EP 166: Alison Faulk – Choreographed for PINK, MADONNA, BRITNEY SPEARS, CHANNING TATUM, and more on You Booked It podcast!

EP 166: Alison Faulk – Choreographed for PINK, MADONNA, BRITNEY SPEARS, CHANNING TATUM, and more on You Booked It podcast!



Take Your Career to the Next Level!

Work 1-on-1 with Dane, host of You Booked It.



EP 166: Alison Faulk (autogenerated)

Dane Reis: [00:00:00] you booked it. Episode 166. Okay, let’s get started. I am excited to introduce my guest today. Alison Falk, are you ready for this? Alison? 

[00:00:14]Alison Faulk: [00:00:14] I’m so ready.

[00:00:15] Dane Reis: [00:00:15] Brilliant is an LA based, a choreographer and director who has had an absolutely stunning and bonkers career. It would quite literally everyone take me an entire episode to mention everything she has done, but.

[00:00:30] Here are a few highlights for you. She has co choreographed Pink’s Funhouse tour. She was supervising choreographer for Brittany Spears is femme fatale world tour. And then Madonna’s am DNA world tour. She choreographed chatting Tatum’s film magic Mike, and is a choreographer for magic Mike live. She has also worked with Jennifer Lopez on numerous occasions for live shows and TV appearances, and has been in a multitude of movies.

[00:00:58] TV shows and commercials. Alison, like I said, that is a very, very, very quick synopsis of what you’ve done, but why don’t you tell us a little bit more about yourself, fill in the gaps and a little bit more about what you do as a professional in the entertainment industry.

[00:01:18] Alison Faulk: [00:01:18] Yes. Sure. Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited. This is super, super, super fun. Um, yeah, that was definitely, uh, uh, those were some highlights for sure. Um, Well, I’m what I do in the industry at this point is I’m a choreographer and I’m beginning to dabble and creative direction and also a little bit of film direction.

[00:01:37] So that’s super exciting. And I started off as a dancer, you know, I’m, I’m still to this day, like such a dance geek. I love. Dance so much and every form of dance and just learning about dance and exploring, and just learning different styles and learning from different people and sharing with different people.

[00:01:56]Um, so yeah, I was like a competition kid. I went to all the conventions and whatnot. Um, I’m from South Florida. So, um, that’s where I trained. Um, and then I would, yeah, I’d go to conventions. Um, you know, like once a year there wasn’t very many conventions back when I was little. Um, Um, but the highlight, we would go to Tremaine dance convention and, um, you know, they, they have these auditions and you can possibly win a scholarship to go train in LA.

[00:02:18]Um, which I did, which was so freaking cool. And when I kind of take my mind and bring it back to that, uh, mindset of when I was a kid, I mean, it was just like, my mind was exploding. The fact that I was going to, to LA, but so, you know, I, I, uh, that was always my dream to go out and, um, study and then become a professional dancer, which was, you know, lucky enough to do.

[00:02:35] And, um, Yeah, I, kind of dabbled in like many different styles with, you know, in kind of like different worlds in the, uh, in the entertainment industry, out there, not the entertainment issue, but just the, um, commercial dance industry, you know, kind of like the technical aspect and also like the street dance and hip hop aspects, um, which has been really cool.

[00:02:51]Um, and. Yeah. I mean, I toured for a long time, I toured with different artists, um, and then tons of film and television, which was exciting. And I feel like I was gifted this, this career of this masterclass with all these people that I got to work with and just learn from, and whether it be the choreographers or the dancers I was around, it’s been a really cool ride.

[00:03:12] And. Weirdly enough. I kind of still, still feel a kind of just starting if that makes any sense, like, yeah. It just feels like the more you learn, you just have so much more to learn and share and whatnot. So, um, but currently at this very moment, um, most, these last few years, most of my time is dedicated to magic.

[00:03:28] Mike live. Um, I work with Teresa Espinosa and Luke and Channing Tatum, and we all created this. Live show together and we choreographed it and we’re in four different cities. Um, with COVID we’ve had to kind of go dark for a little bit, but I’m currently in Australia in quarantine.

[00:03:49] Dane Reis: [00:03:49] Whoa. Very cool.

[00:03:51] Alison Faulk: [00:03:51] Yeah. And get our, um, Australia show up and going and Sydney.

[00:03:57] So we’re just beyond thankful and excited. To begin this journey here. We were so excited to bring some fun and light and love back into the world. I’m so excited.

[00:04:09] So

[00:04:09] Dane Reis: [00:04:09] Yeah, very cool. Very cool. And let’s dig into this first section here and Alison, look, I am a sucker for a good quote. What is your favorite quote? You’d like to share with everyone

[00:04:25]Alison Faulk: [00:04:25] Yeah, I have to say I don’t have one favorite quote, but, um, I just read a book that I really loved and it went through and I picked a couple out. Um, I’m going to read you two if that’s okay. Um, Um, it was the book I read was big magic, creative living by, um, crave, living beyond fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. And it really spoke to me is this book that.

[00:04:46]Um, talks to the creative on any level, whether you’re creative for fun, whether you’re creative for work and everything in between. And it kind of speaks to the different things that you might be dealing with, you know, that internal model that you have going on. Um, one of the first quotes that I really liked was you can measure your worth by your dedication to your past, not by your successes or failures. And I, I find so much comfort in that because. I can only speak for myself, but I feel like with what we do, there’s this, um, there’s. Sometimes we put words on how we’re looked at by other people. I mean, I mean, many times we are, but having this comfort of knowing I’ve dedicated so much of myself in my life, and I’ve really done my best.

[00:05:29] That is your measure of success, not actually by what other people think about you. And I feel like that that measure of success or failures is, is such a. A poignant way to put it because sometimes where we find success and it might not be quote unquote, like we had to work so hard for it, we kind of kind of stumbled upon it.

[00:05:47]So, uh, I feel like it’s a dangerous place sometimes to go if you’re patting yourself on the back for like, you know, maybe something that like, did you kind of stumbled on which isn’t a bad thing, but if you’re really trying to take measure and stock of like, where are you in life? Cool. Okay. I dedicated myself so much to this path.

[00:06:02] That is your success, you know, so I really

[00:06:04] Dane Reis: [00:06:04] sure. It’s really about the journey. Hey right. It’s

[00:06:07] Alison Faulk: [00:06:07] Yeah, Yeah,

[00:06:08]Dane Reis: [00:06:08] resume line is great to have, and we love those peaks in our career, but. Those moments are also a bit fleeting sometimes aren’t they like the thing happens and you’re so grateful and excited that it did happen, but then you’re back at it the next day.

[00:06:22] It’s still needing to train still needing to move forward. That’s

[00:06:25]Alison Faulk: [00:06:25] Absolutely

[00:06:26] Dane Reis: [00:06:26] that’s the journey.

[00:06:27]Alison Faulk: [00:06:27] the journey. Um, and the other one I really liked from that book was, uh, it’s a simple and generous rule of life that whatever you practice, you will improve that, which such it is such a simple and generous rule. Um, but it’s one of those things where if you’re ever getting in your head, It’s like that thing of like one foot in front of the other persevere, just show up, show up and do your thing day after day after, day after day.

[00:06:51] And then when you look back, you’ll be like, you know what? I did, whatever you’re trying to get better at or improve that or flourish. And you look back and you’re like, yeah, I, I, I did move forward because I put it in the time of the practice. So yeah, those are my, those are my, those are my quotes for you.

[00:07:09] Dane Reis: [00:07:09] Yeah, love them. Thank you for sharing both of those and all that to get into this next section here. And Alison, of course you are an entertainer. I’m an entertainer. And I think that you’d agree that this industry is one of the most subjective, brutally honest. Personally emotional industries in existence.

[00:07:30] And you know, you know, as well as I, that in order to create and have a successful career in this industry, like you’re having now takes a lot of dedication and hard work. And while yes, there is an outrageous amount of fun and excitement being an entertainer. Doing what we do. There are also our fair share of obstacles, challenges, and failures.

[00:07:50] We are going to experience and we’re going to have to move forward through. So tell us, what is one key challenge, obstacle or failure you’ve experienced in your career and how did you come out the other side better because of it.

[00:08:03] Alison Faulk: [00:08:03] A failure. You know, I I’ll tell you, I, as a choreographer, um, I was on a job one time and this, in my mind, this was the job pinnacle of success in my mind. And, you know, and, um, I had such a reverence for this job and. To this day, I have a lot of reverence and respect for that job, but through circumstances and whatnot, the job became very difficult.

[00:08:34]Um, and I was showing up every day, persevering really like putting my best foot forward. But for many reasons, The job and people on the job and what not really, really, really, really, really took an emotional and mental toll on me. Um, and I would say it broke me down. It was, uh, it was, uh, it was a really difficult thing when I was done.

[00:08:56]I, I didn’t want to work for another six months. I had to take time and remember who I was as a person. Yeah. It was really, really difficult. Um, and. Gosh, it comes to me. I know this sounds crazy. You know, everybody would handle that difference. There was a lot of things going on that I, I probably shouldn’t discuss or disclose.

[00:09:14]Um, and it’s one of those things where each day, knowing how difficult it was going to be in the, you know, the possible, like mind situation that was going on. I really had to choose to look inside myself. I know that I was in charge of my own happiness and I was making the choice to persevere through this.

[00:09:33] And I respected this job and I respected this position and I respected the artist and I was gonna finish the job. And it, that was my decision. It almost broke me. Um, so I guess looking back on it now, I probably would have stood up for myself a little bit more in the moment and in the job and been okay with that.

[00:09:58] But I was so determined not to rock the boat or cause any more problems than we have going on that I chose to take this like silent, let me tough it out kind of position. Um, and what it taught me is that. I’ll never sacrifice my own insanity and peace of mind again for something like that. Um, there’s a line for me at this point.

[00:10:28]So, um, I won’t say yes to something. That I know I’ll be unhappy. So I guess it really created a boundary for me that I didn’t know that I needed to create, and I am still happy. I did. The job is wonderful. And I learned so many things  you know, about choreography and direction that I never would have known.

[00:10:48] And I saw people and went places that I never would’ve been exposed to. So there were so many wonderful things on there. Um, but I. when the job came back around, I politely declined, you know, and that was a challenging thing for me, seeing how much I, the reverence that I had for this person in this job.

[00:11:04] But, um, boundaries they’re, they’re important, you know, I mean, I think as performers sometimes. Especially like gig gay performers, like the thought of turning something down. You’re like, well, how’d, they just turn something down. Like it’s money. It’s like work and it’s a contract and, you know, but I realized, gosh, my happiness is more important than this job.

[00:11:25] Dane Reis: [00:11:25] uh, uh, yeah. Yeah, but you know, sometimes we have to experience that and, you know, you know, like you said, it was really challenging, but I learned a lot, a lot of things that, you know, just the practical skillsets for this industry, but also learning about. Yourself and what you’re okay with and what you’re not okay with.

[00:11:45] And unfortunately, I think the only way to really get that kind of a all encompassing view of ourselves is to have situations that are not ideal, you know, so we can have those experiences. But what I really appreciate through that whole story is that you said you would consciously made this decision to say, you know what, I’m choosing.

[00:12:07]To go in there every single day. I’m taking ownership of the fact that this is my choice to be here. Right. Right. Versus unloading all of these negative emotions and things onto the colleagues that you were working with. Right. Right. Cause that’s

[00:12:23]Alison Faulk: [00:12:23] Yes.

[00:12:24] Dane Reis: [00:12:24] to take ownership is everything. And then from there, that is what allows you to grow from that.

[00:12:29] And then. Politely declined the next time it comes around, but take it, take it for the positives that you can take out of it. Uh, and learn, like you said about yourself, learn about the industry, but to, to have total ownership is the takeaway.

[00:12:41]Alison Faulk: [00:12:41] Yeah. Yeah. I’m glad that that resonated with you. I mean, it’s, it’s been, it’s I mean, it’s, it’s been, it’s been a while now. It’s been many years since this experience and, um, yeah. It’s interesting how that when you look back on like such pivotal moments that. You realize more and more things, but yes, it definitely was a conscious choice of mine.

[00:12:59] And I am thankful for the experience as challenging as it was. I’m I’m really thankful for that time. It was, I didn’t, I also like really just saw like how strong I was, you know, you know, I was like, wow. Okay, good for you. Yeah.

[00:13:13]Dane Reis: [00:13:13] Yeah, for sure. Not that you want to do that every single day for the rest of your career, but Hey, you know, you know, you’ve got that in your back pocket. If you need to pull it out, you know,

[00:13:21]Alison Faulk: [00:13:21] Yeah. And it really like, I mean, I don’t think about that time often, but thinking back on it now, it just makes me so much more grateful for my day-to-day now. And the people I’m involved with and the job I am involved with now, like our family, this magic miracle, I have families just like legit that a family like everyone respects and cares about each other and has like the greater good of the cast and crew and the show in their heart.

[00:13:47] And. Yeah, it’s really freaking cool. So I just really thankful for that

[00:13:52] Dane Reis: [00:13:52] Oh, 

[00:13:53] Alison Faulk: [00:13:53] to be involved with that. Yeah. 

[00:13:57] Dane Reis: [00:13:57] good. And let’s move on to a time that I like to call your. Spotlight moment. That one moment in time you realized, yes, I am going to be an entertainer for a living or maybe it was, yes. This is what I need to be doing as an entertainer. Tell us about that.

[00:14:19]Alison Faulk: [00:14:19] Yeah. Well, before I tell you that moment, cause I do remember it very clearly. I’ll tell you that. Um, my parents are, um, my dad’s a musician. My mom was a singer, so I grew up w you know, going to see my dad play. He plays trumpet and he recorded for tons of artists and toured with a ton of people. So it was kind of like a normal thing.

[00:14:38] Like the showbiz type situation there, wasn’t like a. Taboo like, Oh, you’re taking a step into this like crazy thing. It was just like, , yeah, yeah, we get it. Like, it’s really hard, but we get it. You know what I mean? So I remember when I was in, um, we had traveled my dance studio, you know, like traveled in the summer to go compete.

[00:14:57] And, um, I, it was the first time I traveled to New York. I think that was 10 years old. And we were taking a class where a dance educators of America. We’re taking a dance class during the day. And there was, uh, these two assistance, um, Nancy Omera and Tice Diorio who I’m so fortunate to be friends with now and have been able to work with them.

[00:15:20]Uh, and I saw them, uh, performing and dancing and assisting, and I was like, what the heck? I was like, Oh yeah, this is. I don’t know it, like, I didn’t know what it meant to actually be a dancer, like for a living, but I knew that was for sure what I was going to be doing. Absolutely. I was like, 

[00:15:39] Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. So I saw these two dancers and it was just very clear to me that this was going to be what I did for the rest of my life. . Um, and then when I was 14, I was on scholarship at germane dance center in the summer. And I saw these scholarships students that did a year long scholarship there.

[00:15:58] And I was like, Oh, yeah. Yeah. That’s definitely like, I’m definitely going to audition for this. This is, this is what I want. I want to be in LA doing this kind of dancing for sure. It was very clear and absolute and kind of unwavering, you know, I mean, that’s a bit of my personality as well though, is so, you know, I’m not very gray.

[00:16:16]Um, so, so you know, this feeling came over me and it was just. So clear and I am actually so thankful to God, the universe, whomever that I had this very, very strong, clear feeling and knowing in my heart that, Oh yeah, this is what you’re going to do. It’s like a beautiful gift.

[00:16:36]Dane Reis: [00:16:36] Yeah, for sure. I love that. And let’s piggyback on that real quick and talk about your number one, booked it moment. Walk us through that day, the auditions and call backs. If they happen to be a part of it, what was going on in your life? And what about that moment? Makes it your favorite? Booked it moment.

[00:16:59]Alison Faulk: [00:16:59] Yes. My book moment, uh, is, is really fun. Um, it was it in, I guess, 2000, 2001, it was for the Janet Jackson all for you world tour. Um, Um, I had, I know it’s really funny. I won’t talk too long about the way all of the, the ways it connected, but. I’m Teresa. Espenosa my, one of my partners who we’ve danced in Corrigan together for over 20 years now, she had just finished the velvet rope tour.

[00:17:29] And when I had gone to see her on tour, she was like, Oh, you’re going to be up there one day. And I was like, I was like, that’s crazy. Like what? Because it, especially, I mean, I mean, at least in my mind at that time, that was like the job, you know? you know? And the one thing, you know, you know, one of the people that you’re like, Oh gosh, I.

[00:17:46] I would really like to dance for that person, you know, and I had just worked with the two choreographers, Marty Kudelka and Sean at Hurd. Um, We were, uh, we were dancing for pink for the AMS, uh, Theresa myself. And there’s a bunch of us doing that job. So, you know, I knew them I’d worked with them. So that was pretty cool.

[00:18:01] And then, uh, this audition came around and I was so nervous. I think I was crying. I was so nervous. I just got so freaked out or whatever. Oh, there we go. So you sell up, right? And it’s like, there’s, you know, more than a thousand people, they’re bringing you in, in groups. I was so nervous. I could barely learn choreography.

[00:18:15] Then I stepped out and reviewed it in the. Driveway. This is at the old millennium dome for anybody that knows the dome and LA it’s not there anymore. Um, so went through that day, got on tape, made it through. Everything’s gonna be okay. And then, um, Sean, at one of the choreographers said hi to me. I was like, Oh, she remembers me, you know, type thing.

[00:18:36]Um, and then the call back day, I think that got whittled down to. 70 of us like men and women. And it was really cool because especially at that time in LA the, the group of dancers, wasn’t that big of people that were like, kind of around a lot. So I remember when we stood in this like giant circle and everyone held hands and like we said, like this, I don’t, I don’t know if it was a prayer, what we did, but we all kind of like wished each other like good luck.

[00:19:00] It was very supportive, which is. I dunno, kind of rare for like an audition like that. Um, and they were looking for one girl, which I was like, well, clearly I’m not going to get that. But there was the music video happening and they needed seven women. And so in my mind, I’m like, well, maybe I have a shot for this seven person thing.

[00:19:20]Right. So I went through the call back, um, I feel like I did the best I could. Like, I actually like, felt like good about my audition. And then she’s, Janet’s there at the table. like, And like, you know how, when they line you up, like, You know, like so-and-so so-and-so come down and say so and so go upstage. My position was literally straight in front of her.

[00:19:38] And so I’m breathing, ah, get lowered like, Oh God, I’m just like brain don’t fail me down. I made it through. And I was like, Oh, thank you. Sweet baby Jesus. I made it through. And then, so the, the, the, uh, uh, and the street was, um, if you get the video, you’ll find out within the next 24 hours. So. I felt good about the audition.

[00:20:00] I was like, I did all I could, who knows, day comes around. I don’t, I don’t get a call and I’m like, Oh man, that’s a bummer. You know, You know, I really, really, really, really want a job. So at this point, um, I, this, during the next month, I’m on tour with. A Swedish pop group named the eighteens and we’re in Europe and we’re doing like all these spot dates and whatnot, and we’re doing the same TV shows and a lot of the same performances that the Janet people are doing.

[00:20:27] So we run into them all the time and it was really cool. And I go, Hey, Hey, so then my little like month long, like spot day gig ends with this switch pop group. And I’m back in LA and an in, I went to Kinko’s like, Because that’s what you would do when you get your resumes like coffee. So I’m at Kinko’s to get my resume, like just copied or whatever.

[00:20:49] And I think. Then, Oh, the next day I was getting ready to go assist, um, Eddie Garcia and Chris Judd on a Jennifer Lopez video, which I was already like, so excited about it. I was like, Oh my God, it’s so exciting. So Kinko’s getting the resumes and I run into Gilda Lau, who is one of Janet’s. Choreographers.

[00:21:06] And now it’s like her director and like everything. And I think I looked really awful. Like, additionally, I was like, just like, CRA like looking like crap. And I’m like, Oh crap, there’s Gail. And he’s like, he’s like, Hey girl. And I’m like, how are you? He’s like, like, it’s so funny. Your name came up yesterday in conversation.

[00:21:26] And I was like, Oh really

[00:21:28] Dane Reis: [00:21:28] Oh, really?

[00:21:29] Alison Faulk: [00:21:29] yeah. You know, You know, look, Oh, we, you know, we, you know, we, we need to swing for, um, the janitor and we want to know if you want to do it. And I was like, wait, what? They were like, yeah, we need another girl for the tour. And I was like, Oh, why? And just in Kinko’s bawling, crying, bawling, crying. And my agent called me the next day.

[00:21:49] And I. Book the tour. And then additionally, one of the women on the tour left, so I got the fourth spot. I was the fourth one. It was crazy.

[00:21:59] Dane Reis: [00:21:59] that’s amazing.

[00:22:01] Alison Faulk: [00:22:01] it was so crazy. I was, so I have chills say get right now, it was such a pivotal, like amazing time and moment and Oh my God.

[00:22:14] Dane Reis: [00:22:14] That’s I love it at this, probably one of the most unique book that stores being in Kinko’s and just run into the guy. And he was like, right. We just want you to be in the show. It just so casually.

[00:22:25] Alison Faulk: [00:22:25] Say very casually and I’m freaking out and like crying of course, because you know, it obviously meant so much, you know, and, and that started, then I toured with her for a year. Um, And just learn so much as a performer and like got to do so much amazing choreography and, you know, it was around all these other like super great dancers.

[00:22:45] And so it was just like, just to be at that, you know, that level of excellence be required of you like immediately. You’re just like, Whoa, it’s really awesome. It’s really,

[00:22:54]Dane Reis: [00:22:54] Yeah, so cool. And let’s take a moment to talk about the present. What projects are you working on now? What are you looking forward to? And. It’s a weird time amidst this global pandemic. How do you see the entertainment industry moving forward in the next couple of years?

[00:23:13]Alison Faulk: [00:23:13] Yeah, so. Right now I am in a magic Mike live universe for short. Um, Um, we’re working on getting all four of our shows back up and running during these COVID times. Um, so it’s been really unique to kind of figure out how to make this very, very interactive show. COVID safe, which we’ve done. It’s really cool.

[00:23:37] So we’re excited to like share that with everybody. Um, so I’m really in the thick of that right now. And, and I’m just more thankful than ever to even have a job during these times. Like it’s such a privilege, like even even more so than normal, but just to have a, uh, kind of the steady place to land. Um, so.

[00:23:52]I’m here in Australia and then I’ll be going directly to London and then I’ll be coming back to Las Vegas and then I’ll be going to Berlin just to get everything up and running. And then we have a couple other projects with magic mic that we can’t disclose yet. I do, but yeah, so I’m doing that. And then, um, and then I kind of started dipping my toe in the, uh, film directing world.

[00:24:19] And I shot a short, last summer and I just finished it and I’m submitting it into film festivals currently it’s called daydream and it’s an ha has a narrative in it. And it’s, um, one of our dancers from London, Sebastian, Tom Yetta. Sweet Italian guy. It stars him and there’s a dance in it. And, uh, yeah, that’s kind of where I’m at right now.

[00:24:40] And as far as the industry, the entertainment industry during slash, after COVID, you know, I, I don’t have an answer to that, but I have theories, um, and entertainers are so resilient and creative and we’re not, not the type of group to be told. No, and then take that back. Okay. Fine. I think everybody is just so creative with how they.

[00:25:04]Other avenues and other ways of getting shows and film and TV going. Um, I’ve been particularly impressed with the different film and TV productions that I’ve seen going on and the lengths to which they go to keep everybody safe. And get things going. Um, the larger scale of how it impacts us as an industry.

[00:25:25] I don’t think any of us will understand for a very long time. I, I know that jobs have been few and far between, and I think that’s been really challenging for people, but I do think we bounce back and because most people in the arts, they’re not in the arts, you for money, they’re in the arts because they have to be, they love it.

[00:25:45]It’s, it’s just what they’re. They’re being beckoned to do it’s it’s not like somebody is like, Oh, I want to be rich. Let me be a dancer, honey. No, No, no. It’s like, you have to, like, Seoul is like begging you to do this and you’re not okay if you don’t do this. So, you know, I think that we’ll find creative ways and outlets.

[00:26:04] I know many people have been. Connecting online through teaching and through shows and different things online, like dance classes online, and then internships online. Like I think that’s been exploding, which is very cool. Um, and then, yeah, I’m, I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful for it all. I mean, I think the best thing we can do as a community is.

[00:26:25] Be there for each other and really reach out and help each other and lift each other up and promote what each other is doing. If you see something like work that’s right. For somebody said, admit them, let them know, like the more we can really boost each other up in this time. I think that that’s just the way we’re going to be able to get through it because it’s the end of the day, like really who knows what the heck’s going to happen?

[00:26:48] Who the heck knows.

[00:26:49] Dane Reis: [00:26:49] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s clearly, obviously a massive mystery, uh, but I love your. Insight and that you say, Hey, help each other out, you know, more, more than ever before, because I think sometimes people get caught up in coveting information and opportunities. And at the end of the day, it doesn’t serve anybody to do that.

[00:27:11]Alison Faulk: [00:27:11] Yeah. Um, I also feel like it just kind of expanding on that topic a little bit, that in general, like, especially gig to gig people, there is that tendency sometimes to be like, Oh, I need that job at that job. Or there’s not enough jobs. And I really feel like, I truly feel like.

[00:27:26] There is enough for everybody. There is enough for everybody support each other, lift each other up and you will have your time. You will have your moment. You will find your lane. There’s not a lack. And especially in this day of the internet and YouTube and social media, there’s just. So many more avenues to create your career than there were in the past.

[00:27:51]You know, it’s what, what being a dancer, a performer looks like is just so different. You know, somebody might be really successful, you know, have a very successful career and it’s purely online, you know, and you know, and somebody might take the more traditional route of, you know, being a live performer or whatnot. So I really think the more we support each other.

[00:28:09] I just, I think that in all the times actually just support each other, lift each other up, you know, it’s, it’s hard enough as it is, you know, the last thing you need is somebody coming for you. So if you can help somebody just offer that hand, reach out, you know, like it’s, it’s the time where we need to reach out to each other, even if it’s just a kind of like, you know, it doesn’t even have to be about a job right now.

[00:28:28] I feel like as artists and performers, like it’s, uh, It’s a sensitive time. Just reach out, you know, say, Hey, I’m here, I’m around. If you need me, Hey, I’m here. And I’m around. If you want to workshop some ideas, you know, safely, you know, with a mask on or anything. I just, I just think the more we like extend a hand and like really, really focus on our humanity.

[00:28:47] I think that’s going to be a good building block to build everything back up again.

[00:28:51] Dane Reis: [00:28:51] I totally agree with you. And it is time to move on to one of my favorite sections in the interview. I call it the grease lightening round. Hi, I’m going to ask you a handful of questions. I want you to answer them as quickly and concisely as possible one after another. Are you ready?

[00:29:12] Alison Faulk: [00:29:12] Oh, I’m so ready. I love this.

[00:29:13] Dane Reis: [00:29:13] All right. First question.

[00:29:15] What was the one thing holding you back from committing to a career as an entertainer? Okay. Second question. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

[00:29:26]Alison Faulk: [00:29:26] your reputation precedes you

[00:29:28] Dane Reis: [00:29:28] Yes. Third question. What is something that is working for you right now? Or if you’d like to go pre COVID, what was working for you before our industry went on? Pause

[00:29:40]Alison Faulk: [00:29:40] hard work showing up discipline, dedication. That’s that’s always a can’t beat that.

[00:29:46]Dane Reis: [00:29:46] fourth question. What is it your best resource? Whether that is a book, a movie, a YouTube video, maybe a podcast or a piece of technology you found is helping your career right now.

[00:29:58]Alison Faulk: [00:29:58] I’m loving CLI studios, online dance classes with studios closed, trying to keep it moving, trying to keep learning. And that’s been such a great resource.

[00:30:10] Dane Reis: [00:30:10] so good. And the fifth question, if you had to start your career from scratch, but you still had all the knowledge and experience you’ve collected from your career in this industry, what would you do or not do? Would you do anything differently or would you keep it the same?

[00:30:27]Alison Faulk: [00:30:27] gosh, I think I would keep it somewhat the same, but I would have a little bit of peace of mind of knowing about the casting process and that legit it’s not personal and it’s not about you half the time. Being on the other end of the table has been eyeopening. Just understanding of that process.

[00:30:43] Dane Reis: [00:30:43] Oh, I’m so glad that you said that, because that idea that it’s like, we’re just one little puzzle piece. In an entire production. Right. And it really isn’t personal. And I’m so glad you said that because it’s been coming up a handful of times through different interviews. And I think that’s a big reason why this podcast has become such a great resource for aspiring entertainers or those of us that are in the thick of our careers.

[00:31:09]Right. Because. By having someone like you, who’s been there done that at such high levels. We’re seeing this, that this is a fundamental, uh, a through line for this industry. And I’m so glad that you’re here to say that to just add more legitimacy and resource for all the listeners out there.

[00:31:28]Alison Faulk: [00:31:28] Oh, my gosh. All you can do is be the best version of yourself, you know, you know, and whatever you can do to do that, do it, whether it’s learning a new dance style or, or just, I mean, there’s a million things you can do to better yourself, but at the end of the day, that is all you can do. And I promise you, there is a place for you, especially in this day and age, there is a place for everybody that really wants to make it a career.

[00:31:53] There’s a place and there’s an Avenue. And I would just say persevere. It’s just, the more times you show up, like it’s a numbers game. Just show up and be your full self and know that you will find your spot. You’ll find your place.

[00:32:06]Dane Reis: [00:32:06] Aw, so good. And the last question, what is the golden nugget knowledge drop you’ve learned from your successful career in this industry? You’d like to leave with our listeners.

[00:32:18]Alison Faulk: [00:32:18] it’s what I just said. It’s persevere. It’s show up. Be a good person with good intentions and you can’t go wrong. Keep, stay curious. Um, keep growing, like that’s such a big one. Keep growing, keep trying to better yourself and keep showing up. If you love it, if you really want to do it, persevere. And then show up with, you know, a good attitude, happy to be here, easy to work with.

[00:32:45] I’ve always heard, you know, my friends say, and it’s so true. The more you, the more you or yourself and know that it’s really not about you all the time and that your happiness begins with you. Nobody else. You’re going to show up and be such a asset . To the production, to the film, whatever it is.


[00:33:06] Dane Reis: [00:33:06] solutely brilliant. Thank you for that. Everyone. Please rewind and listen again. And to wrap up this interview, Alison, it is time to give yourself a plug. Where can we find you? How do our listeners connect with you? Is there anything you want to promote?

[00:33:24]Alison Faulk: [00:33:24] Yeah. So you can sign in Instagram. I’m at Alison underscore folk, a L I S O N underscore, and then folk that’s F as in Fred, a U. Okay. Um, I have a website that’s very soon live it’s Alison faulk.com. And then you can check out, um, my short films website, which is daydream short. If you want to check out any of our magic Mike live shows, um, you can search magic Mike, live on Instagram, or basically anywhere and find and find and find some fun videos and stuff.

[00:34:01] That’s always fun and happy. And yeah,

[00:34:05]there you have it. Those are my plugs.

[00:34:08] Dane Reis: [00:34:08] I love it. And for everyone listening out there, I have put the links to everything. Alison just said into the description of this episode. So you can easily connect with her and also be sure to share this podcast with your fellow entertainers, coaches, teachers, arts, and entertainment educators, and end the one, you know, you know, aspiring to create a career in the entertainment industry.

[00:34:31] It is the number one resource of expertise on how to actually create a successful entertainment career case in point, everything alison just talked about today. If you enjoyed this episode, please hit that subscribe button. So you don’t miss the next one.

[00:34:47] Alison, thank you so much for being here today. It’s been an absolute honor and pleasure to have you on.

[00:34:53]Alison Faulk: [00:34:53] Oh, it’s been such a lovely time. And thanks for having me. It’s been really special and. Honestly, just a highlight of my quarantine for sure.


