Enzyme-treated Starch (INS 1405): Properties, Uses, and Regulations
Starch is a complex carbohydrate consisting of multiple glucose units linked through alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It comes in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), with the latter formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modifications.
Enzyme-treated Starch (INS 1405)
Enzyme-treated starch is a modified starch obtained through a process in line with good manufacturing practices (GMP). This process involves treating food starch in an aqueous solution at a temperature below the gelatinization point using one or more food-grade amylolytic enzymes, resulting in minor fragmentation. Enzyme-treated starch may also undergo bleaching following GMP.
Key Information
Enzyme-treated starch is labeled as INS No. 1405 and has the following descriptions:
Uses of Enzyme-treated Starch (INS 1405)
General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) Provisions
The General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) provides guidelines for the use of enzyme-treated starch in food products, even if they haven't been previously standardized by Codex.
Here are the provisions for the use of enzyme-treated starch in different food categories:
(1) Coffee, coffee substitutes, tea, herbal infusions, and other hot cereal and grain beverages (excluding cocoa)
This category includes ready-to-drink products and their mixes and concentrates, such as chicory-based hot beverages, rice tea, and instant coffee. Enzyme-treated starch can be used at a level consistent with GMP. It is specifically intended for ready-to-drink products and their pre-mixes.
(2) Fermented milks (plain), heat-treated after fermentation
This category encompasses plain products like yogurt and plain drinks based on fermented milk that have been heat-treated after fermentation. Enzyme-treated starch can be used as a stabilizer or thickener, following GMP.
(3) Fermented milks (plain), not heat-treated after fermentation
Similar to the previous category, but for plain products not subjected to post-fermentation heat treatment. Enzyme-treated starch can be used as a stabilizer or thickener, specifically in reconstituted and recombined products, following GMP.
(4) Other sugars and syrups (e.g., xylose, maple syrup, sugar toppings)
This category includes various syrups like maple syrup, caramel syrup, and decorative sugar toppings. Enzyme-treated starch can be used at levels consistent with GMP, with the exception of maple syrup.
(5) Renneted milk (plain)
This category covers plain milk coagulated by milk coagulating enzymes, including curdled milk. Enzyme-treated starch can be used at levels consistent with GMP and is found in dairy-based desserts like pudding and flavored yogurt.
These provisions outline the authorized use of enzyme-treated starch in different food categories, emphasizing adherence to GMP.
GSFA Table 3 Provisions
Enzyme-treated starch is a food additive covered by the GSFA General Conditions in Table 3, allowing its use in specific foods when good manufacturing practices (GMP) are observed, as detailed in the Codex GSFA Preamble.
Additionally, it can be employed in heat-treated buttermilk (under Fluid milk (plain)) and spices (within Herbs and spices), even though these categories aren't explicitly mentioned. Keep in mind that food categories in the Annex to Table 3 are exceptions.
Enzyme-treated starch is deemed suitable for foods complying with the following commodity standards: CS 105-1981 and CS 249-2006.
This versatile additive serves as an emulsifier, stabilizer, and thickener.
This regulation applies to the following food categories:
NguyenStarch - Vietnam Tapioca Starch Manufacturer and Supplier
Website: https://nguyenstarch.com
Contact: +84 988 791033
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