EOY Memo to Customers (2024)
Hello ... David here. The end of 2024 is upon us. It's been a wild year for Commonly Well, as you'll read below. This note was shared with customers this week. We're sharing with you because (a) we believe in transparency, and (b) we're really proud of our evolution and progress this year.
Thank you for your interest and support in what we do.
The TLDR from Kirby. An annual reflection highlighting the launch of Solomon, Commonly Well's recovery management software, and Kirby, an AI-driven analytics and decision-support tool. While overcame expected challenges, the team commits to enhancing functionality, guided by feedback. A detailed 2025 development roadmap prioritizes impactful features like insightful dashboards, automation, and AI-generated recovery plans.
Today's Intel is 1,560 words, about a 7-minute read.
At Commonly Well, we’ve spent the last four years focused on building practical solutions to address the challenges in behavioral health. We’ve listened, learned, and applied that knowledge to create tools that make a real impact.?
The result is Solomon—a brand-new software designed to manage recovery, measure recovery capital, and turn data into insights that guide decisions and recovery planning. Solomon offers new ways to track recovery progress through tools like the Recovery Growth Assessment and the Recovery Quotient. We’ve also been working on Kirby, our AI-driven tool that’s modernizing data analytics and reporting to help you be more effective and sustainable.
This year has been one of growth and transformation for Commonly Well. We've made remarkable progress in a short time, and none of it would have been possible without your patience, support, and trust in us.
Thank you.
Thank you for inviting us into your businesses and missions to support you as you serve people navigating the recovery process.?
Your willingness to partner with us from the beginning has been key to getting us to where we are today. We are deeply grateful for your belief in our ability to serve you as you continue to serve others.
Solomon Update
With a small team and limited resources, Solomon was released in September. At the time of this memo, we are finalizing the core functionality of Version 1. The final features of v1 will be released by JANUARY 15, 2025.
We recognize that this change has not been easy or smooth for you. In fact, for some of you, it has been disruptive. We apologize for any inconvenience it has caused your organization, team, and those you serve.
We have learned a lot during this time. Thanks to your continued partnership, we are organizing and applying those learnings to Solomon and all the work we do.
Let’s review some of the current limitations in Solomon and the development roadmap ahead.
Many of you experienced our old (rented) solution. That solution had over 6 years of development and more than 150 engineers working on it every day. It had a lot of functionality we liked but it wasn’t designed for the ins and outs of addiction treatment and recovery support operations or clients.
In less than 10 months, we organized and prioritized certain functionality and features. With a team of 4 engineers, we moved Solomon from nothing to what you see today.
Solomon (v1) has some key limitations.? As you’ll see on our roadmap we are rapidly resolving those limitations.
What’s on the Solomon development roadmap?
Our Development and Product Philosophy
Developing, releasing, and maintaining Solomon has challenged us in positive and difficult ways. Our conversations with you and your feedback empowers us as we discern how we want to design, develop, and cultivate this technology. Thank you for your creative feedback and requests. It has supported us in creating our development and product roadmap and the philosophy that guides us on the journey.
Our first principle will be: less is more.
We cannot build a product that is everything to everybody. What we can do is apply our diverse experience and expertise to design and curate a set of tools that makes you and your operation a little better every day.
How will we focus our efforts and resources?
We hope that by publishing our development roadmap and committing to monthly releases, we can provide you sufficient notice and training (if necessary) for new functionality.
We also hope to take advantage of the “slow down to go fast” mindset. We’d rather get a few things really right.
We’re a little different — and that’s great.
Our team is diverse in every sense of that word. Each of us have wildly different life experiences. Our individual educational attainment is striking. And our professional expertise is unlike most in our space. It means we approach problems differently; and our solutions aren’t anchored in or burdened by the status quo of our field.
We are building Commonly Well in an unconventional way — which might be the only way to see sustained progress and impact.?
Again, thank you for your patience, grace, and faith in us during our time of evolution. We’re grateful for your trust in us and the partnership nature of our relationship.
Recovery from addiction or a mental health condition does not happen overnight. Measuring that change requires long-term and steadfast commitment. It requires a strategic prioritization of data and outcomes — which can be challenging when resources are limited and people in need seek your solace and service.
As we continue to evolve, we remain deeply grateful for your trust and partnership. Providing technology that strengthens your mission—offering people a path to recovery and hope—is our privilege and responsibility.
On behalf of our team at Commonly Well — Johanna M. Dolan , Justin Smith, Ph.D. , Ariel "Air" Britt, MSW , and Jennifer McCann, PMP — our best wishes to you during the holiday season and happy new year!
David Whitesock , CEO