Envy of knowledge By Bernardino Nilton Nascimento
Bernardino Nilton do Nascimento
Montagem Eletromecanica e Comissionamento/ Global Goodwill Ambassadors(GGA)Brazil
Nothing is sadder when we realize that, as a result of our findings, certain personal commands, uncontrolled, are destroying the ability of evolution.
Unfortunately, today it is very common to find people jealous of knowledge, and without the realization that this sentiment is clear to everyone around him. It is a negative energy on your ability. However, we should not bring us down, because this envy is short-lived in its path. The speed of daily practice will speak what is true and false.
Envious of knowledge are capable of pity. Throughout the history of human evolution, knowledge requires delivery, perseverance and exchange. Always present, the complexity of knowledge must carry a clear conscience of evil.
Knowledge passes from hand to hand, and only coming up in the presence of laziness and lack of will. People who cherish this kind of bad feeling are always in search of the destruction of those who, with great difficulty, managed to abstract ideas and notions of what tirelessly sought.
Who feeds the worm of jealousy is a restless, troubled one who does not see that this same worm can make you very ill. They are insecure people, who might well also acquire all the knowledge necessary for its proper success without want the failure of the other.
We have to know to what extent we are letting slip the opportunity to learn. We must be as close as possible of knowledge, absorbing and taking advantage of all opportunities that lead us to the intellectual and spiritual growth, leaving no room for laziness and envy. The human being must, yes, wisely food right ambition that, when properly nurtured, will serve as a lever for your willpower.
Instead of envy we feel proud that we are sharing the same space with those who have already obtained the knowledge. Who is sure of what he says see the hours pass without fear. Who takes the next bit of knowledge, one day you feel the sadness hit her heart, remembering the missed opportunities by envy given time.
The acquired knowledge is not to be kept in an impenetrable box. It should be generously socialized with everyone who wants to improve. Acquiring and transmitting knowledge is a source of pride and nobility. Afford to absorb the knowledge that the other has to pass is cause for gratitude and humility. We have to transform the feeling of envy of knowledge in the joy of the birth of learning.
The envious of knowledge is noisy and elusive. Just in time to show what he can do is to realize that, out of sheer vanity, lost the opportunity to drink at the fountain of whom, with much struggle, over time, acquired an experience that only the years and the experience allows solidify.
These people carry in his face clearly visible marks. Brands are heavy, hard and cold, typical of those who can not take no trace of humility. They do not know what is the lightness of being, much less know the pleasure of shared knowledge. To paraphrase Adorno Vicente Espinel, Spanish poet: "If men had within the soul humility and gratitude, would live in perfect peace."
Join those who have the knowledge to them who want to learn the truth, it is part of the highest degree of human wisdom. It is the true leaders of this union consciousness.
Show open to learning is part of the evolution of consciousness. It is always smart to maintain a clear channel to the new, the unexpected and, in this case, to experienced. The exchange of experiences is always enriching. We all have much to give and to receive even more humbly speaking.