It's shallow and stupid to envy others. Each human being is a bundle of many amazing abilities. We only need to calmly obey that ancient injunction: Know Thyself.
What's vital is being true to oneself. You know you are unique. So, the task is to use one's abilities for the advancement of humanity. No matter how small.
Envy bespeaks superficiality and discontent. It also reflects a lack of creativity. Most times, you envy others their material possessions, but you do not seek to emulate their work ethic!
There are people who work 10x than you do, and who produce astonishing value. Would it be fair that all have equal outcomes?
We also have different dreams. Some people want to build a family. Some want to build start-ups. Some people want to teach children. Some people want to build skyscrapers. While some want to compose symphonies that will live forever...
As long as it's a positive pursuit. Put in your whole heart. The crux of the matter is the value you're adding to humanity, not the stuff you get to buy.
It's stupid to envy others. If they have noble qualities we can learn from them. But, if we have the wisdom and mindfulness to know ourselves, we'd be astonished at the immense gifts we'd discover!