I wonder if I got this. I wonder if I got this and. Nothing came in, nothing came. And then I finally called the guy and he’s like, Oh, sorry. You know, I gave the role to someone else and I remember walking or. To put in the phone down and I felt I was so crushed. And I thought, well, I’m never gonna put myself out there like that again, I’m not gonna. Ah, that was the worst thing ever. And I. I sat there and. Something in me like a couple minutes later, I don’t know what it was like in this small span, something in, uh, like, uh, and it’s, it’s weird when people will talk about this voice was like, Screw that. You know, you’re going to go out and you’re going to audition more. Because. You’re just going to get out there. And I think that was that moment that I realized, and that was kind of it. I just started doing audition after audition. Book stuff, book stuff. And this was all like community theater in orange County. But to this day, some of the best theater that I’ve ever done. Fun. And I learned so much. And then it, it grew to a point where I said, that’s it. I’m. I’m quitting. My job. I’m going to become, um,  a full time actor. 

[00:16:51]Dane Reis: [00:16:51] That’s amazing. I love that realization because you came from a completely unorthodox world for the most, uh, stories and journeys into this industry. 

[00:17:01] I love that. 

[00:17:02] William Landsman: [00:17:02] Yeah, no. And it was literally within, I, I specifically felt crushed. In a moment. And then, and then. Almost like something inside of me, it was like, get up. No. This is part of it. You’re going to do more of it. And, and I’ve never, that, that I’ve actually, since that day, I never think twice about an audition. 

[00:17:22]Dane Reis: [00:17:22] Yeah, I love that. 

[00:17:23] And let’s piggyback on that real quick and talk about your number one, booked it moment.

[00:17:30] Walk us through that day, the auditions and call backs. If they happen to be a part of it, what was going on in your life? And what about that moment? Makes it your favorite book? 

[00:17:41] Moment. 

[00:17:42] William Landsman: [00:17:42] Okay. Booked it. Okay, this is good. 

[00:17:45]Uh, so I, so I was, I was on the tour of walking with dinosaurs. And then. There was, so this company, creature technologies in Melbourne, Australia was doing a, a co-production with Dreamworks called how to train your dragon. 

[00:18:00]Dane Reis: [00:18:00] Hm. 

[00:18:00] William Landsman: [00:18:00] So, you know, kind of, I was kind of in this little group of people who still had connections with. Creature technologies. And they said, Hey, you know, you should, you should check this out. we’re going to be doing auditions for how to train your dragon. And I love those movies there. I absolutely loved those movies. But at the time I was living in Singapore, working a gig. And the audition was in, was in Melbourne. Australia. And. I had to take so many days off, but the way that the company was, they were really bad about giving you time off. But I worked with such a good group of guys who I, I went to them and I said, guys, They won’t give me time off. Will you guys promise me, , if I worked it out, so I got my one day off. And then I had on-call days. I said, do not. Call out. And I worked with a bunch of guys who I trusted, really well. So , I figured it out. I was like, you know what, I’m going to go. If I get in trouble, I get in trouble. So I bought a ticket. Flew to Melbourne Australia. didn’t really sleep the whole flight. My buddy, who I knew from Australia picked me up who had, who was kind of part of the team. We went to the audition site. Immediately. It was freezing. And I’m sitting there trying to, it was in the basement of a dance studio and I was trying to kind of get a little bit of sleep, but couldn’t. We went into the audition process. And I knew a couple of the guys there. And we went through this just crazy audition process, you know, making, making dinosaurs with our hands. I hadn’t slept . You know, , that entire day went through the process. It was very physical. There came a point where they said, okay, we needed to do a handstand from here to here. Like walking on your hands. 

[00:19:45] And, and I couldn’t do it. I was like, Nope. I go, I go, I don’t have, I don’t have that skill. I can’t, I can’t really do that. 

[00:19:51] , get to the end of this audition. You know,  I spent the next two days with . , a friend who I used to live with and I was in Singapore. Flew back home. Didn’t hear anything. At the time my partner was a costumer. She found out she got a costuming gig on, on that show. Right? And. I didn’t hear anything. , 

[00:20:10]But I knew that my partner was going to be going to Australia. So I said, well, okay, cool. I didn’t get the part fine. I’m gonna do the. 

[00:20:19]You know, process my visa do, do all the steps I need to do because I’ll just follow her down there. And then maybe I’ll try and do some acting or I’ll just kind of. Kick it around in Australia for six months. The day we left that gig in Singapore. So the day I left Singapore, I’m getting on the flight and I get a text message from that company and they say, bill. Uh, call us as soon as possible. And so. I messaged him, like literally was getting into my seat on the plane, going back to America. And I said, Hey guys, I’m just getting on my plane. Uh, , back home to America. And these, these guys are in Australia and this is I’m in Singapore at the moment. They said, Oh, okay, great. Well, when you get to America, let us know. Uh, but we have some good news. We want to offer you the role of. 

[00:21:06] A Viking and. Uh,  a suit puppeteer. 

[00:21:10]And it was one of those moments where you just, it, it couldn’t have been, you know, I was preparing for this other thing and the thing I’ll fast forward to is. Because the turnaround was so quick. They want to be in Australia week before my partner. We had had plans to go to Hawaii and visit her family. But I had to get out so quick that when I started processing and talking to the people who were prostitutes processing my work visa. They said, Oh no, no, we’re going to process it for you. And then they called me back and they were like, Hey, by the way. Uh, we’re, we’re having trouble with the visa. And then I wrote him and I said, I already process my visa. Do you guys want to use. It hadn’t gone through, but it was almost through, 

[00:21:55] I said, I think if you use my visa. , then I could come in quicker. So. You never know. So. Because I process my own visa. It got me there on time. And, you know, then I get another week’s worth of pay. Or two or three weeks, weeks worth of pay that I wouldn’t have gotten. . The thing that I liked about that was, is like, That I, I just was, well, what’s the next thing I can do. And then it actually helped me to make more money with that project. 

[00:22:21]Dane Reis: [00:22:21] Yeah, I love that. And you just roll with the punches as, as, life keeps. 

[00:22:24]Giving you opportunities are giving you different circumstances. You.

[00:22:28]You just have to look at it consciously and say, wow, man, what can I do with this? How do I make the most out of this?

[00:22:34] And then just go with it.

[00:22:35] William Landsman: [00:22:35] Nope. 

[00:22:36] Dane Reis: [00:22:36] I love that. That is such a good story. Thank you.

[00:22:39] And let’s take a moment to talk about the present. What

[00:22:43] projects are you working on now? What are you looking forward to? And look at the crazy weird time.

[00:22:49]How do you see the entertainment industry moving forward in the next couple of years? 

[00:22:53]William Landsman: [00:22:53] Okay. So what am I working on now? And I, I, nothing. 

[00:23:00]You know, it’s one of those things. Honestly, I, um, like I said, at the beginning, I’m back with my family. I’m taking time with them. And I know it might sound cliched, but. I hate nothing’s right now, I’m in a bit of a I’m in a bit of a funk. And. I’ve been in funks in the past. And I, you know, you could maybe push yourself to do something. But if you’re not inspired, What, you know, what’s gonna come out of it. This is actually, you know, you calling me has been, has been great and, and wanting to do this. This is, this is actually given me a little bit of a Oh, Oh yeah, yeah. This that’s kind of fun. . But at the same time, I’m taking time. I’m spending time with my family. Trying to just take care of those things. Just day in and day out. There’s a lot of big questions. Even beyond entertainment. Like you said that, where is the industry going? that’s a great question. , at this point,  I, I’m definitely a, I’m a kind of a slow thinker. but I would say, what am I looking forward to? I’m looking at this time for a lot of years, I’ve always wanted to bring theater back to South Dakota. So I’m looking at starting. Some improv classes, some acting classes. 

[00:24:15]Dane Reis: [00:24:15] Oh, right. right. Well, let’s move on to one of my favorite sections in the interview. I call it the grease lightening round. 

[00:24:23] I am going to ask you a handful of questions. I want you to answer them as quickly and concisely as possible one after another. Are you ready?

[00:24:33]William Landsman: [00:24:33] Yes, absolutely. 

[00:24:34]Dane Reis: [00:24:34] All right. 

[00:24:36] First question. What was the one thing holding you back from committing to a career as an entertainer?

[00:24:41]William Landsman: [00:24:41] I think the main thing was just knowing that you could have a career as an entertainer. 

[00:24:46]Dane Reis: [00:24:46] Yeah. Second question. 

[00:24:48] What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 


[00:24:52] William Landsman: [00:24:52] Oh, shoot. Take the note. 

[00:24:55]Dane Reis: [00:24:55] Take the note, 

[00:24:56]Yes. Third question. What is something that is working for you now? Or if you’d like to go pre COVID, what was working for you before our industry went on? Pause.

[00:25:07]William Landsman: [00:25:07] Producing my own work. For 

[00:25:09] Dane Reis: [00:25:09] Yes. Fourth question. What is your best resource? Whether that is a book, a movie, a YouTube video, a podcast, maybe a piece of technology you found is helping your career right now.

[00:25:21]William Landsman: [00:25:21] Oh books. I don’t get into a movies. I think just watching movies, rewatching scenes that you like that’s, you know, I have, I have kind of my own list, but if I got in, if a movie. Intrigued me. I would just watch it, watch it and rewatch it. 

[00:25:36]Dane Reis: [00:25:36] Love it. And the fifth question, if you had to start your career from scratch, but you still had all the knowledge and experience you’ve collected from your career in this industry. 

[00:25:47] What would you do or not do, would you do anything differently or would you keep it the same? 

[00:25:53]William Landsman: [00:25:53] Oh, the only thing I would say is, uh, 

[00:25:55] Maybe cause I, you know, if it’s a redo, the thing I’d like to try and do is. When I left LA in 2009, what would have happened if I would’ve stayed there in 2009 and just said, I’m not leaving and just stayed. 

[00:26:08]I think that would be, be kind of a fun. 

[00:26:11]not that I’m regret that that’s what I’d want to do, but if I was, if I had to redo, I’d be like, well, let’s see what would happen. Played out with that. 

[00:26:18]Dane Reis: [00:26:18] And the last question, what is the golden nugget knowledge drop you’ve learned from your successful career in this industry? You’d like to leave with everyone. 

[00:26:28]William Landsman: [00:26:28] Do the thing. I’ve never walked out of a. A audition or doing anything. If, if I. Did something that excited me. I’ve never walked out. Disappointed. But if I think about trying to do the thing that they want. Then I might kick my butt, kicked my butt a little bit, but if I go in and I go, yeah, that’s, that is what I wanted to do. And they didn’t book me or they booked me or whatever. I’ve I’ve always felt so much more fulfilled from that. 

[00:26:56]Dane Reis: [00:26:56] Yeah. There’s so much to be said about that, to just do what you do. Don’t try to figure out what their box is , and what puzzle pieces they’re trying to put together. Just. Bring you to the table offer that. You’ll feel good about it. 

[00:27:09] And if it fits in, it’s meant to be, and you fit their puzzle piece.

[00:27:13]You’re great.

[00:27:14]Then you can leave confident. 

[00:27:15]William Landsman: [00:27:15] And you leave confident. And in all I did, I did a ton of casting director workshops. Um, Before I left LA and the biggest thing all of them would say is like, you know, bring in your, brand, your thing, you do the thing that you do and do it well. If you don’t fit for the thing we’ve brought you in for. If you do your thing. And this has happened to me before is I didn’t get the part. For the one, but then they were like, Oh, he was, he was, that was awesome. But it doesn’t fit. And then they’ll bring you in for something else. They’ll remember you. 

[00:27:48]Dane Reis: [00:27:48] Yeah, such good advice. And to wrap up this interview, bill, it is time to give yourself a plug. 

[00:27:56] Where can we find you? How do our listeners connect with you? Is there anything you want to promote?

[00:28:01]William Landsman: [00:28:01] Mm promote right now, nothing that I’m promoting right now, but you can find me the best place to find me. 

[00:28:07]Uh, www.eclecticbison.com. That has links to improv Annapolis. Uh, something we never got into it just, you know, is a week will energy is kind of more of a looking at like fitness through art. , uh, you know, it has links to stuff that I’m doing. As, as things will come up, but no, nothing really to plug except, uh, I hope everyone’s well, wherever, wherever you are, and wherever you’re hearing this. 

[00:28:33]Dane Reis: [00:28:33] Beautiful. And for everyone listening out there, I’ve put the link to his website in the description of this episode.

[00:28:38] Bill. Thank you so much for being here, taking the time to share your journey.

[00:28:43] It was a pleasure.

[00:28:44]William Landsman: [00:28:44] Awesome. Thank you so much, Dane. 



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