Environmental Services for the Solid Waste Community
Chapman Environmental Services
Chapman is your source for environmental solutions.
Environmental Services for the Solid Waste Community
Chapman maintains a full staff of highly trained and motivated individuals who work the front lines of a variety of construction phase, operational phase and close-out phase waste facilities. Leachate collection, on-site remediation, wastewater discharge, flares, and methane collection systems are all currently being maintained, monitored and operated by Chapman’s talented field personnel.
We offer a variety of part-time and full-time operation services to best suit your site’s needs.
We Value Safety Above All!
Safety is our top priority when working at your site. Health and safety regulations are equally as important as the environmental regulations we assist your facility with. Both the facility and service provider must be acutely aware of each issue and task routinely performed at the site and each hazard which could reasonably be identified during a work shift.
Chapman’s experience successfully operating at a variety of active and closed solid waste facilities has enabled us to provide a safe and consistent work product at many sites where daily job hazards are encountered. Task Hazard Analyses, Lock-out Tag-out programs, and worker safety evaluations are all services Chapman routinely provides to our client base.