EOA celebrates our Women in Science on International Women's Day 2023 - Janet Anstee
Earth Observation Australia Inc
An Incorporated Association for ALL people who collect and use earth observation data in Australia.
This year the theme for the United Nations Observance of International Women’s Day is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.
Earth Observation Australia Inc (EOA) celebrates the commitment and endurance of our women members to study and forge careers in the science of Earth observation (EO). Our early career and experienced members hold positions in all sectors of the Australian science community – government, research, education, and industry – and contribute to the promotion and development of STEM skills by way of education, research, mentoring, and presentations, to name a few.
In recognition of the importance of STEM education, we are pleased to present a personal story from one of our outstanding women members - Janet Anstee , Research Group Leader Aquatic Ecosystem Processes, Coastal and Oceanic Systems, CSIRO Environment. In this short post, Janet describes what attracted and inspired her to study and work in the science of Earth observation.
“As a keen scuba diver, I've always had a fascination with underwater environments.?So, when I first laid eyes on the stunning beauty of coastal waters captured in satellite imagery - featuring seagrass, corals, and the lively, swirling waters I know so well - I knew I had to work with this data.
I find great satisfaction in combining our detailed ground observations with satellite data to create accurate maps of water quality and substrate coverage. Although I sometimes feel guilty for getting paid to work in such special places like Kakadu, the Kimberley, or Torres Strait, I've also had my fair share of experiences at less picturesque wastewater treatment sites such as Werribee in Victoria and Bolivar in South Australia - each of which has its own unique charm!
I have been part of CSIRO for over 28 years, focusing on Aquatic Remote Sensing. My research has involved:
Using Earth Observation (EO) products has greatly enhanced our ability to monitor changes in water quality on a large scale, resulting in the more efficient management of aquatic systems.
These EO products have also made a significant impact towards achieving several United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG14: Life below water.”
EOA membership is free and open to anyone interested in Earth observation and we celebrate and encourage all aspects of diversity. If you are interested in joining our community, please consider becoming a member here.?