Envy Kills Business: How to stop the green eyed monster from ruining your life
Ladey Adey
Is there a book in YOU? From idea to Amazon or Bookshop we Mentor you through each stage.
Ladey writes from a faith base on business and topical issues helping Believers in today’s workplace and at home.
It’s called a deadly sin for a reason and it is also the tenth commandment: Do not Envy. Strangely enough, advertising uses envy at the heart of its campaign. Subtle messages convey the need to be like someone else, have what someone else has and generally want to have more—regardless of your financial circumstances. It used to be termed ‘keeping up with the Jones’s.
Have you ever bought something that you didn’t need? I have all the time, and most times it is a pleasure, but when you buy something you don’t really need and then it never comes out of its package – what is that all about?
- Is it part of the shopoholic syndrome?
- Is it taking something for instant gratification?
- Or it is part of satisfying an envy impulse?
These can be hard questions, especially if like me and you do not like to be ‘called’ on your indiscretions.
Let me tell you Jessie's story:
Jessie had an idea that Envy Creep was a reality ... read more